Marshall Cohen
Marshall Cohen
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Trump's war against mail-in voting lacks Republican allies | CNN Politics

Trump's war against mail-in voting lacks Republican allies | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Donald Trump’s isn’t getting much support from other Republicans, either in Washington or in some key swing states.that mail-in ballots would make 2020 the “most RIGGED election in our nation’s history,” CNN spoke with numerous GOP senators, including members of the GOP leadership team. None of them said they agreed with the President’s views on mail-in voting, and a number of them said they supported expansions as a way to deal with the coronavirus.“I think it’s fine,” Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska, a member of the Senate GOP leadership...

June 19, 2020
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Fact check: Trump glosses over racial disparities in jobs numbers while invoking George Floyd

Fact check: Trump glosses over racial disparities in jobs numbers while invoking George Floyd

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump had stunningly good jobs to talk about on Friday. Instead of rising, as expected, the US unemployment rate surprisingly fell to 13.3% in May, as the economy gained 2.5 million jobs. It was the largest monthly gain in new jobs since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking the data series in 1939.While Trump did accurately tout these numbers, he also made his usual assortment of lies and exaggerations -- in which he misled Americans about a variety of subjects on which he has been regularly dishonest. No, Trump wasn't the one who got the Veterans...

June 5, 2020
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Fact check: Trump falsely suggests he was right when he predicted 'close to zero' virus cases in February

Fact check: Trump falsely suggests he was right when he predicted 'close to zero' virus cases in February

Washington (CNN)President claimed Tuesday that , a key member of the White House coronavirus task force, said in late February that the coronavirus was "no problem." Fauci didn't say that. Trump also suggested Tuesday that he was correct when he said in February that the US would go down from 15 coronavirus cases to nearly zero -- even though he was wildly inaccurate, since the US now has more than a million cases. And the President repeated his false claims that he "inherited" a "broken test" for the virus, though there was no inherited test for a virus only identified during his...

April 29, 2020
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Facebook removes Roger Stone from Instagram after linking him to fake accounts

Facebook removes Roger Stone from Instagram after linking him to fake accounts

(CNN)Facebook announced Wednesday it had shut down pages and accounts linked to Roger Stone and Proud Boys, a far-right group Facebook has banned under its hate policies. Stone's own Instagram account was shut down as part of the takedown.The network of more than 100 Facebook pages, accounts and Instagram accounts spent more than $300,000 on Facebook and Instagram ads to promote their posts. Some of the pages and accounts included false personas, an analysis commissioned by Facebook found.The pages posted about the hacked materials released by Wikileaks ahead of the 2016 presidential...

July 8, 2020
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Facebook removes Roger Stone from Instagram after linking him to fake accounts | CNN Business

Facebook removes Roger Stone from Instagram after linking him to fake accounts | CNN Business

MarketsFeaturedFear & Greed IndexLatestBy , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Facebook announced Wednesday it had shut down pages and accounts linked to Roger Stone and Proud Boys, a far-right group Facebook has banned under its hate policies. Stone’s own Instagram account was shut down as part of the takedown.The network of more than 100 Facebook pages, accounts and Instagram accounts spent more than $300,000 on Facebook and Instagram ads to promote their posts. Some of the pages and accounts included false personas, an analysis commissioned by Facebook found.The pages...

July 8, 2020
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Fact check: Trump makes false claims about governors not wanting tests, and repeats errors about Pelosi and Michelle Obama

Fact check: Trump makes false claims about governors not wanting tests, and repeats errors about Pelosi and Michelle Obama

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump made yet another false claim about coronavirus testing on Wednesday, wrongly saying at a White House briefing that the US is conducting more tests than any governor probably even wants. In fact, numerous governors, including Republicans, have said that more testing is necessary. Trump also continued to embellish about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's February 24 visit to San Francisco's Chinatown, inaccurately saying that she had held a Chinatown "rally." He continued to insist that his travel restrictions on China were a "ban," though they contained...

April 23, 2020
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Fact check: New White House press secretary makes false claims in first briefing | CNN Politics

Fact check: New White House press secretary makes false claims in first briefing | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — At the by a White House press secretary in 417 days, promised journalists, “I will never lie to you.”McEnany proceeded to say a bunch of things that weren’t true.Whether they were deliberate lies or inadvertent false claims, we can’t be certain; since it was her first time at the podium after being hired in April, we’ll be generous in our choice of words. Regardless of her intentions, though, her comments were laden with inaccuracies.McEnany misquoted an FBI agent’s written comment about former national security adviser . She...

May 1, 2020
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Putin leverages coronavirus chaos to make a direct play to Trump

Putin leverages coronavirus chaos to make a direct play to Trump

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Russian President appear to have had more sustained contact with each other in the past two weeks than at any time since 2016, as the Kremlin tries to use the coronavirus pandemic and close personal ties between the two leaders to normalize long-strained relations with Washington. The two leaders spoke on the phone at least four times over a two-week period, beginning March 30 and ending on Sunday, a record pace for publicly known phone calls between the leaders, according to a CNN tally. Official readouts of their conversations indicate the...

April 3, 2020
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Fact check: Trump lies about voter fraud while states, CDC encourage voting-by-mail as pandemic-friendly option | CNN Politics

Fact check: Trump lies about voter fraud while states, CDC encourage voting-by-mail as pandemic-friendly option | CNN Politics

Analysis byLink Copied!Ad Feedback — President Donald Trump this week opened a new front in his campaign of lies about voter fraud in US elections, this time falsely claiming that voting-by-mail is “corrupt” and “dangerous,” even while states embrace it as a safe alternative during the pandemic.While at White House briefings and on Twitter, Trump did not hide his political calculations, openly surmising that Republicans will lose ground if more people vote by mail.Experts say expanded postal voting is a of any effort to hold a safe and fair election during the coronavirus...

April 9, 2020
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Appeals court orders judge to dismiss Michael Flynn case | CNN Politics

Appeals court orders judge to dismiss Michael Flynn case | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A divided federal appeals court on Wednesday the dismissal of the case against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, likely concluding a long-running court fight that had taken on greater meaning in political debates about the Russia investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign and about the checks and balances the judiciary has on the executive branch.Despite Flynn twice pleading guilty for lying to the FBI about his conversations with then-Russian Ambassador during the presidential transition, the Justice Department moved last...

June 24, 2020

