Catharine Richert
Catharine Richert
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As MN reopens, workers fear virus exposure, retaliation

As MN reopens, workers fear virus exposure, retaliation

Back in March, when the first cases of coronavirus in Minnesota started to trickle in to the news, people with desk jobs made an exodus to their home offices. Now that businesses are slowly reopening, some of those people are being asked to return to their offices to work. But that’s left some workers, uncomfortable with the potential coronavirus exposure that a return might bring, caught between keeping their jobs — or speaking up and risk losing their work in the middle of a pandemic. And employment attorneys say rules around workplace safety in the pandemic are creating...

July 6, 2020
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Mayo Clinic announces sweeping pay cuts, furloughs

Mayo Clinic announces sweeping pay cuts, furloughs

The state’s largest private employer is instituting across-the-board pay cuts and furloughs to shoulder a projected $3 billion loss this year.Mayo Clinic’s cost-cutting measures follow its decision in mid-March to halt elective surgeries and procedures — a move that was quickly applied statewide as part of Gov. Tim Walz’s executive order to suspend non-critical medical procedures not deemed essential to save a life.“The decision to eliminate elective surgeries and outpatient visits was the right decision in terms of protecting the safety of our patients and staff, and also preserving...

April 10, 2020
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Family's illnesses suggest virus in MN longer than first thought

Family's illnesses suggest virus in MN longer than first thought

In January, college freshman Kate Austin was on a dream trip teaching English in Tokyo.“It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life,” she said. But about two weeks in, things went sideways when Austin developed some now-familiar symptoms: a cough, body aches, fever and intense fatigue. She initially assumed she had strep throat. News coming out of China about a novel virus was far from her mind.But days into her illness, Austin crashed.“Then there was this three-day period where I could not leave my bed,” she said, and made the decision to go see a doctor. MPR...

May 1, 2020
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Minnesota to throw open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility

Minnesota to throw open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility

Minnesota will expand COVID-19 vaccination to all state residents 16 and older starting Tuesday, according to a spokesperson for Gov. Tim Walz.The expansion marks a major milestone in Minnesota's vaccine strategy. Currently, only people with certain underlying health conditions, as well as those with jobs or living arrangements that put them at highest risk of getting COVID-19 have been eligible for vaccination.Walz plans to outline the changes and the reasons he’s going this direction during a In a regular call with reporters ahead of the announcement Thursday afternoon, Health Department...

March 25, 2021
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In Caledonia, grappling with what it means to belong

In Caledonia, grappling with what it means to belong

When Madison Winjum aimed at diversity and inclusiveness at her southern Minnesota high school, she didn't expect it to be controversial. Thousands of public high schools have similar organizations."We kind of just want to hear people's experiences without judgment, try to understand them, and spread awareness and more acceptance,” said the Caledonia Area High School senior. But in late January, the newspaper published , Carl Fruechte. In it, Fruechte wrote, “If the year 2020 has taught us anything, It is that free thinking isn’t allowed when it comes to diverse issues. Who...

February 18, 2021
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In the midst of a pandemic, an adoptee connects with her birth father

In the midst of a pandemic, an adoptee connects with her birth father

Susan McCrea's quest to find her birth parents started during a routine medical visit three years ago, when a doctor encouraged her to use genetic counseling to learn more about her health history. Before long, McCrea, who was adopted at birth and now lives in the Twin Cities suburbs, found herself down a rabbit hole of internet ancestry websites and family trees. “I always pictured mom being a homecoming queen and my dad a football star,” she said. By March 2019, McCrea had connected with her birth father, Rick Nelson, who lives just north of Milwaukee — a star baseball player, but, by his...

December 29, 2020
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