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HOW TO HARVESt, cure, and store onions from the garden - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

HOW TO HARVESt, cure, and store onions from the garden - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Skip to contentPinterestTwitterFacebookIt’s early this year but the onions are ready to come out of the ground and be stored for winter. It’s all about the timing when it comes to onions. I did manage to get them in the ground early this year. I believe it was the first thing I added to the garden this season, and I’m assuming that’s why the harvest is ready earlier than most years.HOW TO KNOW WHEN ONIONS ARE READY TO PULL: The method I go by is once the green tops bend and fold over it’s a good sign they are ready for harvest. I normally give them a few more days up to a week and then test...

August 10, 2023
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Easy To Make Stock Tank Herbal Tea and Medicinal Garden - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Easy To Make Stock Tank Herbal Tea and Medicinal Garden - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Skip to contentPinterestTwitterFacebookIt’s clearance time in the greenhouses in my neck of the woods and I’ve decided to make a medicinal tea garden in the stock tank. I had my garlic planted here last fall and it’s since been harvested so it’s time for a new crop.I’ve decided the only time a bush, tree, or plant is coming onto our land is if it’s useful. If we can eat its harvest, make medicine from it, or it adds to our pantry then it’s allowed.Just recently I had hubby remove a shrub that’s been dying for going on 3 years now. I’m looking to replace it with either a hibiscus plant that...

August 3, 2023
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How to make an oregano tincture with fresh herbs - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

How to make an oregano tincture with fresh herbs - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Skip to contentPinterestTwitterFacebookWhat is a Tincture you ask? Well according to the dictionary Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts made by soaking the bark, berries, leaves (dried or fresh), or roots from one or more plants in alcohol or vinegar. And that’s exactly what I will be making today using fresh OREGANO from my garden.Would ya look at this ginormous batch of oregano growing in my garden? It just sprouted up out of nowhere last year so I let it do its thing right where it was at.  (Houdini is pouting in the background because I won’t let her into the garden).I’ve...

July 14, 2023
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Vegetable Garden Tour With A Splash Of Garden Art - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Vegetable Garden Tour With A Splash Of Garden Art - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Skip to contentPinterestTwitterFacebookIt’s been a long time since I’ve written a post so I decided to share a tour of my vegetable garden. I expanded it from last year, doubling its size. I also removed all the peonies and re-homed them to another place in our landscape, to make more room for growing food.This year, I planted a variety of vegetables which included tomato, cucumber, peppers, potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, lettuce, carrots, basil, oregano, and green beans. I opted to double the amount of each vegetable for this planting season.The decision to expand the garden...

June 28, 2023
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House Plants From Gifted Cuttings - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

House Plants From Gifted Cuttings - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

Skip to contentPinterestTwitterFacebookIf you’ve read the last couple of posts I’ve written, you know I commented on how pricey plants are in the store, so I’ve been asking friends and even strangers for cuttings once their plants need a trim.I was a few towns over going through the car wash and decided to stop into a couple of vintage thrift stores. Hanging in the widow of one were these massive spider plants loaded with hundreds of babies.The spider plants brought back memories for me of my Mom always growing them in our living room and I remember her snipping off the babies and starting...

January 29, 2023
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