Ellie Kaufman
Ellie Kaufman
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Mueller raised possibility Trump lied to him, newly unsealed report reveals | CNN Politics

Mueller raised possibility Trump lied to him, newly unsealed report reveals | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Special counsel Robert Mueller examined whether President Donald Trump lied to him in written answers during the Russia investigation, a possibility House Democrats have said they continue to look into even after Trump’s impeachment.With fresh detail, the special counsel’s investigation also documented how several Trump campaign officials heard from the then-candidate about WikiLeaks releases that ultimately helped his campaign, said on Friday.The revelations come from sections of Mueller’s final investigative report, on Russian interference...

April 17, 2019
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With lobbying push, gyms get on Phase One of Trump's reopening plan | CNN Politics

With lobbying push, gyms get on Phase One of Trump's reopening plan | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — When President Donald Trump for “opening up America again” last week, of businesses and institutions that could reopen were restaurants, movie theaters and places of worship – so long as they adhered to strict social distancing protocols. Tucked near the bottom of the list, right above a warning that bars should stay closed, was a curious inclusion: gyms.While an integral part of many Americans’ routines, gyms and fitness clubs would seem to present a particular risk for contact spread of a contagious virus. Filled with people sweating and...

April 20, 2020
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Lawyer drops Biden accuser Tara Reade as resumé questions lead to review of past expert testimony | CNN Politics

Lawyer drops Biden accuser Tara Reade as resumé questions lead to review of past expert testimony | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A lawyer who represented , the woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, announced Friday that Reade is no longer his firm’s client.The news came as California defense attorneys and a district attorney’s office said they are reviewing past criminal cases in which Reade testified as an expert witness, following a CNN report that questioned her education credentials.Doug Wigdor said the decision to no longer represent Reade was made on Wednesday, the day after CNN published an extensive investigation about Reade’s...

May 20, 2020
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Top military official warns China and Russia are modernizing nuclear weapons faster than US | CNN Politics

Top military official warns China and Russia are modernizing nuclear weapons faster than US | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The top US military official who runs the American nuclear arsenal warned that China and Russia are and capabilities faster than the US, saying during a congressional hearing on Tuesday that if it does not start investing more in nuclear defense and infrastructure, the US will be “at risk of losing credibility in the eyes of our adversaries.”Russia is “aggressively engaged” in “conventional nuclear capability development and modernization, and are now roughly 80% complete while we are at zero,” saId Adm. Charles Richard, the head of US...

April 13, 2021
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Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40% of according to data provided to CNN on Friday by the service, the first branch to disclose service-wide numbers on acceptance and declination. As of Thursday, approximately 75,500 Marines have received vaccines, including fully vaccinated and partially vaccinated service men and women. About 48,000 Marines have chosen not to receive vaccines, for a declination rate of 38.9%.CNN has reached out to the other services for acceptance and declination rates.The corresponding acceptance rate for vaccinations among Marines -- 61.1% -- is not far off the military estimate...

April 10, 2021
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Trump's acting Defense Secretary says his January 6 speech incited Capitol rioters

Trump's acting Defense Secretary says his January 6 speech incited Capitol rioters

(CNN)Former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller believes former President Donald Trump's speech on the morning of January 6 incited the rioters who ."The question is would anybody have marched on the Capitol and overrun the Capitol without the President's speech, I think it's pretty much definitive that wouldn't have happened, so yes," Miller told VICE on Showtime. "The question is did he know that he was enraging the crowd to do that, I don't know." Miller said he believed the Trump's speech earlier in the day did have a "cause and effect" impact on those who listened and later...

March 11, 2021
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Secretary of Defense to contact Manchin after Republicans raise concerns about Pentagon nominee's tweets

Secretary of Defense to contact Manchin after Republicans raise concerns about Pentagon nominee's tweets

Washington (CNN)Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin plans to speak with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin after Colin Kahl, the Biden administration's nominee for the top policy job at the Pentagon, from Republicans for tweets criticizing several Trump administration defense policy decisions.Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said Austin plans on calling Manchin, a moderate Democrat and a crucial potential swing vote in a 50-50 Senate, as the department is "certainly mindful of the concerns that some members have expressed." The planned conversation comes after the senator in sinking the...

March 9, 2021
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Pentagon report reveals details about White supremacists in the ranks

Pentagon report reveals details about White supremacists in the ranks

(CNN)A Pentagon report on extremism obtained by CNN gives disturbing insight into how White supremacists are active in the military and offers recommendations to better identify domestic extremists and prevent them from serving. It details an instance of a former National Guardsman who is a member of a dangerous neo-Nazi group bragging about openly discussing extremist views while serving and separately describes service members describing how they recognize fellow White supremacists by their fascist tattoos and T-shirt logos. While the report, commissioned by Congress and dated October...

February 25, 2021
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Biden administration says it intends to close Guantanamo prison

Biden administration says it intends to close Guantanamo prison

(CNN)The Biden administration intends to close the , which houses approximately 40 prisoners, by the end of their term.When asked by a reporter during a press briefing on Friday if the prison would be closed by the time President Joe Biden leaves office, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, "That's certainly our goal and our intention."Psaki said the National Security Council is undertaking an inter-agency review to "assess the state of play that the Biden administration has, that we've inherited from the previous administration."Former President Barack Obama made a campaign promise...

February 12, 2021
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Defense Secretary dismisses hundreds of members of Pentagon advisory boards including late Trump picks | CNN Politics

Defense Secretary dismisses hundreds of members of Pentagon advisory boards including late Trump picks | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Defense Secretary has dismissed hundreds of members of 42 Pentagon advisory boards, including controversial late appointments by the Trump administration, as the Pentagon announced a review of the boards’ memberships Tuesday.The announcement comes after the previous administration to advisory boards in the final months of former President Donald Trump’s term including former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, who served as his deputy campaign manager.The Pentagon took no pains to hide the fact Austin took the action...

February 2, 2021
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