The dog is one of the world’s most destructive mammals. Brazil proves it.
August 24, 20197 min read1493 words
Published: August 24, 2019  |  7 min read1493 words
This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareRIO DE JANEIRO — High above this Brazilian city, in a jungle blanketing a mountain, the turtles were out, and the scene was hopeful.Scientists were reintroducing 15 mud-caked tortoises to this urban forest wher...
The dog is one of the world’s most destructive mammals. Brazil proves it. Read more

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December 3, 2019
A clickbaity headline with a clickbaity article appended. While the sourcing and quotations are credible, the Author uses them to construct and promote broad and superficial generalizations. Additionally, the sensationalist style of the piece is off-putting and deleterious to the matter being discussed. Not a worthwhile read, particularly for dog lovers. In an unusual, for your humble critic, bit of editorializing (which trustingly will be forgiven), I will leave the reader with the following quote by the inimitable Samuel Langhorne Clemens... "Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." - Mark Twain
December 3, 2019
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August 24, 2019
The information this article provides is interesting and appears to be accurate. Nevertheless, the headline suggest a context or conclusion that the full article does not support. Even worse, the publication promoted the piece with the headline "Why dogs are bad for the planet." This click-bait statement is excessively broad and borderline offensive.
August 24, 2019
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August 25, 2019
I laughed at this one. Old video, poor quotes. "Brazil proves it" is such a sensationalist title.
August 25, 2019
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Stacking the Deck
August 25, 2019
Clickbait article that stacks the deck on this issue. It would be more comprehensive if other countries were included rather than just Brazil. Furthermore, there is a lack of recognition and attribution that humans increased the population of dogs and spurred an overabundance of dogs in their region. Other than that, this article does bring light to an obvious issue for Brazil.
August 25, 2019
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