Gen Z Conservative
Gen Z Conservative
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The Obama Administration Was Lawless, Not the Trump Administration

The Obama Administration Was Lawless, Not the Trump Administration

Note: This article originally in April of 2019. It is being republished with the author’s permission because, in the context of the accusations being levelled against the Trump Administration, it is full of information well-worth remembering.Two events in Europe this week remind Americans of what they may be losing and how our politics threaten to destroy our culture.The first was the , widely seen as a metaphor for the decline of Judeo-Christian tradition and morality in the West. The second was the , made in London.Order your FREE Trump 2024 Hat here:Decorum, decency, and grace once...

January 15, 2021
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A Timely Quote by Matt Walsh on Leftism: It Is A Religion of Self-Loathing » Gen Z Conservative

A Timely Quote by Matt Walsh on Leftism: It Is A Religion of Self-Loathing » Gen Z Conservative

“Leftism is a religion of self-loathing. it teaches white people to hate their race, boys to hate their sex, women to hate their femininity, Americans to hate their country, westerners to hate their history. What contemptible, toxic thing it is.” -Matt Walsh on LeftismThe ideological forces behind leftism often pretend that they’re something that they’re really not. Socialism, for example, is really the , but pretends as if it is an ideology of . That’s absurd, of course, but it’s what socialists like to believe. It makes them feel better about their evil ideology.Similarly, as you can see...

June 11, 2020
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Review of "The American Political Economy" by Marc Eisner

Review of "The American Political Economy" by Marc Eisner

One core tenet of economic and political thought, generally on the libertarian and conservative side, is that the market is a separate entity from the government. We tend to view each as acting separately and only interacting because of government overreach, generally in the form of regulation. Eisner’s view, as presented in , is that that view is wholly incorrect.Eisner views the state and market as being inextricably linked, even in a capitalist society. His evidence for that is the role that the state plays in creating the institutional foundations of our economic activity, even in...

January 15, 2021
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Joe Biden is not a Moderate, Whatever He Might Claim

Joe Biden is not a Moderate, Whatever He Might Claim

People like to pretend that Creepy Joe Biden is somehow a “moderate” or “centrist” that will not act as a puppet for the radical leftists if he is somehow elected. That is patently absurd. Joe Biden is not a moderate; he is a political opportunist that will do whatever it takes to gain power.Creepy Joe is many things. He is , , probably , certainly creepy, and hopefully will not be president. But, Joe Biden is not a moderate. He might pretend to be one. Some on the left and many in the middle would like to pretend that he is one. But he is not. He is an opportunist. So, now that the radical...

August 1, 2020
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Can America Defeat China in a War in the 2020s? » Gen Z Conservative

Can America Defeat China in a War in the 2020s? » Gen Z Conservative

America’s is heating up. The communist Chinese have engaged in case after case of , they are building in the South China Sea, the Chinese Navy and Air Force Taiwan and Japan, and China’s leader has made about Taiwan. It looks like a war might be on the horizon. So, that begs the question, can America defeat China in a war?To answer that question, Mark Esper, the US Secretary of Defense, recently wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal entitled “.”In it, Esper covers his answer, and the Pentagon’s to “can America defeat China in a war?” It is a highly interesting article that every...

September 10, 2020
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Detroit Sues BLM, Alleging a "Civil Conspiracy." It's About Time!

Detroit Sues BLM, Alleging a "Civil Conspiracy." It's About Time!

The specter of haunted many a city this past summer, as many of you will certainly remember. Day after day, hordes of rioters and looters smashed shop windows, attacked bystanders and police officers, and plunged America into days of fire and darkness. It was at its worst; the state could not protect our lives or our property. With the news that “Detroit sues BLM” coming out, perhaps that anarchic time is finally ending.Our were under attack and the attackers claimed they had a moral right, because of their skin color, to do so. For far too long, that happened with impunity; BLM was free to...

December 26, 2020
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China Owns America: The Shameful Auctioning Off of America's Power

China Owns America: The Shameful Auctioning Off of America's Power

A deep sense of malaise seems to have settled over America. Our politicians, from Biden at the top to lowly state-level bureaucrats like Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensberger, are corrupt and sneer at us plebes for pointing to their corruption as evidence that they’re not our betters and that China owns America and its politicians. The media lies to us. The tech companies censor us and stop the free flow of information. Our businesses aren’t what they used to be and our “culture,” if it can even be called that anymore, is an amalgamation of poorly made reruns and vulgar songs.From...

January 5, 2021
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The NBA and China Are Arrayed Against America and Hong Kong » Gen Z Conservative

The NBA and China Are Arrayed Against America and Hong Kong » Gen Z Conservative

Both the NBA and China hate America, stand against America’s interests, and are doing their utmost to crush the spirit of freedom present in Hong Kong.Why do I say that? Because, if you pay any attention at all to what is going on with the NBA and China, it is quite evident that they are in kahoots. Here are the facts:The NBA built in China to try and raise its international profile. But, far from being just a potential moneymaker for the NBA, the Red Chinese government used these camps to try to create future Chinese athletes that would compete with America’s. That would be fine, except...

August 4, 2020
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What Does Antifa Care About? » Gen Z Conservative

What Does Antifa Care About? » Gen Z Conservative

There are a few questions about Antifa that I think need to be answered. The first, and perhaps most important, is one that I’ve previously discussed. It is, of course, “?” It’s a group of , terrorist thugs. The other question, and one that is equally important, if not more so, is “what does Antifa care about?”In my opinion, the answer to “what does Antifa care about?” is “nothing.”That’s because the Antifa idiots are a group of nihilistic thugs. They don’t care about justice. They’re not fighting fascism. George Floyd is probably nothing but an afterthought to them; it’s not like a bunch...

July 2, 2020
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Build Your Own Twitter, They Said

Build Your Own Twitter, They Said

When I first started this website, I focused on Twitter as a way to spread articles on it. Despite many of those early articles being terrible, the great patriots I met on that platform were largely supportive and helped me along. Plus, Twitter is an excellent platform for the sharing of ideas. But, from the very beginning, the specter of social media censorship hung over every post, every interaction. Many other conservatives experienced similar , but when they, or I, voiced concerns, the response from the left and libertarian right was “build your own Twitter.”Don’t let the tech tyrants...

January 15, 2021
