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Margaret Atwood says it's "a form of slavery to force women to have children they can't afford"

Margaret Atwood says it's "a form of slavery to force women to have children they can't afford"

Impact6.4.2017Margaret Atwood has an eerie prediction about the outcome of abortion restrictions, one that bears an uncanny resemblance to the dystopian future depicted in her hyper-relevant novel, The Handmaid's Tale. Speaking at New York City's Book Con on Saturday, Atwood argued that when states obligate women into childbearing, they institute "a form of slavery," reported. State-mandated reproduction has two outcomes, she said: That women die, and that orphanages fill up. Atwood referred specifically to Texas, where Gov. Greg Abbott is poised to sign . The legislationnot only requires...

June 4, 2017
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Trump's promise to "work tirelessly" on Christmas means golfing with buddies and ignoring COVID relief

Trump's promise to "work tirelessly" on Christmas means golfing with buddies and ignoring COVID relief

Impact12.25.2020Despite his family's for Christmastime at the White House, Donald Trump has chosen to spend his last holiday season as president in Florida at Mar a Lago, the so-called "Winter White House" to which he frequently retreats when it comes time to do . Under normal circumstances, this would not in and of itself be all that noteworthy. Presidents frequently take some time off around the holidays (or, at least, ease up on their ordinarily breakneck schedules as much as the responsibilities of their office allows) and Trump is hardly the first executive to . But these are not...

December 26, 2020
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These shadowy groups are spending millions to put Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court

These shadowy groups are spending millions to put Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court

Impact10.8.2020Senate Republicans have made it clear that nothing — not, not the overwhelming, — will stop them from putting Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court. And according to filings made with the Federal Elections Commission and compiled by, they aren't alone in their effort.Billionaires, interest groups, and lobbyists have already pledged tens of millions of dollars to advertising campaigns urging Barrett's confirmation, the Sludge report found. Among the biggest backers are energy executives, Big Oil interest groups, and supporters of the continued use of fossil fuels. The roster...

October 8, 2020
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Study Reveals It Costs Less to Give the Homeless Housing Than to Leave Them on the Street

Study Reveals It Costs Less to Give the Homeless Housing Than to Leave Them on the Street

Impact3.26.2014The news: A new study has found that it's to house the homeless than leave them on the streets.University of North Carolina Charlotte researchers on Monday that tracked chronically homeless adults housed in the Moore Place facility run by Charlotte's Urban Ministry Center (UMC) in partnership with local government. Housing these people led to dramatic cost savings that more than paid for the cost of putting them in decent housing, including $1.8 million in health care savings from 447 fewer ER visits (78% reduction) and 372 fewer hospital days (79% reduction). Tenants also...

March 26, 2014
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Michael Flynn wants Trump to send the military into swing states to "rerun" the election there

Michael Flynn wants Trump to send the military into swing states to "rerun" the election there

Impact12.18.2020Former three-star general, Defense Intelligence chief, and National Security Adviser has hardly been shy about his, erm, enthusiastic support for President Trump — all the more so after Trump for lying to the FBI as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the 2016 president election. But even the that's colored Flynn's political activism of late seems fairly quaint in comparison to his most recent interview with the ultra-right-wing Newsmax network — Trump's favorite post-Fox rebound date — in which he essentially advocated for a military coup to redo...

December 19, 2020
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Trump reportedly baffled that Mike Pence can't simply declare him president again

Trump reportedly baffled that Mike Pence can't simply declare him president again

Impact12.24.2020Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the he received in November have been both — so much so that the posed by an unstable autocrat doing his best to pull off an have been mitigated (or at least obscured) by the sheer of the whole thing. With his options in the courts dwindling, Trump has now reportedly set his sights on that will cement Joe Biden as the next President of the United States, once and for all. That certification — essentially the final, prerequisite formality in Joe Biden's home stretch sprint to Inauguration Day — is traditionally overseen by the President of...

December 25, 2020
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Trump's latest pardoning spree is just corruption at its purest

Trump's latest pardoning spree is just corruption at its purest

Impact12.24.2020Just one day after responsible for the in Iraq, President Donald Trump continued his sprint toward the end of his administration with a late Wednesday evening. While this latest round of beneficiaries doesn't sink to the amoral depths of Tuesday's quartet of literal war criminals, it does highlight Trump at his most unambiguously corrupt.Nestled within the of 25 full pardon recipients, and three additional people who received sentence commutations are former Trump campaign head Paul Manafort, flamboyant Trump consiglieri Roger Stone, and Charles Kushner, father of Trump's...

December 25, 2020
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Why are gay men obsessed with powerful women?

Why are gay men obsessed with powerful women?

Many of us credit a powerful female celeb with giving us the courage to bust out of the closet.Pride6.9.2022I knew there was something different about me when I first heard Cher’s “Believe.” Her robot voice belted over the radio while I was on my way to my first grade class, and the sheer strength of her vocals shook my organs. I couldn’t tell if the person singing was a man or a woman, where they came from, or what, exactly, they were singing about. All I knew was that the music I was hearing made me feel free.When I learned who Cher was years later, I became obsessed with both her look...

June 10, 2022
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Let these pro-choice quotes propel you into the streets

Let these pro-choice quotes propel you into the streets

As Rep. Cori Bush once said: “We have nothing to be ashamed of.”Impact6.24.2022It’s official: The Supreme Court has issued a decision that overturned Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Following decades of attacks from conservatives, it may seem like anti-abortion movements have won. But even as Roe falls, the fact that it ever existed serves as a powerful reminder that Supreme Court precedents come and go. Movements to protect abortion, however, are forever. As the fight for reproductive agency wages on under a new light, there’s a lot of comfort that can be found in our own words —...

June 25, 2022
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'Roe' is overturned. What now?

'Roe' is overturned. What now?

The Supreme Court’s decision is now final. Here’s what we do now.Impact6.24.2022The Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade making abortion a federal right has been under threat since the moment it was decided. From on abortion clinics to state politicians drafting so-called trigger laws, the path of Roe’s overturn has been long. And when conservatives took control of the Supreme Court in late 2020, most people knew that Roe’s days were numbered — even before the leak last month of a , written by Justice Samuel Alito, that foretold the court’s decision. But on June 24, the Supreme...

June 25, 2022
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