Kristen Holmes
Kristen Holmes
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Aides and allies making concerted effort to get Trump to stop doing daily briefings

Aides and allies making concerted effort to get Trump to stop doing daily briefings

(CNN)There has been a concerted effort to getto stop conducting the daily coronavirus briefings, multiple sources tell CNN. After weeks of briefings that sometimes last more than two hours, there is some agreement in the West Wing that some of the news conferences have gone on too long, resulting in a situation where Trump and administration officials simply run . The result, aides have noticed, is that the briefings stray into politics instead of the matter at hand. potential changes to the coronavirus task force news briefings.Friday's coronavirus task force news briefing was the shortest...

April 24, 2020
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Trump denies he is about to fire Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar | CNN Politics

Trump denies he is about to fire Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — President Donald Trump on Sunday evening denied he was going to fireIn a tweet, Trump said that “Reports that H.H.S. Secretary @AlexAzar is going to be ‘fired’ by me” are false.The President accused the media of being “…desperate to create the perception of chaos & havoc in the minds of the public. They never even called to ask. Alex is doing an excellent job!” Azar echoed Trump’s message in his own tweet thread later Sunday evening attacking the media and praising the President’s coronavirus response.The public pushback comes after...

April 26, 2020
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Task force members sent Birx to convince Trump to denounce Kemp's Georgia reopening decision, source says

Task force members sent Birx to convince Trump to denounce Kemp's Georgia reopening decision, source says

(CNN)Members of the coronavirus task force had to convince to change his view on in his state later this week, a source close to the task force told CNN. At a meeting before Wednesday's briefing, task force members discussed the likelihood of being asked about controversial move to open up many businesses such as nail salons and bowling alleys, the source added.Trump has been publicly encouraging the county to "reopen," even in the face of his own administration's guidelines released last week that outlay benchmarks that few regions of the country have met. On Tuesday, when asked about...

April 22, 2020
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New York Times' coronavirus report outlines how Trump 'could have seen what was coming' | CNN Politics

New York Times' coronavirus report outlines how Trump 'could have seen what was coming' | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A new report on the Trump administration’s missteps in the early days of the coronavirus’ spread into the US was on Saturday, detailing new instances showing how ignored the warnings of his advisers about the lethal infectious disease approaching America’s doorstep.According to the report, Dr. Robert Kadlec, the top disaster response official at the Department of Health and Human Services, convened the White House coronavirus task force on February 21. During his meeting, the group conducted a mock-up exercise of the pandemic. It predicted...

April 11, 2020
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Only some medical supplies from overseas going directly to coronavirus hotspots

Only some medical supplies from overseas going directly to coronavirus hotspots

(CNN)Only a portion of the medical supplies being flown in by from overseas are being allotted to critical hotspots prioritized by the agency and the Department of Health and Human Services. The rest will resupply the private market, where and has been trying to shore up equipment to treat patients with coronavirus, according to multiple officials.The Trump administration has touted the incoming flights, billing them and the equipment they're bringing in as a reprieve to states desperate for supplies. But states are not the sole recipients of the equipment, according to a FEMA spokesperson....

April 1, 2020
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Postmaster General to testify before Senate on Friday | CNN Politics

Postmaster General to testify before Senate on Friday | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Postmaster General Louis DeJoy will testify before the Republican-led Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Friday, the committee announced Tuesday.It will be the US Postal Service chief’s first opportunity to publicly answer questions amid accusations that the Trump administration is purposefully handicapping the USPS in an effort to hinder mail-in voting during the pandemic.Democrats on the House Oversight Committee announced earlier this week that DeJoy and USPS Board of Governors Chairman Robert Duncan would on...

August 18, 2020
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Robert Trump, the younger brother of President Donald Trump, dead at age 71

Robert Trump, the younger brother of President Donald Trump, dead at age 71

(CNN)Robert Trump, 71, the younger brother of , died Saturday at a New York hospital, Donald Trump announced in a statement."It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away tonight. He was not just my brother, he was my best friend. He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever. Robert, I love you. Rest in peace," the President said.Donald Trump is expected to attend his brother's funeral. However no details were immediately available on plans. Additionally, a source familiar said the President...

August 16, 2020
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George Floyd's brother to testify before Congress on police accountability

George Floyd's brother to testify before Congress on police accountability

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Kristen Holmes, CNN White House Correspondent(CNN) George Floyd's brother, , will testify before Congress on Wednesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on "Policing Practices and Law Enforcement Accountability," a source familiar tells CNN.The source said it had not yet been determined whether Floyd would testify in person or virtually. House Judiciary Committee Democrats invited Floyd to speak, this person said.CNN has reached out to the Committee for details.See moreABC News first reported that Floyd would be appearing before...

June 6, 2020
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Biden administration helping develop standards to prove vaccination

Biden administration helping develop standards to prove vaccination

Washington (CNN)The Biden administration is working on creating a set of standards for people against , according to an administration official.The official said they're currently working with a range of companies on the standards, including non-profits and tech companies, adding that they are likely still weeks away from being finalized, the official said.Multiple government agencies are engaged in conversations and planning, coordinated by the White House, as this kind of system will play a role in multiple aspects of life, including potentially the workforce, another senior...

March 7, 2021
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Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages | CNN Politics

Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Nearly four months after in order to compel businesses to manufacture equipment for the fight against the coronavirus, the Trump administration has made only sparing use of its authorities, leaving front-line workers in dire need of supplies like masks, gowns and gloves amid the .The Department of Health and Human Services listed 19 companies that have received contracts under the Defense Production Act to produce emergency supplies, including 600 million N95 respirators and face masks. But experts say it’s not enough and that the effort...

July 14, 2020

