Drew Griffin
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Whistleblower says he was pressured by Trump administration to reverse environmental decision | CNN Politics

Whistleblower says he was pressured by Trump administration to reverse environmental decision | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — In the summer of 2017, Arizona developer Mike Ingram’s proposed housing and golf course project in the desert was facing a road block because of a decision by the Department of the Interior.A field supervisor for the US Fish and Wildlife Service had determined that it was “reasonably certain” that threatened and endangered species could be harmed.But that decision suddenly changed following a secret breakfast meeting at a Montana hunting lodge between Ingram – a donor to President Donald Trump and co-owner of the Arizona Diamondbacks – and ,...

July 9, 2019
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Minneapolis police are rarely disciplined for complaints, records show

Minneapolis police are rarely disciplined for complaints, records show

(CNN)When Minneapolis-based activist Michelle Gross learned the name of the officer who planted his knee on the neck of George Floyd until after he lost consciousness, she wasn't surprised.Gross, who has tracked 20 years' worth of complaints against Minneapolis police, identified the officer by cross-checking the badge number seen in the video of Floyd's death against her records. It belonged to Derek Chauvin -- a familiar name."When I saw the name I said, 'Oh, him,'" Gross told CNN. "When you start to see those same officers over and over again with multiple complaints, their names lodge...

June 12, 2020
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Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages | CNN Politics

Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Nearly four months after in order to compel businesses to manufacture equipment for the fight against the coronavirus, the Trump administration has made only sparing use of its authorities, leaving front-line workers in dire need of supplies like masks, gowns and gloves amid the .The Department of Health and Human Services listed 19 companies that have received contracts under the Defense Production Act to produce emergency supplies, including 600 million N95 respirators and face masks. But experts say it’s not enough and that the effort...

July 14, 2020
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Bodycam footage reveals new details about Black man's death in custody

Bodycam footage reveals new details about Black man's death in custody

(CNN)With at least three officers on his legs and back — and yet another applying a knee to his head and neck — the Black man in his 40s cries out "I can't breathe" multiple times. "Please Allah," he says. "Allah? He's not going to help you now," one of the officers struggling to cuff him says. "Just relax.""Please help me," the man says, in between screams. "Please.""Relax!" an officer says. "Stop resisting."Read MoreThe man's shrieks and utterances become groans. His body goes limp, he falls silent, and vomits. Moments later in the bodycam footage, an officer can be heard saying, "He's...

July 9, 2020
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Confusion over the availability and criteria for coronavirus testing is leaving sick people wondering if they're infected | CNN

Confusion over the availability and criteria for coronavirus testing is leaving sick people wondering if they're infected | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A group of first responders in Washington state, a scientist in California, a woman at an assisted living facility in Florida – all worried because they believe they might have but say they can’t get tested.They and many others tell CNN they’re suffering symptoms associated with what’s officially known as Covid-19, and are worried they may have come into contact with someone who has the virus. They are angry and frustrated after trying to get tested, only to be turned away. Their stories came into CNN’s tip line even as Vice President Mike...

March 13, 2020
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Police unions have helped shield officers from accountability. Now they're facing unprecedented backlash | CNN

Police unions have helped shield officers from accountability. Now they're facing unprecedented backlash | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — One San Antonio police officer repeatedly used the n-word as he arrested a Black man for trespassing at a mall. Another told a man he could go free if he beat the officer in a fistfight. A third allegedly tried to give a homeless man a sandwich filled with dog feces. All of them were fired by the police chief. And all of them were rehired after an arbitrator overturned their dismissals – in a process laid out in the contract between the city and the powerful police union. In more than four out of 10 of the cases in which arbitrators ruled on...

July 2, 2020
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How QAnon's lies are hijacking the national conversation | CNN

How QAnon's lies are hijacking the national conversation | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — It started with a Tweet from a QAnon supporter at 2:09 in the morning: #SubpoenaObama.Though devoid of context, the cryptic message made sense to anyone in tune with the groundless conspiracy theory that the Obama administration – prior to leaving office in 2017 – had taken active measures to undermine the incoming Trump presidency.Within a minute, the same Twitter account sent another tweet encouraging others to push the hashtag, adding that if they do, “good things will happen.”Dozens of QAnon enthusiasts obliged, and before long the...

October 16, 2020
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A dark money mystery in Florida centers on the campaign of a spoiler candidate who appeared to help a Republican win by 32 votes | CNN Politics

A dark money mystery in Florida centers on the campaign of a spoiler candidate who appeared to help a Republican win by 32 votes | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A month before Election Day in Florida a mysterious company called Proclivity, Inc. contributed $550,000 to a pair of newly formed political action committees in the state.Two days later, the money flowed from the PACs to an Orlando-area print and advertising firm.Shortly thereafter, came a torrent of nearly identical political fliers seemingly intended to siphon away support from Democratic candidates by tricking voters into casting their ballots for purported spoiler candidates who demonstrated no real interest in getting elected. None,...

November 24, 2020
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Stop the Steal's massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone | CNN Business

Stop the Steal's massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone | CNN Business

MarketsFeaturedFear & Greed IndexLatestBy , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — It is an internet battle cry: Stop the Steal has swept across inboxes, Facebook pages and Twitter like an out-of-control virus, spreading misinformation and violent rhetoric – and spilling into real life, like the protest planned for DC this weekend.But while Stop the Steal may sound like a new 2020 political slogan to many, it did not emerge organically over widespread concerns about voting fraud in President Donald Trump’s race against Joe Biden. It has been in the works for years.Its origin...

November 14, 2020
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Six former wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about abusive OSU doctor

Six former wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about abusive OSU doctor

(CNN)Tito Vazquez says he still remembers the day three decades ago when, as a wrestler at Ohio State University, the doctor he'd gone to see about a bloody nose insisted on examining his genitals. He also recalls how one of his coaches dismissed his immediate complaint. "'I have nothing to do with this,'" Vazquez quoted the assistant coach saying, as he effectively ended the conversation and went on with wrestling practice. That coach, Vazquez says, was Jim Jordan, now an Ohio congressman and an influential voice in Republican politics, perhaps best known for his pugnacious defense of...

March 6, 2020
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