Andrew Roth
Andrew Roth
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Putin threatens US arms race with new missiles declaration

Putin threatens US arms race with new missiles declaration

This article is more than 4 years oldThis article is more than 4 years oldPresident says Russia has new line of nuclear-capable weapons that can breach US defencesFirst published on Thu 1 Mar 2018 06.10 EST has announced that Russia has developed and is testing a new line of strategic nuclear-capable weapons that would be able to outmanoeuvre US defences, in a possible signal of a new arms race between Moscow and the west.Speaking in a nationally televised address to the country’s political elite weeks before the presidential election, Putin showed video and animations of ICBMs,...

March 1, 2018
Trump and Putin to reveal details of first official summit

Trump and Putin to reveal details of first official summit

This article is more than 4 years oldThis article is more than 4 years oldRussian presidential aide says location of meeting will not be in the US or Russia, after meeting between Putin and John BoltonFirst published on Wed 27 Jun 2018 08.21 EDTDonald Trump and have agreed a time and place to hold their first official summit, a senior Russian official announced on Wednesday.The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told journalists that the summit will be held in a country other than or the United States. The date and location of the meeting will be announced on Thursday, Ushakov said.The...

June 27, 2018
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European MPs targeted by deepfake video calls imitating Russian opposition

European MPs targeted by deepfake video calls imitating Russian opposition

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldPoliticians from the UK, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania tricked by fake meetings with opposition figuresLast modified on Thu 22 Apr 2021 23.37 EDTA series of senior European MPs have been approached in recent days by individuals who appear to be using deepfake filters to imitate Russian opposition figures during video calls.Those tricked include Rihards Kols, who chairs the foreign affairs committee of Latvia’s parliament, as well as MPs from Estonia and Lithuania. Tom Tugendhat, the chair of the UK foreign affairs...

April 22, 2021
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US ambassador to leave Moscow as tensions rise

US ambassador to leave Moscow as tensions rise

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldJohn Sullivan’s departure will leave both countries’ embassies without their top diplomats at key momentFirst published on Tue 20 Apr 2021 05.02 EDTWashington’s ambassador to Moscow has announced that he will return to the US for consultations, days after the Russian government during what it said was an “extremely tense situation”.John Sullivan’s departure will leave both countries’ embassies without their top diplomats at a crucial moment, with Washington and Moscow recently announcing new sanctions, a , and concerns...

April 20, 2021
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Alexei Navalny moved to prison hospital amid fears for Putin critic’s life

Alexei Navalny moved to prison hospital amid fears for Putin critic’s life

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldDoctors say opposition leader, who is on hunger strike, is in danger of a heart attack or kidney failureLast modified on Tue 20 Apr 2021 05.29 EDTAlexei Navalny has been transferred to a prison hospital as concerns have grown among supporters that the Russian opposition leader is dangerously ill and could die “at any minute”.Navalny’s transfer came after his doctors warned at the weekend that the Kremlin critic, who has been on hunger strike for nearly three weeks, was in danger of a heart attack or kidney failure.In a...

April 19, 2021
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Putin residence has cryo chamber and stables, Navalny team alleges

Putin residence has cryo chamber and stables, Navalny team alleges

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldInvestigators have released floor plans and photos of expanded residence they say is Putin’s favouriteLast modified on Fri 16 Apr 2021 15.30 EDTAn investigation by ’s (FBK) has revealed new details about another of Vladimir Putin’s alleged lavish residences, complete with stables, a golf course and an expansive spa complex that .Using satellite and drone footage, company records, photographs and other data, investigators have released of an expanded residence near Valdai, which they said was the Russian president’s...

April 16, 2021
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Biden hits Russia with new sanctions in response to election meddling

Biden hits Russia with new sanctions in response to election meddling

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldTen diplomats expelled as part of fresh package of sanctions announced by US president as Russia says retaliation ‘inevitable’First published on Thu 15 Apr 2021 08.36 EDTThe Biden administration has announced the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats and broad sanctions against Russian officials and companies in retaliation for Moscow’s interference in elections and cyber-espionage campaigns such as the .The sanctions, which were the Biden administration’s largest punitive action against the Kremlin yet, also targeted six...

April 15, 2021
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Russian prosecutors move to liquidate Navalny’s ‘extremist’ movement

Russian prosecutors move to liquidate Navalny’s ‘extremist’ movement

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldSeeking to designate organisation as extremist group is most sweeping assault on opposition supporters yetLast modified on Sun 18 Apr 2021 07.15 EDTThe Moscow prosecutor’s office has announced that it will seek to designate ’s Anti-Corruption Foundation and his regional political headquarters as “extremist groups”, moving to in effect liquidate the jailed opposition leader’s political organisation in Russia.It is the most sweeping assault yet on supporters of Navalny, and comes after his two-and-a-half-year sentence on...

April 16, 2021
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Biden urges Russia to de-escalate Ukraine tensions in call with Putin

Biden urges Russia to de-escalate Ukraine tensions in call with Putin

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldUS president proposed a summit between the two leaders amid growing concern over Russian military buildup on Ukraine borderLast modified on Wed 14 Apr 2021 05.52 EDTJoe Biden has called on to demand he de-escalate tensions with Ukraine amid the largest buildup of Russian forces on its borders since the annexation of Crimea.In a phone call on Tuesday, Biden also proposed a meeting in a third country in the coming months, potentially setting up the first US-Russia presidential summit since Putin held talks with Donald...

April 13, 2021
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Thousands of Russians attend rallies calling for Alexei Navalny’s release

Thousands of Russians attend rallies calling for Alexei Navalny’s release

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldAllies of jailed opposition leader held as police close parts of Moscow and other cities First published on Wed 21 Apr 2021 05.35 EDTTens of thousands of Russians have rallied in cities across the country in a last-ditch effort to secure the freedom of the jailed opposition leader .The unsanctioned demonstrations have shown the determination of Navalny’s core supporters, who called for “freedom for political prisoners” in tense standoffs with riot police in helmets and body armour, who had vowed to disperse any...

April 21, 2021
