Michael Flynn wants Trump to send the military into swing states to "rerun" the election there
December 19, 20202 min read326 words
Published: December 19, 2020  |  2 min read326 words
Impact12.18.2020Former three-star general, Defense Intelligence chief, and National Security Adviser has hardly been shy about his, erm, enthusiastic support for President Trump — all the more so after Trump for lying to the FBI as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investi...
Michael Flynn wants Trump to send the military into swing states to "rerun" the election there Read more

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Great Context
June 25, 2022
This article not only gave me pause, it frightened me. The idea of using the military to redo an election in a swing state is repulsive. It is difficult reading this material, it must be quite an endeavor to research and write the article.
June 25, 2022
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