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Build Your Own Twitter, They Said

Build Your Own Twitter, They Said

When I first started this website, I focused on Twitter as a way to spread articles on it. Despite many of those early articles being terrible, the great patriots I met on that platform were largely supportive and helped me along. Plus, Twitter is an excellent platform for the sharing of ideas. But, from the very beginning, the specter of social media censorship hung over every post, every interaction. Many other conservatives experienced similar , but when they, or I, voiced concerns, the response from the left and libertarian right was “build your own Twitter.”Don’t let the tech tyrants...

January 15, 2021
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The Skyrocketing National Debt is Highly Problematic

The Skyrocketing National Debt is Highly Problematic

As we all (hopefully) know, the national debt is skyrocketing. Especially the federal government’s debt. Despite revenue increasing due to President Donald Trump’s tariffs and tax cuts, the federal debt has risen tremendously and, , no effort is being made to pay it back. Why is that? Well, it’s because there is a complete lack of fiscal responsibility in the government right now. Both sides of the aisle have shown they are unable to effectively control their spending impulses and balance the budget.In that vein, there was an excellent article in USA Today yesterday morning about the...

June 8, 2019
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How to Start Curbing Violent Crime by Lt Col Jeff Cooper

How to Start Curbing Violent Crime by Lt Col Jeff Cooper

“If violent crime is to be curved, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.” Lt Col Jeff Cooper Quote on Curbing Violent CrimeFor those of you that don’t know, Lt Col Jeff Cooper was a US Marine best known for developing “modern” handgun shooting techniques and for his knowledge of small arms. And I think that this quote by Lt Col Jeff Cooper on curbing violent crime shows exactly why he was such a large cultural force in the firearms community. His advice...

September 18, 2019
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Gen Z Conservative

Gen Z Conservative

One of Britain’s many left-leaning newspapers, The Independent, just put out a review of the new movie, “My Son Hunter”. Predictably, the lefties at that… Though the RINOs in the GOP seem intent on plucking defeat from the jaws of victory and throwing away the massive advantage afforded them by… Aside from being a perennial MVP candidate in the NFL, Aaron Rodgers has evolved into one of the most on-point political commentators in the entire… An illegal immigrant brutally murdered a woman on Thursday in view of witnesses in California, according to law enforcement. Lieutenant...

February 4, 2020
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The Democrats’ Endless Coronavirus Hypocrisies

The Democrats’ Endless Coronavirus Hypocrisies

A friend’s Facebook feed revealed to him that Denver’s Democrat mayor, Michael Hancock, felt entitled to break his own coronavirus sanctions against traveling for Thanksgiving and jet out to Mississippi. On an entirely unrepentant Facebook thread, he noted that “my wife and my daughter have been in Mississippi, where my daughter recently took a job…I decided that it would be safer to see them than to have two family members travel back to Denver.”Did that sound apologetic? In his concluding remarks, the mayor emoted that he “made my decision as a husband and a father.” As if no one else...

December 5, 2020
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America is Not a Democracy, but a Republic. Thank Goodness

America is Not a Democracy, but a Republic. Thank Goodness

One rallying cry you hear from the disaffected and radical left is that America is an evil, irredeemable country. There are many facets to that viewpoint of theirs, but a central one is that we live in an evil country because America is not a democracy, but a republic.The difference between a republic and a democracy is a huge one, even though it is rarely discussed anymore, especially by our politicians and teachers, the very ones who should be frequently discussing the American project. The difference between a republic and a democracy stems from their very nature, as you can see in their...

July 21, 2020
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The 1776 Commission: A New and Much-Needed Initiative from President Trump

The 1776 Commission: A New and Much-Needed Initiative from President Trump

“Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character. We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and out classrooms, and teach our children the magnificent truth about our country. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.” -Donald Trump on the 1776 CommissionThis past week, President Trump announced the creation of the 1776 Commission. Made up of a board of experts in American history, it will work to counter...

September 22, 2020
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America Must Decouple from China in 2020

America Must Decouple from China in 2020

America must decouple from China as soon as is possible. We are in a . We may, one day, need to win a war . Freedom is on the line in our struggle against China, as it is a tyrannical, evil nation.Decoupling for those that don’t know, is separating your economy from the economy of another nation. Right now, the US and China have heavily intertwined economies because we with them under the Nixon Administration. They make basic goods and materials and ship them here, where we buy them and ship money back to China. Whereas Americans used to be known for making things, now we’re just a nation...

September 24, 2020
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Desiring Freedom is Not Selfish, Right Now or Ever

Desiring Freedom is Not Selfish, Right Now or Ever

America is a nation premised on freedom. We’re not set up to prioritize safety above all else, whatever the in the bureaucracy or state government might tell you when they try to increase their power. Just read if you don’t believe me. That means, of course, that desiring freedom is not selfish, whether we’re perfectly safe anyway or in the midst of a raging pandemic like the Chinese Flu.That’s not what those pesky and tyrants like Governor Whitmer or Cuomo would have you believe, however. They love power trip that comes with forcing citizens to comply with their tyrannical and nonsensical...

May 27, 2020
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A Great Quote by Ben Shapiro on Systemic Racism and Why It Does not Exist

A Great Quote by Ben Shapiro on Systemic Racism and Why It Does not Exist

“If you cannot define a problem clearly, you cannot propose a solution. ‘Systemic racism’ or ‘institutional racism’ or ‘implicit racism’ is a miasmatic, deliberately vague charge. Name the racist policy, name the racist person, so we can all fight the racism together.” -Ben Shapiro on Systemic RacismI completely, 100% agree with this quote by Ben Shapiro on systemic racism. Frankly, I think it is something that the right, especially that are the future of the conservative movement, needs to keep in mind and accept as the truth about systemic racism.Right now, we’re letting the left set the...

July 10, 2020
Gen Z Conservative

Gen Z Conservative


