Dave Boyer
Dave Boyer
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Trump admin. to propose expedited death penalty for mass killings

Trump admin. to propose expedited death penalty for mass killings

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementAttorney General William Barr has drafted a proposal to speed up executions for people convicted of mass killings, a senior White House official said Monday.Marc Short, chief of staff for Vice President Mike Pence, told reporters that the measure to fast-track capital punishment in cases of mass killings will become part of any final package on gun legislation proposed by the White House to Congress.Mr. Short discussed the proposal briefly on Air Force Two as the vice president...

September 2, 2019
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Donald Trump, ‘President of law and order,’ takes aim at ‘Lowlife & Scum’ as riots rage

Donald Trump, ‘President of law and order,’ takes aim at ‘Lowlife & Scum’ as riots rage

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump has shifted almost overnight from a candidate focused nonstop on economic recovery to promoting himself once again as the law-and-order president.With his calling-out of more federal forces against rioters across the U.S. this week, Mr. Trump is counting on a suddenly more muscular law-and-order theme to help propel him to victory against a Democratic Party perennially criticized for being soft on crime.The president said in a Twitter post Tuesday that New York...

June 2, 2020
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Reopened states revive economy as doomsday predictions don’t materialize

Reopened states revive economy as doomsday predictions don’t materialize

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPositive economic news poured in from reopened states Wednesday as President Trump hosted the governors of Arkansas and Kansas at the White House, while Florida’s governor blasted the media for incorrectly predicting that he ended the state’s coronavirus shutdown too soon.Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, told the president in a White House meeting that his state is “back to work” and that the state’s sales tax revenue likely will bounce back faster than expected.“All...

May 20, 2020
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China state media: George Floyd protests in U.S. a ‘beautiful sight’

China state media: George Floyd protests in U.S. a ‘beautiful sight’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementA Chinese state newspaper called the riots in dozens of U.S. cities “retribution” for Washington’s support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, punctuating rising tensions Sunday between Beijing and President Trump.Mr. Trump has stepped up to the fight and announced that the U.S. is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling of China’s role in the coronavirus crisis. He also imposed fresh sanctions on Beijing and Hong Kong officials...

May 31, 2020
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Donald Trump vetoes first domestic bill in four years, rejects measure on education loan forgiveness

Donald Trump vetoes first domestic bill in four years, rejects measure on education loan forgiveness

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump has vetoed a domestic policy bill for the first time, rejecting a bipartisan measure that would have barred Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from implementing a new rule determining how defrauded student borrowers could get loan forgiveness.Mr. Trump said the legislation “sought to reimpose an Obama-era regulation that defined educational fraud so broadly that it threatened to paralyze the nation’s system of higher education.”“The Department of Education’s rule...

May 29, 2020
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Trump pulls U.S. out of World Health Organization, slaps penalties on China over Hong Kong action

Trump pulls U.S. out of World Health Organization, slaps penalties on China over Hong Kong action

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump announced Friday the U.S. is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronarvirus crisis, and took limited actions to punish China for misleading the world on the virus and for its security crackdown on Hong Kong.Mr. Trump also announced he was ending U.S. preferential treatment for Hong Kong, as Beijing moves to curb its autonomy.“Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health...

May 29, 2020
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Donald Trump reopens campaign at Tulsa rally, declares silent majority ‘stronger than ever’

Donald Trump reopens campaign at Tulsa rally, declares silent majority ‘stronger than ever’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump restarted his reelection campaign with a comeback rally Saturday night in Oklahoma, telling cheering supporters “the silent majority is stronger than ever before.”“Five months from now we’re going to beat ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden,” Mr. Trump told a less-than-capacity crowd at BOK arena in Tulsa. “We’re going to stop the radical left.”The president attacked Mr. Biden, the former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee, as “a very willing Trojan horse for...

June 20, 2020
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Donald Trump signs law authorizing China sanctions over Hong Kong crackdown

Donald Trump signs law authorizing China sanctions over Hong Kong crackdown

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump signed legislation Tuesday sanctioning Chinese officials and entities for China’s “repressive actions” against the people of Hong Kong, and issued an executive order ending the territory’s preferential treatment by the U.S.In an hour-long announcement at the White House in which he mainly attacked Democratic rival Joseph R. Biden’s position on Beijing, Mr. Trump said no administration “has been tougher on China than this administration.”“Joe Biden and President...

July 14, 2020
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Poll shows Joe Biden leading in Pa., but finds widespread suspicion of ‘secret’ Donald Trump voters

Poll shows Joe Biden leading in Pa., but finds widespread suspicion of ‘secret’ Donald Trump voters

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementA majority of voters in Pennsylvania believe there are “secret” Trump voters in their communities who support the president but keep it to themselves, according to a new Monmouth University poll released on Wednesday.of registered voters found Democrat Joseph R. Biden holding a 13-point lead over President Trump, 53% to 40%. Pollsters said the Democrat’s lead among likely voters ranges from 7 to 10 points, depending on the expected turnout level.But many Pennsylvania residents...

July 15, 2020
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Bill Stepien in Trump campaign memo, cites ‘flawed’ polls, Biden ‘enthusiasm gap’

Bill Stepien in Trump campaign memo, cites ‘flawed’ polls, Biden ‘enthusiasm gap’

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementPresident Trump is beating Joseph R. Biden in voter enthusiasm, and media-sponsored polls that show the Democrat with a big lead are flawed and wrong, a top Trump campaign official said Sunday.With a little more than four months to go before Election Day, Trump deputy campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a memo that Mr. Biden’s candidacy “has a decided lack of enthusiastic support as compared to President Trump.”Mr. Stepien also said public polling sponsored by media companies...

June 28, 2020

