I. Matthew Laitinen
I. Matthew Laitinen
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To Catch A Predator Update: Northern Kentucky

To Catch A Predator Update: Northern Kentucky

         James Rauch was the teacher from Ohio who received 46 months in federal prison and lifetime RSO status and probation. He was released in February 2011 after serving his full sentence, and he currently lives in Cincinatti.     David Quist was the only Kentucky predator who took his case to trial and paid a hefty price. He got 10 years in the state penitentiary, 5 years of supervised release, and lifetime registration as a sex offender. He was likely released between 2015 and 2018, and he msut remain on probation until his 5 years is up...

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Matt Gaetz's Sex Trafficking Allegation Is No Surprise

Matt Gaetz's Sex Trafficking Allegation Is No Surprise

      As someone who has covered the issues of sex trafficking and drug abuse for years, there is no surprise in looking at Matt Gaetz's behaviors.     Florida lawmaker Anna Eskamani recently released an unsolicited voice message from Gaetz, along with his friend Joel Greenberg (currently in jail for identity theft, sex trafficking, and numerous other felony charges) that displayed the two apparently high on PCP, backing up previous claims of drug abuse. Other lawmakers are apparently in possession of evidence that Gaetz showed images of nude women on his...

April 3, 2021
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Sturgis Bikers Sentenced To Prison For Child Solicitation

Sturgis Bikers Sentenced To Prison For Child Solicitation

     A Rapid City man was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison followed by five years probation and lifetime registration as a sex offender; he will not be eligible for release until 2034, as federal prisoners are required to serve a minimum of 85 percent of their sentences. Jonathan Andrew Whitney was busted in 2019 by federal authorities conducting a sting to coincide with the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. He thought he was soliciting a 15-year-old girl, but was instead greeted by agents.     Carlocito Slim, an Arizona man busted in the 2017 Sturgis Motorcycle...

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Republicans Introduce Transgender, Black Jim Crow Laws

Republicans Introduce Transgender, Black Jim Crow Laws

      Nobody is surprised. Their pride wounded at the federal level, state GOP lawmakers are introducing ridiculous and damaging laws. From secession in Texas to punishing abortion by the death penalty in, well, Texas, many of these laws have no chance.     However, those not embraced solely by fringe Republicans, mostly involving discrimination and not death, are passing and being introduced by the hundreds. In Iowa, Georgia, Oklahoma, Montana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and other states, lawmakers are pushing two main sets of laws.    ...

March 14, 2021
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Harry Truman: The Most Human President

Harry Truman: The Most Human President

Warrior.     The Russian government and Russian army is filled with murderers, war criminals, rapists, and all the other forms of scum that walk the Earth. Every Russian soldier killed, every Russian family ripped to shreds is a small victory for the rule of law, for democracy, for prosperity, and for humanity. We've already seen their actions contrasted against the compassion of the Ukrainian people, military, and legal system in a court of law. Within the past 10 days, one man pleaded guilty to war crimes for shooting a 62-year-old man riding his bike in a Russian-occupied...

October 14, 2020
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Progress Being Made On Child Trafficking Laws

Progress Being Made On Child Trafficking Laws

     While the world may seem frightening and full of bad news, positive developments do arise, such as the news that laws designed to stop child sex traffickers have improved markedly in less than a decade. Shared Hope International conducted  study of laws between 2011 and 2019 and gave each state a letter grade.     States were ranked based on a number of key criteria: criminalization of the acts themselves; criminal provisions for demand, traffickers, and facilitators; protective provisions for victims; and criminal justice tools for investigation and...

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It's Time For Kristen's Law!

It's Time For Kristen's Law!

     Kristen's Law would have saved lives. The sheriffs, police chiefs, and prosecutors who are sworn to protect citizens failed to do so because it would have meant extra work, or so they thought. Not only were they incorrect, but their failure demonstrates precisely the flaws in a system that values protecting criminals over potential victims.     in Ohio way back in 2007, this controversial law was named after Kristen Jackson, a 14-year-old who had been dismembered and murdered by a sex offender in 2002. She was lured into his vehicle at a fair and suffered...

November 13, 2020
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Greene Brings Up Genocide, Calls Guam "Foreign Land" In BONKERS Speeches

Greene Brings Up Genocide, Calls Guam "Foreign Land" In BONKERS Speeches

      Another interesting week for Marjorie Taylor-Greene, to say the least. Honestly, Georgia, is this what you send you politicians to Washington for? While trying to hold up another vote by presenting a motion to adjourn, a motion that failed with a bipartisan vote, Greene called Representative David Cicilline of Rhode Island, an Italian Jew, "Representative Mussolini," a reference to the fascist Italian dictator and ally of Hitler, responsible for killing 6 million Jews during the Holocaust. This racist remark may have been a mistake, because ignorance seems to be a...

March 26, 2021
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To Catch A Predator Update: Petaluma, Part One

To Catch A Predator Update: Petaluma, Part One

     Mike Vestal learned what "kinda big" really meant in 2008 when he was convicted and sentenced to 3 months in jail, 3 years probation, and lifetime RSO status. He moved to Belize with his wife of 20 years, but he was forced to relocate to Guatemala after the government learned of his conviction. He became a father in 2017, and he currently lives in La Antigua, where he runs an online coaching business and works as an English teacher.     Manuel Uson was convicted in 2007 and sentenced to 3 months in jail and lifetime registration as a sex offender. He was...

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Sex Offender Registries In Some States Pitifully Weak

Sex Offender Registries In Some States Pitifully Weak

     151 months. 12 years and seven months. That's how long Josh Duggar can look forward to seeing the inside of a jail cell. The guilty verdict against Duggar back in December was a huge victory, as is the lengthy prison sentence. However, it could have been much better. Originally, Duggar was convicted of receipt and possession of child pornography with a maximum of 40 years in prison, and, as such, the government wanted a sentence of 20 years in federal prison. Just before sentencing, though, a judge tossed out the possession conviction after an appeal from Duggar's legal...

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