Trump's promise to "work tirelessly" on Christmas means golfing with buddies and ignoring COVID relief
December 26, 20202 min read379 words
Published: December 26, 2020  |  2 min read379 words
Impact12.25.2020Despite his family's for Christmastime at the White House, Donald Trump has chosen to spend his last holiday season as president in Florida at Mar a Lago, the so-called "Winter White House" to which he frequently retreats when it comes time to do . Under normal ci...
Trump's promise to "work tirelessly" on Christmas means golfing with buddies and ignoring COVID relief Read more

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Political Agenda
June 25, 2022
Boring review of a president that is not liked by the author. Journalists need to learn how to report facts rather than torment the readers with their tantrums. The content ranted and was void of meaningful facts.
June 25, 2022
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