Nick Valencia
Nick Valencia
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A month after reopening, Georgia coronavirus cases continue slow and steady

A month after reopening, Georgia coronavirus cases continue slow and steady

(CNN)A month since Georgia took some of the earliest and most extensive steps to reopen parts of its economy, Covid-19 cases have largely flattened in the state, albeit with a slight recent uptick."The bad news is we are not seeing a reduction in transmission, but I don't see a spike in transmission," said Dr. Gerardo Chowell, professor of mathematical epidemiology at Georgia State University's School of Public Health.Data from the shows that the seven-day moving average of coronavirus cases steadily declined from late April until mid-May, a reflection of the earlier stay-at-home order. The...

May 26, 2020
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'We've been muzzled': CDC sources say White House putting politics ahead of science

'We've been muzzled': CDC sources say White House putting politics ahead of science

(CNN)In the early weeks of the US coronavirus outbreak, staff members in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had tracked a growing number of transmissions in Europe and elsewhere, and proposed a global advisory that would alert flyers to the dangers of air travel. But about a week passed before the alert was issued publicly -- crucial time lost when about 66,000 European travelers were streaming into American airports .The delay, detailed in documents obtained by CNN, is the latest example to emerge of a growing sense of disconnect between the CDC and the White House.In...

May 20, 2020
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Experts say the US needs teams ready to hunt down new Covid-19 cases. But so far, there aren't nearly enough

Experts say the US needs teams ready to hunt down new Covid-19 cases. But so far, there aren't nearly enough

(CNN)While President Donald Trump's May 1 deadline to reopen parts of the economy looms, state and local government officials, along with public health experts, are calling for contact tracing teams to start tracking coronavirus positive patients to both contain the virus and start reopening some businesses.But with only two weeks to go, many parts of the country don't have contact tracing teams that are up to speed enough to reopen places, according to experts.Contact tracing is a widely used method in public health that relies on identifying every person who tests positive with an...

April 17, 2020
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Massive lines mar start of in-person early voting in Georgia

Massive lines mar start of in-person early voting in Georgia

Atlanta (CNN)A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia, a presidential battleground for the first time in decades that will also play a huge role in deciding which party controls the Senate.Georgia voters have been returning mail-in ballots for weeks already, but Monday was the first day that the state offered in-person voting opportunities. There were some early hiccups reported, including glitches that slowed down voting at one supersite in Atlanta. Elsewhere, early voters endured long...

October 7, 2020
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New CDC guidelines come down hard in favor of opening schools

New CDC guidelines come down hard in favor of opening schools

(CNN)New US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention come down hard in favor of opening schools, saying children don't suffer much from coronavirus, are less likely than adults to spread it and suffer from being out of school.But y do recommend that local officials should consider closing schools, or keeping them closed, if there is substantial, uncontrolled transmission of the virus.The CDC has been promising new guidelines for more than a week, after demands from President Donald Trump that the agency alter its recommendations for opening schools."It is critically important for our...

July 15, 2020
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Suspect in Atlanta shooting death of 8-year-old Secoriea Turner turns himself in | CNN

Suspect in Atlanta shooting death of 8-year-old Secoriea Turner turns himself in | CNN

By , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A suspect in the shooting death of an in Atlanta over the Fourth of July weekend has turned himself in to police, his attorney said Wednesday.The Atlanta Police Department had issued a warrant charging Julian Conley, 19, with aggravated assault and felony murder, according to department spokesman Anthony W. Grant.Secoriea Turner was shot and killed July 4 while sitting in a car with her mother and an unidentified male while they attempted to turn around in a parking lot that had an illegal barricade.Conley is in custody at the Fulton County Jail....

July 15, 2020
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Trump administration rejects CDC guidance on reopening US amid coronavirus | CNN Politics

Trump administration rejects CDC guidance on reopening US amid coronavirus | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The Trump administration will not implement the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s , a senior CDC official confirmed to CNN Thursday.The guidance provided more detailed suggestions beyond the , including specific suggestions for schools and churches. in recent days has the American economy despite public health officials’ urgings for a more cautious approach.A senior CDC official confirmed to CNN that it was clear on Wednesday night that the White House was not going to implement their 17-page draft recommendation for reopening...

May 3, 2020
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CDC releases detailed guidance on reopening that had previously been shelved by White House

CDC releases detailed guidance on reopening that had previously been shelved by White House

(CNN)The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has posted 60 pages of from coronavirus pandemic stay-at-home orders on the agency's website.The guidance was a slightly shorter version of by the White House last week after concerns it was too specific.Still, the latest CDC document was very descriptive, providing a detailed road map for schools, restaurants, transit and child care facilities on the categories to consider before reopening.The guidance was posted without fanfare amid reported Read MoreCNN previously reported one of the main hold ups for publishing the CDC documents was...

May 19, 2020
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