Susie Neilson
Susie Neilson
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Meet Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, 2 'badass' astronauts, engineers, and 'space dads' who flew SpaceX's Crew Dragon to orbit and back

Meet Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, 2 'badass' astronauts, engineers, and 'space dads' who flew SpaceX's Crew Dragon to orbit and back

Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification.An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.Redeem nowGet the latest tech news & scoops — delivered daily to your inbox.Something is loading.The way NASA's astronaut office picks a crew from its esteemed corps is something of a mystery.But the space agency's of Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to fly SpaceX's seems almost obvious.Each man graduated from the same crop of in 2000. Each is an engineer and flew military aircraft. Each has flown to...

May 27, 2020
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Bay Area’s migration is real, but Postal Service data shows California exodus isn’t

Bay Area’s migration is real, but Postal Service data shows California exodus isn’t

[Want more news on a changing Bay Area? Sign up for the Bay Briefing newsletter ]Despite all the talk of people leaving the Bay Area during the pandemic, only a small fraction of residents have left the state, suggesting that reports of an exodus have been exaggerated, according to a Chronicle analysis of United States Postal Service data.Only 3.7% of the households and businesses that filed address changes in five Bay Area counties from March to November 2020 left California, a total of 4,264 move outs, according to the data.In contrast, and about a fifth of the 115,243 address changes...

March 1, 2021
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Bay Area health experts: CDC school reopening guidelines could hurt efforts to reopen classrooms

Bay Area health experts: CDC school reopening guidelines could hurt efforts to reopen classrooms

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally issued guidelines last week on how to reopen schools safely. But some Bay Area health experts are not sure that what the federal agency is recommending makes sense — or that it has students’ mental health in mind.The CDC on Friday its much-anticipated guidance for returning for K-12 students to in-person instruction in the coming year. It recommends handwashing, disinfection of school facilities, diagnostic testing and contact tracing to identify infections and separate infected people from others in a school.The CDC guidance is...

February 15, 2021
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Are San Francisco rents showing first sign of return to ‘normal’?

Are San Francisco rents showing first sign of return to ‘normal’?

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateApartment rents rose across San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland in January, the first price growth since the coronavirus pandemic erupted last spring, according to a new report.San Francisco’s one-bedroom median rent was up 0.8% to $2,680 per month from the prior month, the first increase since April 2020, according to real estate listings company Zumper. San Jose was up 1.9% to $2,130 per month, and Oakland spiked 2.6% to $2,000 per month, both compared with the prior month.San Francisco’s rents have still plunged 23.9% from the...

January 27, 2021
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Cell phone data shows Bay Area remains extreme when it comes to staying at home during pandemic

Cell phone data shows Bay Area remains extreme when it comes to staying at home during pandemic

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateWith vaccines now widely available and pandemic restrictions loosening, the U.S. is opening back up. But San Franciscans are moving more slowly to return to normal routines and get out of the house than residents of any other city in the country, according to mobility data.The Chronicle looked at how mobility patterns have changed for residents of different areas since the pandemic hit. We examined data from the Harvard-based research organization Opportunity Insights, which used geographical information from cellphones of Google...

April 19, 2021
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How the pandemic changed crime in every San Francisco neighborhood

How the pandemic changed crime in every San Francisco neighborhood

San Francisco’s crime rates looked very different in 2020 than they did in previous years — largely because of the pandemic.Most types of , and while homicides increased slightly, they remained lower than almost any year since the 1960s. Property crimes were all over the map: Burglaries and motor vehicle thefts soared, while larceny thefts decreased.A closer look at the data shows that crime fluctuations San Franciscans experienced last year strongly depended on where they lived in the city. On the whole, wealthier neighborhoods saw sharper spikes in crimes that rose citywide and shallower...

April 17, 2021
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This S.F. neighborhood saw 10 times more coronavirus cases than one nearby it

This S.F. neighborhood saw 10 times more coronavirus cases than one nearby it

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateFor a major city, San Francisco has fared relatively well during the coronavirus pandemic. It has had the lowest coronavirus case rate and death rate of any large urban county in the United States, according to data from the . Its current daily case rate of 3.8 cases per 100,000 is low enough to place it in California’s second least-restrictive reopening tier.But not all parts of the city have fared equally, according to . The department’s data breaks down coronavirus case rates by small neighborhoods within San Francisco,...

April 15, 2021
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These San Francisco neighborhoods saw biggest exodus during pandemic

These San Francisco neighborhoods saw biggest exodus during pandemic

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateSan Franciscans last year. Previous reporting has shown that many of them left for ; our analysis finds that they also left the densest parts of the city in droves, hollowing out downtown and other once-bustling neighborhoods.The Chronicle obtained data from the U.S. Postal Service on San Francisco households that changed their addresses during the first nine months of the pandemic. The data show that from March through November 2020, most ZIP codes saw dramatic increases in the number of residents who left compared to the same...

April 10, 2021
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Chesa Boudin recall: S.F. data shows who’s funding both sides of campaign

Chesa Boudin recall: S.F. data shows who’s funding both sides of campaign

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateChesa Boudin drew widespread attention in late 2019 when he ran for San Francisco district attorney — part of a burgeoning “progressive prosecutor” movement that aims to shift local prosecution efforts to white collar crime and law enforcement misconduct, while de-emphasizing lower-level property and drug offenses.Now, a little more than a year into his tenure, Boudin is , and it’s clear he remains a polarizing figure at the national level. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have poured in to support both Boudin and the recall...

April 7, 2021
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San Francisco’s crime rates shifted dramatically in 2020. Five charts show what’s going on

San Francisco’s crime rates shifted dramatically in 2020. Five charts show what’s going on

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateIn January, former S.F. mayoral candidate Richie Greenberg began a petition to recall San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.“Our beloved city has seen an astronomical increase in crime, even under COVID-19 restrictions,” . “In 2020, violent crime, home invasions, rampant and unchecked drug dealing and business property theft have turned our city upside down.”The petition has garnered nearly 15,000 signatures, suggesting that others may also believe that San Francisco’s crime rates spiked dramatically in 2020.But...

April 2, 2021
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