Brian Bakst
Brian Bakst
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Special session ends without deal on policing, bonding

Special session ends without deal on policing, bonding

Under intense pressure to act and after a week of trying, Minnesota lawmakers ended a special session Saturday morning without reaching agreement on a police accountability package and other major agenda items.They were unable to break through a stalemate and prevent a letdown to people who saw the killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police as a rallying cry for long-sought change aimed at soothing racial tensions involving police.While private discussions took place throughout the night, the final day was spent debating how to distribute more than $841 million in local...

June 20, 2020
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Minnesota chief justice tosses Walz recall effort

Minnesota chief justice tosses Walz recall effort

The Minnesota Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a recall petition against Gov. Tim Walz.Chief Justice Lorie Gildea wrote in an 11-page order that the state’s recall threshold for elective officials is necessarily high, and the bid to remove the DFL governor didn’t meet it.A group of voters argued that Walz committed malfeasance with his executive orders around the coronavirus pandemic, including his stay-at-home directive that came with a potential fine for violators.Gildea said she wouldn’t pass judgment on whether Walz exceeded his authority.She wrote that “to determine whether sufficient...

June 15, 2020
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Poll: Biden has slight edge on Trump in Minnesota

Poll: Biden has slight edge on Trump in Minnesota

An early snapshot of the presidential race in Minnesota shows Democrat Joe Biden with a slight edge over Republican Donald Trump, according to results of the survey commissioned by MPR News, the Star Tribune and KARE 11.The Minnesota Poll found that the race is fairly tight despite more voters disapproving of President Trump’s job performance than applauding it. The challenger Biden is at 49 percent, the incumbent Trump is at 44. The poll — by Mason Dixon Polling and Strategy of 800 registered voters — found that 7 percent are undecided. The survey was done May 18 through May 20....

May 24, 2020
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Walz set to call special session for Monday

Walz set to call special session for Monday

Gov. Tim Walz is prepared to call Minnesota lawmakers into a special session that would begin Monday. The legislative session will be triggered by an extension of the peacetime authority Walz has used to manage Minnesota’s COVID-19 response. Lawmakers can revoke the executive power of the Democratic governor if both chambers vote to do so. That outcome is unlikely with DFLers in charge of the House.The first special session this summer . Disagreements over changes to policing and a package of state-financed construction projects left both undone.Walz said he intends to call lawmakers...

July 7, 2020
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Lawmakers: Deal near on police changes

Lawmakers: Deal near on police changes

Top Minnesota lawmakers said they were on the cusp of a deal on police accountability measures that gained steam after the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.The pact, which had yet to appear in written form, could be voted on later Monday. As described by Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, it would ban chokeholds like the one used in the deadly Floyd encounter, bar warrior-style police training, revise arbitration procedures in disciplinary cases and set up an advisory board to consult with a law enforcement licensing entity."At this point, I would say that...

July 20, 2020
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Guard mobilized quickly, adjusted on fly for Floyd unrest

Guard mobilized quickly, adjusted on fly for Floyd unrest

It was the Minnesota National Guard’s largest deployment since World War II, and it occurred with remarkable speed and, fortunately, few injuries or incidents.The Guard’s leader, Maj. Gen. Jon Jensen, offered the most detailed account yet Thursday of the hurried mission to help contain Twin Cities riots in late May and early June. In the Guard’s history, there have been only five deployments to help with protests or unrest during labor strikes — but none was even close to this big.Jensen testified to a Senate committee holding a series of hearings about what unfolded in the days after...

July 10, 2020
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GOP's Lewis sues Walz over COVID-19 restrictions

GOP's Lewis sues Walz over COVID-19 restrictions

Republican Senate candidate Jason Lewis filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, arguing that restrictions meant to contain the spread of the coronavirus violate his ability to campaign as he wishes.The case is just one of several lawsuits over the governor’s coronavirus orders. But the unique nature of it could earn Lewis attention, something harder for political candidates to come by with COVID-19 still dominating the public’s attention.Lewis, a former congressman, is among the Republicans seeking the nomination to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Tina Smith. Lewis...

May 19, 2020
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COVID-19 damage to state budget assessed this week

COVID-19 damage to state budget assessed this week

Minnesota’s economic peril stemming from COVID-19 will be front and center this week with a new budget projection.With two weeks to go before the state Legislature must adjourn its session, lawmakers will receive the report Tuesday from the state finance agency amid widespread belief a deficit is ahead. It is to be done, but the unparalleled circumstances led to it.“We could estimate a couple billion, a billion, a couple billion short next year to maybe worst-case scenario, $8 [billion] or $9 billion short depending on how this goes,” Senate Taxes Committee Chair Roger Chamberlain predicted...

May 4, 2020
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Minnesota to throw open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility

Minnesota to throw open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility

Minnesota will expand COVID-19 vaccination to all state residents 16 and older starting Tuesday, according to a spokesperson for Gov. Tim Walz.The expansion marks a major milestone in Minnesota's vaccine strategy. Currently, only people with certain underlying health conditions, as well as those with jobs or living arrangements that put them at highest risk of getting COVID-19 have been eligible for vaccination.Walz plans to outline the changes and the reasons he’s going this direction during a In a regular call with reporters ahead of the announcement Thursday afternoon, Health Department...

March 25, 2021
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Walz lauds insulin affordability law, blasts Big Pharma

Walz lauds insulin affordability law, blasts Big Pharma

Gov. Tim Walz and other supporters of a new law requiring drug makers to deliver emergency doses of insulin at little or no cost to Minnesotans ripped the pharmaceutical industry Wednesday for trying to upend the law hours before it took effect.In a lawsuit , the industry’s trade group asked a federal court to declare the measure unconstitutional and prevent state officials from enforcing it. The move could entangle the law in the courts for months or years.At a news conference initially called to celebrate the law’s first day, a clearly frustrated Walz blasted the pharmaceutical giants for...

July 1, 2020
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