Trump's latest pardoning spree is just corruption at its purest
December 25, 20202 min read466 words
Published: December 25, 2020  |  2 min read466 words
Impact12.24.2020Just one day after responsible for the in Iraq, President Donald Trump continued his sprint toward the end of his administration with a late Wednesday evening. While this latest round of beneficiaries doesn't sink to the amoral depths of Tuesday's quartet of liter...
Trump's latest pardoning spree is just corruption at its purest Read more

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Political Agenda
June 25, 2022
Mediocre biased reporting full of hate for a president using their legal authority in a legal manner. Pure opinion, not worth wasting time reading articles like this unless you are researching material for ruining family holidays. Content would have been good had the passion been removed.
June 25, 2022
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