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From AIDS to Covid-19: Trump's decades of spreading dangerous misinformation about disease outbreaks

From AIDS to Covid-19: Trump's decades of spreading dangerous misinformation about disease outbreaks

(CNN) has spent decades spreading and sowing dangerous misinformation about disease outbreaks -- from falsely suggesting AIDS can be transmitted through kissing to warning Americans not to get vaccinated and falsely suggesting vaccines can cause autism.Long before advising as President, Trump demonstrated a pattern of spreading unsupported medical claims that preyed on the public's fears of getting sick, a CNN KFile review of the President's statements on past epidemics and pandemics found. In 1993, Trump promoted the widely-debunked claims that AIDS could be spread by kissing and that AIDS...

May 30, 2020
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Fact check: Trump falsely says 'large portions' of the US are 'corona-free,' repeats claim that protests are leading to rising cases

Fact check: Trump falsely says 'large portions' of the US are 'corona-free,' repeats claim that protests are leading to rising cases

Washington (CNN)At his Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump began by touting a deal to turn Kodak into a pharmaceutical company to manufacture ingredients for generic drugs. He then read off a litany of facts and figures detailing his administration's efforts to manufacture items like gloves and masks and ventilators to deal with the pandemic. As is with these briefings, however, Trump's scripted message eventually devolved into a series of false and misleading claims about the state of the pandemic. At one point, Trump claimed that "large portions" of the US are "corona free" (not...

July 28, 2020
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Fact check: Trump falsely describes his travel history during briefing with more inaccuracies

Fact check: Trump falsely describes his travel history during briefing with more inaccuracies

Washington (CNN)A reporter reminded President Donald Trump that . He responded by suggesting he didn't recall these rallies -- and saying that hasn't left the White House in "months" except for a coronavirus-related trip to Virginia in late March. Trump's laughably obvious false claim about his travels was one of several false claims at his White House coronavirus briefing on Monday. Though numerous Republicans and independent experts have emphasized the importance of a major increase in coronavirus testing, Trump claimed that talk about testing is "not bipartisan" and is happening to try...

April 21, 2020
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'Nothing to worry about' and 'it's being contained': How Trump officials downplayed the coronavirus | CNN Politics

'Nothing to worry about' and 'it's being contained': How Trump officials downplayed the coronavirus | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A day after the White House requested $1.25 billion in emergency funding to address the growing worldwide crisis, Larry Kudlow, the President’s chief economic adviser, appeared on CNBC.The coronavirus, Kudlow said on February 25, was “contained.”“I won’t say airtight, but pretty close to airtight,” he said. Kudlow noted the stock market was “cheaper” implying investors could buy a dip in stocks, saying of coronavirus, “I don’t think it’s going to be an economic tragedy at all.” He did add “it may be out there, I don’t want to negate it.”That...

April 18, 2020
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Fact check: Trump repeats false claims and Pence misleads on previous testing comments

Fact check: Trump repeats false claims and Pence misleads on previous testing comments

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's in the White House Rose Garden was shorter than usual and at least somewhat less acrimonious than many of the briefings he's held over the past month. But Trump still made false and misleading claims, most of them repeats from past briefings. And Vice President Mike Pence accused a reporter of a misunderstanding about testing that Pence's own words had created weeks earlier.Here are some fact checks from the briefing:Pence, Trump and others who spoke at the briefing touted in the coming weeks. (Trump said the number of tests conducted would soon be...

April 28, 2020
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New HHS spokesman made racist comments about Chinese people in now-deleted tweets

New HHS spokesman made racist comments about Chinese people in now-deleted tweets

WARNING: This story contains graphic language. (CNN)The new spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services in a series of made racist and derogatory comments about Chinese people, said Democrats wanted the coronavirus to kill millions of people and accused the media of intentionally creating panic around the pandemic to hurt President Donald Trump.Michael Caputo, a longtime New York Republican political operative who worked on Trump's 2016 presidential campaign,as Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at HHS, a prominent communications role at the department which serves a...

April 23, 2020
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Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump delivered another litany of false and misleading claims on Monday during which he repeatedly accused the media of dishonesty.Trump delivered an indignant screed about claims that he was slow in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, repeatedly citing the travel restrictions on China he announced in late January and began in early February. Yet his defense did not address his public of the virus into March, how his administration was experts believe might have helped contain the outbreak, or how the administration waited critical weeks to make large...

April 14, 2020
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Videos show ally of Marjorie Taylor Greene among mob inside Capitol during January 6 riot | CNN Politics

Videos show ally of Marjorie Taylor Greene among mob inside Capitol during January 6 riot | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Footage from the January 6 riot at the US Capitol shows a close ally of Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene inside the building.CNN that Anthony Aguero, a conservative live-streamer, activist and associate of Greene, said on video following the riot that he had been among those who entered the building.At the time of that February report, Aguero declined to answer if he had been inside when pressed by CNN. He later posted to social media accounts from both inside the Capitol and outside were not his, but screen recorded from...

March 24, 2021
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Marjorie Taylor Greene removes social media posts amid scrutiny of past controversial comments

Marjorie Taylor Greene removes social media posts amid scrutiny of past controversial comments

(CNN)Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has removed dozens of Facebook posts from 2018 and 2019 in which she endorsed fringe conspiracy theories and repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians. Searches of Greene's Facebook show the posts from and have been removed. Links saved by CNN's KFile during a review of hundreds of posts and comments from Greene's Facebook page are no longer available.Greene is facing backlash for her conspiratorial social media posts after CNN reported she indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in Facebook comments...

January 27, 2021
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Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress | CNN Politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019 before being elected to Congress, a CNN KFile review of hundreds of posts and comments from Greene’s Facebook page shows.Greene, who represents Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, frequently posted far-right extremist and debunked conspiracy theories on her page, including the baseless QAnon conspiracy which casts former President Donald Trump in an imagined battle against a sinister cabal of Democrats and...

January 26, 2021
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