Tara Subramaniam
Tara Subramaniam
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Fact check: Trump glosses over racial disparities in jobs numbers while invoking George Floyd

Fact check: Trump glosses over racial disparities in jobs numbers while invoking George Floyd

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump had stunningly good jobs to talk about on Friday. Instead of rising, as expected, the US unemployment rate surprisingly fell to 13.3% in May, as the economy gained 2.5 million jobs. It was the largest monthly gain in new jobs since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking the data series in 1939.While Trump did accurately tout these numbers, he also made his usual assortment of lies and exaggerations -- in which he misled Americans about a variety of subjects on which he has been regularly dishonest. No, Trump wasn't the one who got the Veterans...

June 5, 2020
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Fact check: Trump falsely says 'large portions' of the US are 'corona-free,' repeats claim that protests are leading to rising cases

Fact check: Trump falsely says 'large portions' of the US are 'corona-free,' repeats claim that protests are leading to rising cases

Washington (CNN)At his Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump began by touting a deal to turn Kodak into a pharmaceutical company to manufacture ingredients for generic drugs. He then read off a litany of facts and figures detailing his administration's efforts to manufacture items like gloves and masks and ventilators to deal with the pandemic. As is with these briefings, however, Trump's scripted message eventually devolved into a series of false and misleading claims about the state of the pandemic. At one point, Trump claimed that "large portions" of the US are "corona free" (not...

July 28, 2020
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Fact check: Trump falsely describes his travel history during briefing with more inaccuracies

Fact check: Trump falsely describes his travel history during briefing with more inaccuracies

Washington (CNN)A reporter reminded President Donald Trump that . He responded by suggesting he didn't recall these rallies -- and saying that hasn't left the White House in "months" except for a coronavirus-related trip to Virginia in late March. Trump's laughably obvious false claim about his travels was one of several false claims at his White House coronavirus briefing on Monday. Though numerous Republicans and independent experts have emphasized the importance of a major increase in coronavirus testing, Trump claimed that talk about testing is "not bipartisan" and is happening to try...

April 21, 2020
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Fact check: Trump repeats false claims and Pence misleads on previous testing comments

Fact check: Trump repeats false claims and Pence misleads on previous testing comments

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's in the White House Rose Garden was shorter than usual and at least somewhat less acrimonious than many of the briefings he's held over the past month. But Trump still made false and misleading claims, most of them repeats from past briefings. And Vice President Mike Pence accused a reporter of a misunderstanding about testing that Pence's own words had created weeks earlier.Here are some fact checks from the briefing:Pence, Trump and others who spoke at the briefing touted in the coming weeks. (Trump said the number of tests conducted would soon be...

April 28, 2020
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Fact check: Trump makes false claims about governors not wanting tests, and repeats errors about Pelosi and Michelle Obama

Fact check: Trump makes false claims about governors not wanting tests, and repeats errors about Pelosi and Michelle Obama

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump made yet another false claim about coronavirus testing on Wednesday, wrongly saying at a White House briefing that the US is conducting more tests than any governor probably even wants. In fact, numerous governors, including Republicans, have said that more testing is necessary. Trump also continued to embellish about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's February 24 visit to San Francisco's Chinatown, inaccurately saying that she had held a Chinatown "rally." He continued to insist that his travel restrictions on China were a "ban," though they contained...

April 23, 2020
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Fact check: New White House press secretary makes false claims in first briefing | CNN Politics

Fact check: New White House press secretary makes false claims in first briefing | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — At the by a White House press secretary in 417 days, promised journalists, “I will never lie to you.”McEnany proceeded to say a bunch of things that weren’t true.Whether they were deliberate lies or inadvertent false claims, we can’t be certain; since it was her first time at the podium after being hired in April, we’ll be generous in our choice of words. Regardless of her intentions, though, her comments were laden with inaccuracies.McEnany misquoted an FBI agent’s written comment about former national security adviser . She...

May 1, 2020
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Fact check: Trump denies saying another thing he said and makes more false claims at coronavirus briefing | CNN Politics

Fact check: Trump denies saying another thing he said and makes more false claims at coronavirus briefing | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Another briefing. Another series of false claims.Speaking Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Donald Trump denied making a comment he did make. He criticized the World Health Organization for the same thing he has done before. He wrongly suggested he was the only national leader to impose travel restrictions on China. He claimed he was “authorizing” governors to lift coronavirus restrictions even though this power always belonged to governors. He falsely claimed, again, that “nobody ever thought” there would be a crisis...

April 15, 2020
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Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump delivered another litany of false and misleading claims on Monday during which he repeatedly accused the media of dishonesty.Trump delivered an indignant screed about claims that he was slow in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, repeatedly citing the travel restrictions on China he announced in late January and began in early February. Yet his defense did not address his public of the virus into March, how his administration was experts believe might have helped contain the outbreak, or how the administration waited critical weeks to make large...

April 14, 2020
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Fact check: Trump campaign hits Biden for being soft on China with deceptive images and audio clips | CNN Politics

Fact check: Trump campaign hits Biden for being soft on China with deceptive images and audio clips | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A new from President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign that attempts to portray former Vice President Joe Biden as being overly friendly to China is rife with deceptive images and audio clips.The ad suggests that a former governor of Washington is a Chinese official. It takes Biden remarks grossly out of context to twist their meaning. It assails Biden for being friendly to China while omitting Trump’s own praise of China’s president and China’s response to the coronavirus. It makes a claim about Biden’s son for which there is no evidence....

April 11, 2020
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April 3, 2023 - Russia-Ukraine news

April 3, 2023 - Russia-Ukraine news

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday assured Moldova of Berlin’s support on its path to accession to the European Union as Moldovan and American officials allege Russia of trying to weaken the government in Chisinau.   "Moldova is part of our European family. In the summer, we granted it candidate status. And I very much welcome how resolutely Moldova has tackled the necessary reforms that are indispensable for EU accession,” Scholz told a news conference in Bucharest, Romania alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and Moldovan President Maia Sandu. “Moldova can...

April 3, 2023
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