David Sherfinski
David Sherfinski
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Ben Carson: Donald Trump will ‘get there’ on athletes kneeling for anthem

Ben Carson: Donald Trump will ‘get there’ on athletes kneeling for anthem

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementBen Carson, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, suggested Monday that President Trump might soften his hard-line stance against athletes and others kneeling during the National Anthem before games as a form of social protest.“Well, I don’t think he has manifested as much animosity in that region lately. And I think we just continue to work him. He’ll get there,” Mr. Carson told radio host Hugh Hewitt.Mr. Carson said athletes kneeling during...

June 15, 2020
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Val Demings rips Donald Trump for trying to capitalize on Joe Biden ‘you ain’t black’ comment

Val Demings rips Donald Trump for trying to capitalize on Joe Biden ‘you ain’t black’ comment

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementRep. Val Demings, Florida Democrat, on Sunday said former Vice President Joseph R. Biden erred when he said people weighing whether to support him or President Trump “ain’t black” but that Mr. Trump isn’t in a position to lob race-related attacks.“Look, [the] vice president shouldn’t have said it, he apologized for it,” Ms. Demings said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”Ms. Demings, an African-American and potential vice presidential pick for Mr. Biden, also slammed the “gall and...

May 24, 2020
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Gun sales surge 80% in May: research firm

Gun sales surge 80% in May: research firm

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementGun sales surged in May as shops reported an uptick in interest and demand amid national protests after the Memorial Day killing of George Floyd and as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc and stoke fear across the country.“Almost, you couldn’t even keep up with it. That’s how crazy it was,” said Joe Hawk, owner of Guns & Roses in New Jersey. “After Memorial Day, it spiked again. It just went crazy again.”Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting, a private research firm,...

June 1, 2020
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Joe Biden rejects Trump’s call for him to take a cognitive test: ‘Are you a junkie?’

Joe Biden rejects Trump’s call for him to take a cognitive test: ‘Are you a junkie?’

TRENDING:Follow UsQuestion of the DayLikely Democratic presidential nominee rejected President ’s call that he take a cognitive test, saying it would be like a TV reporter’s getting tested for cocaine before going on air.“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man,” Mr. said in a clip that aired Wednesday on “CBS This Morning.”“That’s like saying before you got on this program, you’re taking a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” the 77-year-old Mr. said. “What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?”TOP STORIESMr. has bragged about recently acing a test...

August 5, 2020
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Trump law and order campaign sees rioting a way to win suburbs

Trump law and order campaign sees rioting a way to win suburbs

TRENDING:Follow UsQuestion of the DayAmid clashes in the streets, from Portland to the nation’s capital, President has leaned into a “law and order” campaign, making the case that out-of-control looting, rioting, and death will become the norm in ’s America.Though polling shows Mr. struggling to keep pace with Mr. in the suburbs, the main target of the message, the president’s team and his backers say the clashes and violent imagery will ultimately boost him as Election Day nears.The president on Friday vowed that federal officers will respond to the ongoing unrest in Portland with “very...

August 2, 2020
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Marco Rubio: Chinese consulate in Houston is a ‘front’ for ‘massive spy operation’

Marco Rubio: Chinese consulate in Houston is a ‘front’ for ‘massive spy operation’

TRENDING:Follow UsQuestion of the DaySen. , Florida Republican, on Wednesday said the Chinese consulate in Houston is basically a front for a massive spy operation after the State Department ordered the consulate to close.“So this consulate is basically a front. … It’s kind of [the] central node of a massive spy operation — commercial espionage, defense espionage — also influence agents to try to influence Congress,” Mr. , the acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Fox Business Network.Mr. said the closure was “long overdue.”The State Department said the move was...

July 22, 2020
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Mick Mulvaney: Dr. Anthony Fauci was wrong about masks

Mick Mulvaney: Dr. Anthony Fauci was wrong about masks

TRENDING:AdvertisementSays it's tough to work with the president 'when you don't have credibility'Follow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementFormer acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Monday said that while he likes Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious diseases expert’s record during the coronavirus pandemic isn’t blemish-free.“It’s tough. I really admire Dr. Fauci, but I was also one of the persons he told to go on television and tell people not to wear masks,” Mr. Mulvaney said on CNBC.He also said other information, such as...

July 13, 2020
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Donald Trump: ‘Automatic’ 10 years in prison for toppling monuments

Donald Trump: ‘Automatic’ 10 years in prison for toppling monuments

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump on Sunday said agitators shouldn’t even think about trying to topple several of Washington, D.C.’s highest-profile monuments and statues.“No, Radical Left anarchists, agitators, looters or protesters will not be knocking down or harming the Washington Monument, the Lincoln or Jefferson Memorials, or just about any other Federal Monument or Statue,” the president said on Twitter. “If they even try, an automatic 10 years in prison. Sorry!”Mr. Trump has vocally...

July 12, 2020
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Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump narrows across six battleground states: Poll

Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump narrows across six battleground states: Poll

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden’s lead over President Trump across six battleground states has dipped in recent weeks, according to polling on Wednesday.Mr. Biden held an average 3-point, 48% to 45%, lead over Mr. Trump among likely voters in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the Change Research/CNBC polling.Two weeks ago, Mr. Biden had held a 6-point, 49% to 43% lead.Mr. Biden did still hold an edge...

July 29, 2020
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William Barr: Geoffrey Berman was an ‘interim’ U.S. attorney ‘living on borrowed time’

William Barr: Geoffrey Berman was an ‘interim’ U.S. attorney ‘living on borrowed time’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementAttorney General William P. Barr said in a new interview that former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman had always been “living on borrowed time” and that he was “interim.”Mr. Barr said all U.S. attorneys are appointed by the president and can be removed by the president.“The president had never made an appointment to that office. Geoffrey Berman was interim,” Mr. Barr NPR in an interview published on Thursday. “He was appointed by the court as a temporary U.S. attorney holding...

June 26, 2020

