Dominic Holden
Dominic Holden
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Trump Administration Brief Asks Supreme Court To Allow Firing Workers For Being Gay

Trump Administration Brief Asks Supreme Court To Allow Firing Workers For Being Gay

Friday’s brief comes after the administration argued that federal law allows firing workers simply for being transgender.The Trump administration took its hardest line yet to legalize anti-gay discrimination on Friday when it asked the Supreme Court to declare that federal law allows private companies to fire workers based only on their sexual orientation.An filed by the Justice Department weighed in on two cases involving gay workers and what is meant by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans discrimination "because of sex.” The administration argued courts nationwide should...

August 24, 2019
Trump Wants To Let Homeless Shelters Make Transgender Women Sleep And Shower Next To Men

Trump Wants To Let Homeless Shelters Make Transgender Women Sleep And Shower Next To Men

Critics warn the draft rule announced Wednesday would put transgender people at risk of abuse.WASHINGTON — The Trump administration announced plans Wednesday to let shelters and other recipients of federal housing money discriminate against transgender people by turning them away or placing them alongside others of their birth sex — refusing to let them share facilities with people of the same gender identity.Critics warn the proposal, which guts protections created during the Obama administration, could put transgender people at a higher risk for homelessness and abuse. The rule would...

May 22, 2019
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Kansas Baptist Churches May Hold Services Despite Stay-At-Home Order, Judge Rules

Kansas Baptist Churches May Hold Services Despite Stay-At-Home Order, Judge Rules

Two Baptist churches had sued the state on Thursday.The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .A federal judge in Kansas ruled in favor of two Baptist churches challenging a ban on religious gatherings over 10 people, issuing a temporary restraining order on Saturday that found Gov. Laura Kelly’s restrictions for public assemblies during had likely violated the churchgoers’ constitutional rights to religious exercise.US District Court Judge John W. Broomes,...

April 19, 2020
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Coronavirus: Student Sues Liberty University Over Handling Of Pandemic

Coronavirus: Student Sues Liberty University Over Handling Of Pandemic

Liberty University’s decision to keep its campus open during the coronavirus pandemic is “extremely dangerous and irresponsible,” the complaint says.The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .A student at is suing the Christian school for refusing to refund thousands of dollars in campus services like housing and meals after students fled due to fears of the , filing a class action lawsuit that alleges the college is “in a very real sense profiting from the...

April 14, 2020
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Trump Ally Roger Stone Denied New Trial

Trump Ally Roger Stone Denied New Trial

The judge rejected Stone's argument that he should get a do-over because a juror was biased. He's facing a 40-month prison sentence.WASHINGTON — Roger Stone, the longtime Trump ally for , lost his latest attempt at getting a new trial on Thursday.US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson that he was entitled to a new trial because of information that came out earlier this year that the jury foreperson had criticized President Donald Trump on social media. Not only did the juror's posts fail to prove that she harbored bias against Stone and lied about her ability to be fair when she was vetted,...

April 16, 2020
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Trump Is Taking Away Transgender Healthcare Protections Created Under Obamacare

Trump Is Taking Away Transgender Healthcare Protections Created Under Obamacare

AdvertisementThe Trump administration further stripped away protections for the LGBTQ community Friday by allowing health providers to deny service to transgender people.The would narrow the scope of the ACA’s Section 1557, which bans discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability in health programs that receive federal funding.In 2016 the Obama administration tried to extend protection to trans people by changing the definition of discrimination by sex to include “one’s internal sense of gender.” That rule has been tied up in the courts.The Trump...

June 12, 2020
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Coronavirus: Trump Administration Defends Drive-In Church In Mississippi

Coronavirus: Trump Administration Defends Drive-In Church In Mississippi

Federal lawyers filed a statement of interest in federal court on Tuesday to support the parishioners.The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .The Justice Department jumped into a federal lawsuit in Mississippi on Tuesday to support parishioners who had been fined $500 for attending a drive-in church service, demonstrating the Trump administration’s willingness to challenge what it sees as onerous local lockdown rules during the .The Baptist Temple Church in...

April 14, 2020
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Supreme Court Leaves Bump Stocks Ban For Guns In Place

Supreme Court Leaves Bump Stocks Ban For Guns In Place

The Justice Department banned bump stocks after they were used in the 2017 killing of 58 people in Las Vegas.The Supreme Court said on Monday it won’t hear a case from gun rights activists challenging a federal ban on bump stocks, which were prohibited after being used in a 2017 Las Vegas shooting where 58 people were killed.The will keep the devices, which allow semiautomatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns, banned for the time being. But with other bump stock cases winding through appeals, courts could still reverse the ban in the future.In its most concrete terms, the lawsuit...

March 2, 2020
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Coronavirus: The US Is Running Out Of Time To Vote By Mail For The 2020 Election

Coronavirus: The US Is Running Out Of Time To Vote By Mail For The 2020 Election

The coronavirus pandemic could lead to a surge of absentee ballot requests. But time is running out for elections officials to act.The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .President Donald Trump urged Republicans to “fight very hard” against mail-in elections during the — but the party’s most effective tactic to impede absentee voting may be just quietly running down the clock.The handful of American vendors that sell mail-in election equipment told BuzzFeed...

April 26, 2020
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