Julian Borger
Julian Borger
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Trump's intelligence pick is attempt to 'neutralise' spy agencies, say ex-officials

Trump's intelligence pick is attempt to 'neutralise' spy agencies, say ex-officials

This article is more than 3 years oldThis article is more than 3 years oldJohn Ratcliffe’s nomination follows announcement Dan Coats will leave after disagreements with Trump over policy and intelligenceFirst published on Mon 29 Jul 2019 12.38 EDTDonald Trump’s nomination of an inexperienced but loyal partisan to become the director of national intelligence (DNI) is an attempt to “neutralise” US spy agencies as an independent and objective voice on global affairs, former intelligence officials warned.It follows the announcement that Dan Coats, one of the most senior national security...

July 29, 2019
Trump and Putin to reveal details of first official summit

Trump and Putin to reveal details of first official summit

This article is more than 4 years oldThis article is more than 4 years oldRussian presidential aide says location of meeting will not be in the US or Russia, after meeting between Putin and John BoltonFirst published on Wed 27 Jun 2018 08.21 EDTDonald Trump and have agreed a time and place to hold their first official summit, a senior Russian official announced on Wednesday.The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told journalists that the summit will be held in a country other than or the United States. The date and location of the meeting will be announced on Thursday, Ushakov said.The...

June 27, 2018
US says video shows Iranian military removing mine from tanker

US says video shows Iranian military removing mine from tanker

This article is more than 3 years oldThis article is more than 3 years oldUS secretary of state accuses Tehran of ‘lashing out’ but Iran denies responsibilityFirst published on Thu 13 Jun 2019 14.46 EDTThe US military has released video footage which it says shows an Iranian military patrol boat approaching one of two tankers attacked in the Gulf of Oman, to support the Trump administration’s claims that Iran was responsible.The blurry black and white footage, taken from the air, shows a small military boat alongside the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous, and someone standing up on the prow...

June 14, 2019
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Trump battles to halt memoir as Bolton calls president 'not fit for office'

Trump battles to halt memoir as Bolton calls president 'not fit for office'

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldFirst published on Thu 18 Jun 2020 09.29 EDTThe will go to court on Friday in an effort to halt publication of John Bolton’s memoir of his time as national security adviser, on the grounds it contains classified material.Justice department lawyers are likely to face an uphill struggle in Washington district court, as hundreds of thousands of copies of , due for publication on Tuesday, have already been sent to booksellers, excerpts have appeared in the press, and Donald Trump had on Twitter denounced it as “a...

June 18, 2020
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Haiti deportations soar as Biden administration deploys Trump-era health order

Haiti deportations soar as Biden administration deploys Trump-era health order

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldThere have been more ‘Title 42’ expulsions in the space of a few weeks than during an entire year of Trump’s administration, report saysLast modified on Fri 26 Mar 2021 01.30 EDTThe has so far deported more Haitians in a few weeks than the Trump administration did in a whole year, with the use of a highly controversial Trump-era public health order denying asylum seekers basic legal rights, according to a new report.The report, , published on Thursday by a coalition of immigrant rights groups, focuses on Title 42, part...

March 25, 2021
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'Cold war-era weapon': $100bn US plan to build new nuclear missile sparks concern

'Cold war-era weapon': $100bn US plan to build new nuclear missile sparks concern

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldScientists say the GBSD project is outdated and the result of lobbying rather than a clear sense of what it will achieveLast modified on Wed 10 Mar 2021 06.02 ESTThe US is building a new $100bn nuclear missile based on a set of flawed and outdated assumptions, a new report by the (FAS) will say.The report, due to be published next week, will argue the planned ground-based strategic deterrent (GBSD) is being driven by intense industry lobbying and politicians from states that will benefit most from it economically,...

March 10, 2021
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Democrats call for $1bn shift from weapons of mass destruction to 'vaccine of mass prevention'

Democrats call for $1bn shift from weapons of mass destruction to 'vaccine of mass prevention'

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldExclusive: Investing in Cures Before Missiles Act would stop funding on ballistic missile and help develop a Covid vaccineLast modified on Fri 26 Mar 2021 17.04 EDTCongressional Democrats are introducing legislation to transfer $1bn in funding from a controversial new intercontinental ballistic missile to the development of a universal Covid vaccine.The Investing in Cures Before Missiles (ICBM) Act, introduced in the House and Senate on Friday, would stop funding on which is projected to cost a total of $264bn over its...

March 26, 2021
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Named, shamed but unscathed: Saudi crown prince spared by US realpolitik

Named, shamed but unscathed: Saudi crown prince spared by US realpolitik

Analysis: The US has sanctioned 76 people linked to Khashoggi’s murder, but not Mohammed bin Salman, future king of a strategic Middle East allyLast modified on Sat 27 Feb 2021 00.12 ESTFriday was the day that Joe Biden’s vaunted drive to put at the centre of US foreign policy slammed, as such drives usually do, into the brick wall of great power realpolitik.As it had promised, the new administration obeyed the law laid down by Congress and ignored by its predecessor. It published an unclassified summary of the intelligence assessment that the Saudi crown prince, , “approved” the murder and...

February 26, 2021
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Criticism builds over Biden's failure to lift Trump sanctions on ICC prosecutors

Criticism builds over Biden's failure to lift Trump sanctions on ICC prosecutors

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldTrump targeted officials for launching war crimes investigations, as reports say Israel is lobbying to keep sanctions in placeFirst published on Fri 26 Feb 2021 09.00 ESTThe is facing growing criticism for failing to lift US sanctions imposed last year on war crimes prosecutors at the international criminal court, at the same time as Israel is lobbying to keep the punitive measures in place. The sanctions, targeting officials in the ICC prosecutors and their families were imposed by the Trump administration in September...

February 26, 2021
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White House defends move not to sanction Saudi crown prince

White House defends move not to sanction Saudi crown prince

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldDecision not to punish royal over Khashoggi killing ‘leaves room to work on areas of mutual agreement’Last modified on Sun 28 Feb 2021 23.36 ESTThe White House has defended its decision not to directly sanction Saudi Arabia’s crown prince over the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as criticism grew before Washington’s unveiling of a new policy towards Riyadh on Monday.The White House spokesperson, Jen Psaki, stood by the move not to target the crown prince in an interview on Sunday, despite human rights groups...

February 28, 2021



