US says video shows Iranian military removing mine from tanker
June 14, 20195 min read956 words
Published: June 14, 2019  |  5 min read956 words
This article is more than 3 years oldThis article is more than 3 years oldUS secretary of state accuses Tehran of ‘lashing out’ but Iran denies responsibilityFirst published on Thu 13 Jun 2019 14.46 EDTThe US military has released video footage which it says shows an Iranian mili...
US says video shows Iranian military removing mine from tanker Read more

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Failing Occam's Razor
June 14, 2019
The report throws around a number of unsubstantiated claims which are eerily similar to what lead up to the Tonkin Resolution but it fails to point out that there would is absolutely no reason for Iran to do what is claimed, none ! That makes the whole article suspect.
June 14, 2019
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National Bias
June 14, 2019
This article has a national bias in favor of the U.S. in regards to this incident. It assumes that the Trump Administration and Mike Pompeo have no outside interest in a military conflict with Iran. To me, this is yet another clear case where no evidence has been provided to suggest that Iran was at fault, and like the invasion of Iraq, this is being used as an excuse for more military conquest abroad by high ranking U.S. military officials. The reason I don't trust this article is that the author should have been much more clear, cautious, and questioning of the U.S. narrative since no evidence has been provided. It's important for journalists not to simply parrot the Administration's official narrative without question.
June 14, 2019
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June 18, 2019
The Guardian is only reporting what other people have said about these events, and they're not proposing their own theory about what happened. Yet people here want to blame The Guardian for what people in the government, Navy, or whoever are saying. So far, no rater here has presented evidence that The Guardian is making any part of this story up. Even if you mistrust The Guardian, you're not helping anyone here unless you can show what's actually wrong with their story.
June 18, 2019
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Great Context
June 17, 2019
I am not reviewing whether the claims that subjects of the article have made are truthful or not. I am reviewing the article itself, which has accurately laid out the claims in the case.
June 17, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
June 17, 2019
The owner of the Japanese ship debunked this nonsense.
June 17, 2019
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June 18, 2019
I feel that the other untrustworthy reviews are a reflection of the distrust of the Trump administration, not this article. This article accurately reports the claims of the administration.
June 18, 2019
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Financial Incentive
June 17, 2019
What has happened to the Guardian? What was once a proud, progressive newspaper has turned into a stenographer for Downing Street and the WH. From support for regime change wars to misrepresenting the massive strikes in Brazil, they have really thrown any journalistic standards in the bin.
June 17, 2019
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National Bias
June 15, 2019
Gulf of Oman = Gulf of Tonkin
June 15, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
June 17, 2019
The Guardian, a completely propagandistic tool, uses Pompeo, who publicly boasts of telling lies as central to his occupation, throws out another useless (except for the warmongers) bit of junk for the remaining public that still bothers to read their stuff. Total waste of time.
June 17, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
June 14, 2019
Only Sheeple who still think kerosene melts steel and titanium engines evaporate but passports are indestructible will buy pinning this obvious false flag on Iran. See also the YouTube comments:
June 14, 2019
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