Trump Wants To Let Homeless Shelters Make Transgender Women Sleep And Shower Next To Men
May 22, 20193 min read659 words
Published: May 22, 2019  |  3 min read659 words
Critics warn the draft rule announced Wednesday would put transgender people at risk of abuse.WASHINGTON — The Trump administration announced plans Wednesday to let shelters and other recipients of federal housing money discriminate against transgender people by turning them away...
Trump Wants To Let Homeless Shelters Make Transgender Women Sleep And Shower Next To Men Read more

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May 23, 2019
The title of the article is completely inflammatory and not consistent with the facts (at least not as they are presented). The article provides a link to a summary of the actual law being proposed. In the summary, it simply states that sex of an individual may be given consideration when a shelter determines how to set up facilities. It does not state that people of the same biological sex must be housed together, nor that people born of the same sex (regardless of their current gender identity) must be housed together. The law states that the sex of a person is one consideration among many, including gender identity, that could be taken into account when setting up a facility.
May 23, 2019
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June 4, 2019
I feel like the headline of this article must have been chosen by a clickbaity editor, because the piece itself is actually very well-done. This article does a fantastic job outlining the potential policy change and what experts think the ramifications might be. I was impressed with how balanced and straightforward author Dominic Holden's language was throughout the piece. Many other authors today would have sensationalized the story or used it as a free pass to throw punches, but Holden simply provides the information his readers' need to make their own conclusion.
June 4, 2019
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May 24, 2019
Well supported with facts, including the status of the regulation (not yet in effect). The author did not put forth his own opinion about the impact. He reported what critics warnings were.
May 24, 2019
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