Trump's intelligence pick is attempt to 'neutralise' spy agencies, say ex-officials
July 29, 20194 min read808 words
Published: July 29, 2019  |  4 min read808 words
This article is more than 3 years oldThis article is more than 3 years oldJohn Ratcliffe’s nomination follows announcement Dan Coats will leave after disagreements with Trump over policy and intelligenceFirst published on Mon 29 Jul 2019 12.38 EDTDonald Trump’s nomination of an i...
Trump's intelligence pick is attempt to 'neutralise' spy agencies, say ex-officials Read more

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Great Context
July 30, 2019
The article gives a ton of valuable context around Trump's nomination of John Ratcliffe. There is some clear political bias again Ratcliffe on the part of the author, but if you can get past the first paragraph of labeling, the rest of the article sticks to the facts.
July 30, 2019
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Great Context
July 29, 2019
While I believe that this article and author indulge in some speculation that comes off as a political bias against Trump's potential plans, I believe overall the information provided is highly contextual for those who don't understand the relationship between the head of DNI and the President.
July 29, 2019
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Political Agenda
July 30, 2019
It seems like the beginning has some political agenda overtures here. The author does begin to get more into the information after that, but the damage is done by that point, as my impression of the author was negative already.
July 30, 2019
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July 31, 2019
The author interviewed many sources and it seems credible. I didn't know Trump wasn't following the norm for selecting the new nominee, so this was a valuable insight. I do believe that Trump doesn't want to hear what's real, but rather what info the intelligence agencies (horrible propagandistic term for spy agencies / secret police / gastapo) he can use to further his own twisted agenda. So this appointment makes sense -- let's hope his lack of any significant experience in these areas disqualifies him from the role!
July 31, 2019
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