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Latest health care bill collapses following Moran, Lee defections | CNN Politics

Latest health care bill collapses following Moran, Lee defections | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad FeedbackMitch McConnell could only afford to lose two senators and still advance the legislationOn Monday night, Sens. Mike Lee and Jerry Moran became no votes three and four — The Republican Party’s efforts to gut former President Barack Obama’s legacy health care law came to an abrupt – if temporary – halt Monday night.Just hours after the Senate was gaveled back into session, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was handed two more public defections on his health care bill to overhaul Obamacare. The dramatic and simultaneous announcement from...

July 18, 2017
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NFL tells White House it's ready to make every stadium a vaccination site

NFL tells White House it's ready to make every stadium a vaccination site

(CNN) will make its stadium available as a mass vaccination site, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden dated Thursday.The offer comes as the Biden administration has promised the opening of mass vaccination sites as part of its push to ramp up the pace of Covid inoculations."This is currently being done at seven NFL stadiums today," Goodell wrote. "We can expand our efforts to stadiums across the nation more effectively because many of our clubs have offered their facilities previously as COVID testing centers as well as election sites over the past...

February 5, 2021
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Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say

Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say

(CNN)Newly sworn in and his advisers are inheriting no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan to speak of from the Trump administration, sources tell CNN, posing a significant challenge for the new White House.The Biden administration has promised to try to turn the around and drastically speed up the pace of vaccinating Americans against the virus. But in the immediate hours following Biden being sworn into office on Wednesday, sources with direct knowledge of the new administration's Covid-related work told CNN one of the biggest shocks that the Biden team had to digest during the...

January 19, 2021
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Transition mistrust: Roadblocks on troops, cyber hack and budgets

Transition mistrust: Roadblocks on troops, cyber hack and budgets

(CNN) explosive allegation this week that the outgoing on key national security matters was a low-point for a transition plagued by mistrust, overseen by a sitting President uninterested in facilitating a smooth transfer of power.Afterward, Trump administration officials insisted Biden was stretching the truth when he said during remarks Monday that members of his team "just aren't getting all the information that we need." Those officials cited dozens of transition meetings that have occurred since the process officially began last month after a lengthy delay.At the same time, people close...

December 28, 2020
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Trump has cast doubt on a peaceful transfer of power, but the preparation for one is well underway | CNN Politics

Trump has cast doubt on a peaceful transfer of power, but the preparation for one is well underway | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — President has cast doubt on whether he will commit to a peaceful transfer of power should Democrat win the election, but the secretive process to prepare a would-be Biden administration has been underway for months with help from top Trump officials.The legally mandated transition happens every four years and ensures that, should a transfer of power be needed, the incoming president is able to use the less than three months to stand up a government and hit the ground running on Inauguration Day. But experts on transitions tell CNN that a...

September 24, 2020
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Elizabeth Warren to endorse progressive challenger Jamaal Bowman in primary against NY Rep. Eliot Engel

Elizabeth Warren to endorse progressive challenger Jamaal Bowman in primary against NY Rep. Eliot Engel

(CNN)Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren plans to endorse Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday, throwing her support in a closely watched Democratic primary race behind a middle school principal who has garnered backing from big-name progressive leaders in his challenge against longtime New York Rep. Eliot Engel."He is exactly the kind of person we need in Congress fighting for big, structural change. Whether it's fighting for high-quality public schools, affordable housing, or rooting out systemic racism, Jamaal Bowman will be a champion for working people in Washington," Warren will say in an...

June 16, 2020
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Elizabeth Warren endorses Joe Biden for president | CNN Politics

Elizabeth Warren endorses Joe Biden for president | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Sen. Elizabeth Warren officially endorsed former Vice President Wednesday morning.The former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate tweeted out her endorsement with a video message, noting the empathy Biden extends to struggling Americans.“Empathy matters. And, in this moment of crisis, it’s more important than ever that the next president restores Americans’ faith in good, effective government,” Warren says. “Joe Biden has spent nearly his entire life in public service. He knows that a government run with integrity, competence, and heart will...

April 15, 2020
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Democrats grapple with questions about Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden

Democrats grapple with questions about Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden

(CNN)Top Democratic leaders and allies of are being asked to respond to an allegation of sexual assault leveled against the former vice president by Tara Reade, at a moment when many in the Democratic Party are eager to consolidate support for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.Some of Biden's highest-profile surrogates -- including Minnesota Sen. and Michigan Gov. , as well as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who ended his own 2020 campaign last week before endorsing Biden on Monday -- have confronted questions in recent days about the serious accusation brought forth by Reade, a...

April 17, 2020
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Tara Reade's ex-neighbor says Reade told her about Joe Biden sexual assault allegation in the 1990s | CNN Politics

Tara Reade's ex-neighbor says Reade told her about Joe Biden sexual assault allegation in the 1990s | CNN Politics

By , Correspondent, CNN Political CorrespondentLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A former neighbor of , a woman who has accused of sexual assault, has come forward to say that Reade told her about the alleged assault in the mid-1990s. The account, purportedly told to the neighbor within a few years of the alleged incident, marks the first detailed and on-the-record corroboration of Reade’s allegation against the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.Lynda LaCasse told CNN in a phone interview Monday that she remembers stepping out of her two-bedroom home in Morro Bay, California,...

April 29, 2020
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University of Delaware says it still has no plans to release Biden's Senate papers, as pressure mounts

University of Delaware says it still has no plans to release Biden's Senate papers, as pressure mounts

(CNN)The university that possesses a trove of Senate papers told CNN on Thursday that there are still no plans to make them public now, as pressure grows on Biden's presidential campaign to release records that some say could potentially shed light on a against the presumptive Democratic nominee, which his campaign denies.The University of Delaware said in a statement provided to CNN that the school is still "curating the collection" and the process is not expected to end until well into 2021. And even after the curation is finished, a spokeswoman for the school told CNN, the school would...

April 29, 2020
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