About Us
Credder is keeping news honest with the world’s largest news review platform. Like “Rotten Tomatoes for news”, Credder aggregates article reviews from verified journalists (Critic Score) and the public (Public Score) into overall credibility scores for each article, author, and outlet.
With trust in online media at record lows, Credder’s database of news reviews and ratings helps readers avoid time-wasting clickbait and quickly find the most trusted information on any given topic. Our mission, with the support of online readers everywhere, is to make news compete for credibility, not clicks.
Credder's journalist and public credibility scores also solve an urgent problem facing content platforms such as social media, search engines, web browsers, news aggregators, programmatic advertisers, and content management systems. These platforms are under increasing pressure from their own users, the media, and regulators to address content credibility issues, but they do not want the responsibility of making editorial decisions and risk losing their “platform” status (Section 230 Compliance). By licensing access to Credder’s easy-to-integrate Enterprise API, content platforms of any size and type can outsource their need for a content credibility solution to Credder.
To learn how credibility is reviewed on Credder, visit our Rating Page.
To see the most credible authors and outlets, visit our Leaderboard.
Do you have concerns about how Credder deals with trolls, bots, and gaming the ratings? Contact us.