Jeremy Diamond
Jeremy Diamond
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Trump administration sues Bolton over book dispute | CNN Politics

Trump administration sues Bolton over book dispute | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The Trump administration asked a federal judge on Tuesday to stop the publication of his upcoming book on his White House tenure,that Bolton had breached non-disclosure agreements andThe suit, filed in Washington, DC, federal court, alleges that Bolton’s 500-plus page manuscript was “rife with classified information,” and prosecutors say that Bolton backed out of an ongoing White House vetting process for the book that he’d been obligated to do as a result of the agreements.“(Bolton) struck a bargain with the United States as a condition of...

June 16, 2020
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Director of key federal vaccine agency says his departure was retaliation

Director of key federal vaccine agency says his departure was retaliation

(CNN)The director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine says he was abruptly dismissed from his post in part because he resisted efforts to widen the availability of a coronavirus treatment pushed by ., the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, since 2016 until Tuesday, when was reassigned to a narrower position. He also announced he will file a whistleblower complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general."I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated...

April 22, 2020
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New York Times' coronavirus report outlines how Trump 'could have seen what was coming' | CNN Politics

New York Times' coronavirus report outlines how Trump 'could have seen what was coming' | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A new report on the Trump administration’s missteps in the early days of the coronavirus’ spread into the US was on Saturday, detailing new instances showing how ignored the warnings of his advisers about the lethal infectious disease approaching America’s doorstep.According to the report, Dr. Robert Kadlec, the top disaster response official at the Department of Health and Human Services, convened the White House coronavirus task force on February 21. During his meeting, the group conducted a mock-up exercise of the pandemic. It predicted...

April 11, 2020
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Jared Kushner, Melania Trump advise Trump to accept election loss | CNN Politics

Jared Kushner, Melania Trump advise Trump to accept election loss | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — President Donald Trump’s inner circle is beginning to split over his ongoing refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election, as Jared Kushner and first lady Melania Trump advised him to come to terms with President-elect Joe Biden’s victory and his adult sons pressed him and allies to keep fighting.Kushner, the President’s son-in-law and senior adviser, has approached him to concede, two sources told CNN. The first lady, according to a separate source familiar with the conversations, has privately said the time has come for him to...

November 8, 2020
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At least 5 of Vice President Pence's aides test positive for coronavirus | CNN Politics

At least 5 of Vice President Pence's aides test positive for coronavirus | CNN Politics

By , , , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — At least five people in Vice President Mike Pence’s orbit have tested positive for coronavirus in recent days, including chief of staff Marc Short, close aide Zach Bauer and outside adviser Marty Obst, sources told CNN.There are concerns that more people within Pence’s inner circle will test positive in the coming days, a source said. “They’re scared,” the source said of staffers in the vice president’s office.Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence each tested negative for coronavirus on Sunday, a White House official...

October 25, 2020
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Trump singles out Texas and Florida for help with coronavirus response | CNN Politics

Trump singles out Texas and Florida for help with coronavirus response | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — President Donald Trump agreed to continue paying for the full cost of National Guard troops deployed to help with the coronavirus response in just two states – Texas and Florida – after their Republican governors appealed directly to him.Other states will now have to pay a quarter of the cost of National Guard deployments in their states, despite their governors also requesting the federal government continue to foot the entire bill. A White House official said Trump made an exception for Texas and Florida because their governors – who enjoy...

August 4, 2020
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Gene Sperling will oversee Covid-19 relief law rollout | CNN Politics

Gene Sperling will oversee Covid-19 relief law rollout | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Gene Sperling, a former top economic official in the last two Democratic presidential administrations, will serve as the coordinator overseeing the implementation of the newly signed , formally announced on Monday.“Today, I’m pleased to announce and introduce another gifted manager to coordinate our implementation of the American Rescue Plan, Gene Sperling. Gene will be on the phone with mayors, governors, red states, blue states – a source of constant communication, a source of guidance and support, and above all, a source of accountability...

March 12, 2021
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Biden seeks to intensify public lobbying for Covid-19 relief bill amid the pandemic | CNN Politics

Biden seeks to intensify public lobbying for Covid-19 relief bill amid the pandemic | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — When intensifies his attention next week to selling Republicans and Democrats on his , he won’t be relying on some of the presidency’s most symbolic powers.Out, for now, are arm-twisting sessions in the Oval Office or rides into a lawmaker’s district aboard Air Force One. Instead, administration aides are planning remote television hits from the White House, out-of-the-blue phone calls to skeptical Republicans and maybe a stop somewhere within driving distance, according to officials.Hamstrung by the very pandemic he is working to contain,...

January 29, 2021
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Trump to issue around 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, sources say

Trump to issue around 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, sources say

(CNN)is preparing to issue around Tuesday, according to three people familiar with the matter, a major batch of clemency actions that includes white collar criminals, high-profile rappers and others but -- as of now -- is not expected to include Trump himself.The White House held a meeting on Sunday to finalize the list of pardons, two sources said.Trump, who had been rolling out pardons and commutations at a steady clip ahead of Christmas, had put a pause on them in the days leading up to and directly after the January 6 riots at the US Capitol, according to officials.Aides said Trump was...

January 11, 2021
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Trump's aides debate a new virus approach as President claims it will 'disappear' | CNN Politics

Trump's aides debate a new virus approach as President claims it will 'disappear' | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A divide has emerged inside inner circle over whether he should turn his attention back to the or continue to focus on reopening the economy, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.As cases surge in dozens of states, Trump has remained mostly silent on the matter, focusing instead on and stoking racial and cultural divisions. While others in his administration – including Vice President Mike Pence – make appeals for Americans to continue socially distancing and wear masks, Trump again suggested WednesdayThat has led to concerns, even...

July 1, 2020


