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The Complete Guide to Starting Solids - updated for 2023

The Complete Guide to Starting Solids - updated for 2023

Skip to contentWelcome! If you are reading this page, probability is you have decided to start solids with your little one. I wish I had a resource like this when I first started solids with my now toddler.  And I didn’t do baby led weaning, by the way. I wasn’t even aware it exists, really. So my aim with this starting solids guide is to offer you all the information you need in one place, so that you are armed with everything you need to know to be on your way.  I will update this page as I keep writing more posts that I believe are essential for...

September 13, 2018
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How to cook broccoli for your kid 10 ways + bonus cheatsheet

How to cook broccoli for your kid 10 ways + bonus cheatsheet

Skip to contentOne of my pet peeves is hearing the same thing over and over again. Until I snap and use the yelling-mommy-voice and say “I KNOW, OK?”. We all have that voice, I think. And in my case, telling me the same words more than 2-3 times in a row really gets me on my toes. With 2 kids in tow, imagine how often I use that voice these days. But it’s not the kids that do that to me.If you just google “how to cook broccoli for baby” for example, you’ll get some fairly similar results along the lines of broccoli puree, how to make it, store it, etc.Yes, broccoli puree is fine for...

February 4, 2021
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7 baby led weaning Instagram accounts to make cooking easier

7 baby led weaning Instagram accounts to make cooking easier

Skip to contentI was in the Instagram game for quite a lot of time and managed to increase my follower count to……a little over 2,700.(I think you were expecting more than that.)The truth is… I gave up on Instagram because the food niche is just so competitive and I don’t have the passion or the time to invest in it anymore.Now, when it comes to baby led weaning Instagram accounts… well… they’re a lot. And that just to put it nicely.If you search, just the baby led weaning hashtag returns over 1 million results.So it’s a popular topic and it’s crowded in there.There are some accounts which I...

March 22, 2022
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Easy sweetcorn fritters (from 6 months+) - WEANINGFUL

Easy sweetcorn fritters (from 6 months+) - WEANINGFUL

Skip to contentEverybody likes a good finger food recipe and these sweetcorn fritters are a great way to get your little one used to veggies that otherwise he might not be as keen to try.Be sure to read all the way to the end, as I have a little time-saving trick for you to try. Nobody likes to sit near a frying pan for too long, right?The other thing about these is that they are only 3 ingredients fritters, so need to rush to the supermarket to grab a last minute item.The batter itself is pretty straightforward, and I bet something similar to sweetcorn would also do the trick.I’m...

March 21, 2022
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Kid friendly brownie (from 6 months+) - no refined sugar

Kid friendly brownie (from 6 months+) - no refined sugar

Skip to contentDid you know brownies are actually part of the cookie family and not the cake family?Yes, they are bar cookies, the type you bake in a tin and slice into bars of various sizes and/or shapes.I was a bit taken aback by this, to be honest. When I eat one, I don’t think of it as a cookie, cause the shape and texture are totally different to a chocolate chip cookie for example.But I digress.I think brownies are one of those bakes that have been constantly re-invented to suit younger palates and little fingers from 6 months or whenever mothers start solids with their little...

June 17, 2021
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