Seth McLaughlin
Seth McLaughlin
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Biden: Floyd death exposes nation’s ‘systemic racism’

Biden: Floyd death exposes nation’s ‘systemic racism’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementJoseph R. Biden said Friday that the death of George Floyd is a reminder of how the “original sin of this country still stains our nation today” and demands the nation rally behind the black community.Mr. Biden said Mr. Trump is stoking division and “encouraging violence” at a time when elected leaders should be emphasizing unity and bringing people together to “root out systemic racism.”’“It is time for us to take a hard look at the uncomfortable truths,” Mr. Biden said. “It...

May 29, 2020
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Joe Biden gaffes are Achilles heel, Trump campaign says

Joe Biden gaffes are Achilles heel, Trump campaign says

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump is convinced that Joseph R. Biden has an Achilles heel and it’s none other than Joe Biden himself.The nation’s 45th president and his reelection team believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant when it comes to denting Mr. Biden’s image among voters on the fence.The bet is simple: The more attention Mr. Biden gets from the news media, the better the chances the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee will shoot himself in the foot with goofs, gaffes and...

June 14, 2020
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Lori Lightfoot, Chicago mayor, to Trump: ‘F … U’

Lori Lightfoot, Chicago mayor, to Trump: ‘F … U’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementChicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Friday had some choice letters for President Trump: “F” and “U.”Ms. Lightfoot was firing back against Mr. Trump over comments he made regarding the protests in Minnesota that erupted after the death of George Floyd, which has renewed a national conversation over race and policing.“I will code what I really want to say to Donald Trump. It’s two words. It begins with F and it ends with U,” Ms. Lightfoot, who is black, said at a news...

May 29, 2020
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Joe Biden braces for Donald Trump offensive in debate

Joe Biden braces for Donald Trump offensive in debate

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementMOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. — Joseph R. Biden is expected to walk into a buzzsaw Tuesday when he climbs onto the stage for the first time to debate President Trump, and the way the Democratic presidential nominee responds could shape the contours of the race for the closing weeks of the campaign.The megahyped 90-minute event, hosted by the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western University, will be a sink-or-swim moment for the gaffe-prone former vice president, who is leading in most...

September 28, 2020
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Support for border wall surges as border ‘crisis’ intensifies

Support for border wall surges as border ‘crisis’ intensifies

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementAmericans are increasingly saying, “Build the wall.”A majority of voters now say they want the government to finish construction of former President ’s border wall, according to polling from the , which also found Americans itching for a tougher approach to illegal immigration than President Biden is taking.They see the migrant surge as a “crisis” and blame Mr. Biden for causing it, the poll showed.By a large margin — 71% to 19% — voters said they want the administration to get...

March 23, 2021
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Joe Biden rolls out $2.25 trillion spending plan for infrastructure, caregiving, manufacturing

Joe Biden rolls out $2.25 trillion spending plan for infrastructure, caregiving, manufacturing

TRENDING:AdvertisementPresident wants to hike taxes, including corporate rate, to fund new spendingFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Biden on Wednesday laid out a sweeping $2.25 trillion infrastructure package and an array of corporate tax increases to pay for the plan, touting his proposals as a “once-in-a-generation” investment in roads, bridges, broadband and manufacturing.But he faces an uphill climb to get much of the proposal through , where Republicans are uniformly opposed to the tax hikes and Democrats are...

March 31, 2021
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Biden slams lifting of Texas mask mandate as ‘big mistake’: ‘Neanderthal thinking’

Biden slams lifting of Texas mask mandate as ‘big mistake’: ‘Neanderthal thinking’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident on Wednesday slammed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to lift a statewide mask mandate as a “big mistake” and the result of “Neanderthal thinking.”“Masks make a difference,” Mr. said.As the COVID-19 vaccines roll out, the president said, “the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything’s fine, take off your mask and forget it. It still matters.”Mr. criticized the Republican governor’s decision to lift the mandate and other COVID-19...

March 3, 2021
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Jamie Raskin: Impeachment a ‘dramatic success’ despite Trump acquittal

Jamie Raskin: Impeachment a ‘dramatic success’ despite Trump acquittal

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementFormer President ’s opponents declared victory, despite his acquittal in a second impeachment trial Saturday, with claiming they have the moral high ground and the support needed to crush what remains of the former president’s political movement.Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the lead House impeachment manager or prosecutor in the Senate trial, said Sunday that the trial was a “dramatic success.”“It was the largest impeachment conviction vote in U.S. history. It was by far the...

February 14, 2021
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McConnell blocks Democrats’ bid for quick approval of $2,000 stimulus checks

McConnell blocks Democrats’ bid for quick approval of $2,000 stimulus checks

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked Democrats’ attempt Tuesday to more than triple COVID-19 relief checks to $2,000, and moved to link any increase — which has the backing of President Trump — with a repeal of liability protections for Big Tech, leading Democrats to delay action on a major defense bill.As Mr. McConnell maneuvered, the two Georgia Republicans who face runoff elections next week that will determine control of the Senate in 2021 also announced they now...

December 29, 2020
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Robert O’Brien: No ‘systemic racism’ in U.S. police forces

Robert O’Brien: No ‘systemic racism’ in U.S. police forces

TRENDING:AdvertisementCites bad apples, some racist cops and poor trainingFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementWhite House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said Sunday he doesn’t think there is systemic racism in the nation’s police forces and “bad apples” are at fault for the impression even as protesters argue that a pattern of discrimination is at the root of George Floyd’s death.Black people have been killed in multiple high-profile interactions with police in Baltimore, Missouri and other places across the U.S. Some data...

May 31, 2020
