Anna Massoglia
Anna Massoglia
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World of Influence: A guide to Trump’s foreign business interests

World of Influence: A guide to Trump’s foreign business interests

CloseTwo years into his presidency, Donald Trump continues to make money from properties and licensing deals in nearly two dozen countries around the world, fanning the flames of concerns that the Trump administration is subject to unprecedented levels of foreign influence.Trump continued to hold more than $130 million in foreign assets in a revocable trust as his second year in office came to a close, according to OpenSecrets’ analysis of the president’s most recent annual personal financial disclosure released by the Office of Government Ethics last month.Trump’s business entanglements...

June 12, 2019
Trump’s political operation and Republican Party committees have paid over $12.6 million to Jan. 6 rally organizers since the 2020 election cycle - OpenSecrets News

Trump’s political operation and Republican Party committees have paid over $12.6 million to Jan. 6 rally organizers since the 2020 election cycle - OpenSecrets News

CloseFormer President ’s political operation and Republican Party committees have paid over $12.6 million to individuals and firms that organized the Jan. 6, 2021, rally that preceded the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol since the start of the 2020 election, a new OpenSecrets analysis found.The full extent of the payments from the Trump campaign political operations to rally organizers during the 2020 election and around the rally in early 2021 remains a because the campaign’s top vendor was , a firm created by Trump campaign aides to act as a clearinghouse for its spending. Trump’s...

June 16, 2022
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Shell companies and ‘dark money’ may hide details of Trump ties to DC protests

Shell companies and ‘dark money’ may hide details of Trump ties to DC protests

CloseFormer President ’s presidential campaign aides played key roles orchestrating a rally protesting certification of President-elect ‘s victory in the 2020 presidential election before of rioters breached the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.  But the full extent of the Trump campaign’s ties to the protests may not be not fully known due to its use of shell companies that hide details of its financial dealings and the central role “dark money” played in the protests.Multiple individuals listed on the worked for Trump’s presidential campaign, as first reported by the over the weekend....

January 22, 2021
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‘Dark money’ groups find new ways to hide donors in 2020 election

‘Dark money’ groups find new ways to hide donors in 2020 election

Close“Dark money” groups have poured more than $750 million into 2020 elections through ad spending and record-breaking contributions to political committees such as super PACs.That’s according to OpenSecrets research in . The top 20 dark money groups spending 2020 elections account for nearly half-a-billion of that sum. And in a continuation from the 2018 midterms, when liberal dark money groups reported more spending than their conservative counterparts for the first time in history, Democrats are receiving more help from dark money groups than Republicans. Out of all dark money...

October 30, 2020
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Conservative 'dark money' network rebranded to push voting restrictions before 2020 election

Conservative 'dark money' network rebranded to push voting restrictions before 2020 election

A powerful new conservative organization fighting to restrict voting in the 2020 presidential election is really just a rebranded group that is part of a dark money network already helping President ’s unprecedented the federal judiciary, the Guardian and OpenSecrets reveal.The organization, which calls itself the , seemed to emerge out of nowhere a few months ago and started stoking fears about voter fraud. Backed by a dark money group funded by right-wing stalwarts like the Koch brothers and Betsy DeVos’ family, the Honest Elections Project is part of the network that pushed Supreme Court...

May 27, 2020
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‘Dark money’ groups gear up for Supreme Court battle as 2020 election nears

‘Dark money’ groups gear up for Supreme Court battle as 2020 election nears

“Dark money” groups are projected to spend tens of millions of dollars on the battle over Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court, raising the stakes — and likely the cost — of an election cycle that is already seeing record-breaking cash flow. Even before President ’s announcement that he will appoint a woman to fill the open Supreme Court seat, multiple outside groups weighed in on the projected nomination in the days following Justice Ginsburg’s death.  , a dark money group that operates as the preeminent vehicle for deep-pocketed conservative donors to...

September 21, 2020
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‘Dark money’ networks hide political agendas behind fake news sites

‘Dark money’ networks hide political agendas behind fake news sites

CloseAt a time when trustworthy journalism is more important than ever, political operations are pouring millions of “dark money” dollars into ads and digital content masquerading as news coverage to influence the 2020 election.One newer group heralding the new era of pseudo-news outlets is , a liberal dark money group with an called . The nonprofit also is an investor in a for-profit digital consulting firm that gained notoriety for its role in launching Shadow Inc., the secretive vendor behind a vote tabulation app at the center of the pandemonium at the Iowa Democratic caucuses. ACRONYM...

May 22, 2020
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Trump Has Made Hundreds of Millions From Foreign Business Interests Since 2016

Trump Has Made Hundreds of Millions From Foreign Business Interests Since 2016

SharePolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWar & PeacePresident Donald Trump is making hundreds of millions from foreign business dealings during his time in the White House, an OpenSecrets analysis of personal financial disclosures found.Trump earned more than $200 million in income from his interests in foreign countries since 2016 and reported nearly $95 million of that income from foreign business dealings in his two most recent financial disclosures on file with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, according...

October 9, 2020
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‘Dark money’ group tied to Tom Cotton targets Democrats in Trump-won districts

‘Dark money’ group tied to Tom Cotton targets Democrats in Trump-won districts

CloseA “dark money” group launched by allies of Sen. (R-Ark.) is spending on digital attack ads targeting incumbent Democrats facing reelection in congressional districts President won in 2016.America One Policies was launched by Cotton’s former aide and allies in July 2019 with Cotton facing re-election in 2020.A representative of America One Policies the group planned to raise $2 million in the 2020 election cycle for “advocacy efforts around conservative issues, such as national security and free enterprise, which could help other federal and state Republican candidates on issue...

July 30, 2020
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Trump allies among top CPAC sponsors

Trump allies among top CPAC sponsors

is no longer a sitting president but his allies are still playing an outsize role in this year’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference, widely known as CPAC. The convening organized by the culminates Sunday in a by the former president himself, Trump’s since leaving White House. Donald Trump Jr. and campaign fundraiser Kimberly Guilfoyle are Thursday, while various other campaign aides and administration officials are peppered throughout the convention lineup. A Friday panel on “” features former Trump campaign official and National Diversity Coalition for Trump CEO...

February 25, 2021
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