Terrence McCoy
Terrence McCoy
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Brazil’s Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus

Brazil’s Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareRIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who has sought repeatedly to minimize the novel coronavirus as he urges his country back to work, said Tuesday he has tested positive for it.Bolsonaro, an outlier among world leaders in his skepticism of the virus and measures intended to curb it, was tested Monday evening after developing symptoms that included a fever.“There’s no problem,” he told reporters Tuesday. “It’s natural. There’s no dread. It’s life.”The result adds one more case to what has become the...

July 7, 2020
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Limits on coronavirus testing in Brazil are hiding the true dimensions of Latin America’s largest outbreak

Limits on coronavirus testing in Brazil are hiding the true dimensions of Latin America’s largest outbreak

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareAtop a shaded hill at the edge of São Paulo, the gravedigger thinks he knows the truth. No matter how bad it appears in Brazil — the country hit hardest by the coronavirus in the Southern Hemisphere — the reality is significantly worse.Manoel Norberto Pereira watched another body being wheeled in, accompanied by what has by now become a familiar set of details. Sex: female. Age: 77 years. Cause of death: insufficient respiration.Every day brings more. The cemetery now receives around 50 bodies every day — double the...

April 23, 2020
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For Brazil’s Bolsonaro, isolated by corruption probe and virus denial, the troubles mount

For Brazil’s Bolsonaro, isolated by corruption probe and virus denial, the troubles mount

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareRIO DE JANEIRO — Investigators are circling. Supporters are turning their backs. Hundreds in his country are of a disease he has . A majority of the people want him gone.As Latin America’s largest country plunges into its gravest and economic crises in a generation, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the man best positioned to buoy a bewildered people, is floundering — hemmed in by scandal, aggrieved by perceived betrayals, unfocused and contradictory in public pronouncements.His behavior has overlaid the health and...

April 28, 2020
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Election cliffhanger captivates world, prompts fears for fate of U.S. democracy

Election cliffhanger captivates world, prompts fears for fate of U.S. democracy

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe world watched with a mixture of apprehension, dismay and fear on Wednesday as the United States struggled to extricate itself from a divisive presidential election and appeared to face a protracted legal battle.President Trump’s premature claim of victory and false allegations of voter fraud drew expressions of shock over the state of U.S. democracy, along with disparagement from U.S. adversaries.European media outlets questioned whether the United States was on the brink of collapse. China ridiculed the U.S. election...

November 5, 2020
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The world’s populists are losing their White House ally, but global Trumpism is far from over

The world’s populists are losing their White House ally, but global Trumpism is far from over

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareHe was their lodestar, the man who brought fringe populists from Hungary to Brazil in from the diplomatic cold, elevating their science-dismissing, migrant-scapegoating, nationalistic message from the balcony of its greatest perch: the White House.But with President Trump’s narrow election defeat, the globe’s right-wing autocrats and nationalistic movements face a new challenge: how to navigate a world where the most powerful man on Earth is no longer in their corner.Few are predicting an end to global Trumpism, the...

November 7, 2020
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Thousands of barrels of oil are contaminating Brazil’s pristine coastline. Authorities don’t know where it’s coming from.

Thousands of barrels of oil are contaminating Brazil’s pristine coastline. Authorities don’t know where it’s coming from.

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareRIO DE JANEIRO — It washed ashore in early September, thick globs of oil that appeared from out of nowhere and defied explanation. In the weeks since, the mysterious sludge, the largest spill in Brazil’s history, has tarred more than 1,000 miles of shoreline, polluted some of the country’s most beautiful beaches and killed all sorts of marine life.But despite the time that has passed — and the damage done — the most important questions remain unanswered. Where is the oil coming from? And how can it be stopped?The...

October 25, 2019
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Rise of coronavirus variants will define the next phase of the pandemic in the U.S.

Rise of coronavirus variants will define the next phase of the pandemic in the U.S.

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareThis article is free to access.Why?The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.Follow this story and more by Variants of the coronavirus are increasingly defining the next phase of the pandemic in the United States, taking hold in ever-greater numbers and eliciting pleas for a change in strategy against the outbreak, according to government officials and experts tracking developments.The highly transmissible B.1.1.7 variant that originated in the United Kingdom now accounts for...

April 8, 2021
The dog is one of the world’s most destructive mammals. Brazil proves it.

The dog is one of the world’s most destructive mammals. Brazil proves it.

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareRIO DE JANEIRO — High above this Brazilian city, in a jungle blanketing a mountain, the turtles were out, and the scene was hopeful.Scientists were reintroducing 15 mud-caked tortoises to this urban forest where they had once been plentiful. Children were running around. People were ­oohing and aahing. A stern security guard appeared to briefly smile.But not government biologist Katyucha Silva. She was thinking about dogs.What would they do to these turtles? What were they doing to Brazil?It’s a question more researchers...

August 24, 2019
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