William Rivers Pitt
William Rivers Pitt
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Democratic Party Dinosaurs Have Seen the Meteor, and It's Coming From Vermont

Democratic Party Dinosaurs Have Seen the Meteor, and It's Coming From Vermont

SharePolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWar & PeaceThe Berniegeddon is upon us! It’s France falling to the Nazis in World War II! It’s the Russians! It’s the end of everything! Flee! Flee for your lives!Sorry about that. Just trying out for a talking head guest spot on MSNBC.Vermont senator and Brooklyn native Bernie Sanders in Nevada last night. At the time of this writing, with 60 percent of the vote tallied, Sanders is pulling down a mighty 46.0 percent. His closest rival, Joe Biden, is a dust speck in the...

February 25, 2020
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Biden Breaks Campaign Promise, Approves Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

Biden Breaks Campaign Promise, Approves Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

SharePrisons & PolicingPolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsEvery so often, we get a glimpse at who is actually running this joint.People like President Biden, former President Trump, Minority Leader McConnell and House Speaker Pelosi give every appearance of being in charge of their respective spheres, and make no mistake, the power they wield is enormous. Consider those four: Pelosi could halt all legislation, McConnell can come close to doing the same, Trump is running the Republican Party, and Biden can peel...

April 15, 2021
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Have Democrats Finally Realized That Power Is Only Real If You Use It?

Have Democrats Finally Realized That Power Is Only Real If You Use It?

SharePrisons & PolicingPolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsA funny thing happened this week. President Biden and the Democratic Party realized they have actual power. Wait, there’s more: They don’t appear to be afraid of using it. Wait, it gets even better: They don’t seem to care if Republicans say mean things about them — they’re gonna do their thing and look out below. After decades of watching Democrats cower before the slashing rhetoric of Republicans, it is an amazing thing to see.In this instance, “their...

February 4, 2021
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Republicans Are Afraid to Attend Their Convention But Want Your Kids in School

Republicans Are Afraid to Attend Their Convention But Want Your Kids in School

SharePrisons & PolicingPolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsPart of the SeriesThe Republican National Convention, like the first day of school, is only weeks away. The GOP’s quadrennial confab, lustily anticipated by Donald Trump, may not quite be the top-shelf shindig he was hoping for, however. A whole slew of big-name Republicans are saying “” to the invite. “Everybody just assumes no one is going,” GOP Rep. Darin LaHood.Why that assumption? Because COVID-19 is raging out of control in the South and West, and...

July 14, 2020
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A Bad Day for Trump Is a Good Day for the Country

A Bad Day for Trump Is a Good Day for the Country

SharePolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWar & PeaceIf you were hoping to see Donald Trump’s financial records before the 2020 election, today was not your day. If you were hoping to go to bed tonight in a nation with a president and not a sovereign, sleep tight, because you won.In two Supreme Court decisions freighted with the potential for generational impact — and — a 7-2 majority remanded both cases back to the lower courts for further review while delivering a slashing rebuke to a president who would put...

July 9, 2020
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It’s Trump vs. Bolton, and I’m Rooting for a Meteor

It’s Trump vs. Bolton, and I’m Rooting for a Meteor

SharePolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWar & PeaceI thought it was over in September 2019, when Donald Trump and his third national security adviser, the execrable John Bolton, got into a “You’re Fired/I Quit!” on the front page of all the papers. “Maybe he’s really gone now,” I thought wistfully of Bolton, the war-humping neoconservative ghoul who has haunted U.S. foreign policy in one form or another since the Reagan administration, lo these 40 long years.No such luck. Now he has a book poised for release that...

June 17, 2020
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Donald Trump Is Afraid of Us All -- His Barricaded White House Is Proof

Donald Trump Is Afraid of Us All -- His Barricaded White House Is Proof

SharePrisons & PolicingPolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWith newly placed and armored police and federal agents arrayed throughout Washington, D.C., Trump’s fearful agitation has taken on a that Shakespeare would recognize on sight: Even as he fortifies his fortress, this president is growing ever more afraid, his dread swelling in timorous harmony with the undiminishing size of the protests before him. King Lear and Julius Caesar are instructive.The history of White House security is both rich and bleak in...

June 8, 2020
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It Took Joe Biden 32 Years and 3 Presidential Campaigns to Win One Primary

It Took Joe Biden 32 Years and 3 Presidential Campaigns to Win One Primary

SharePrisons & PolicingPolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsIn the second primary of his third presidential race, Joe Biden finally notched a win that was 32 years in the making. South Carolina came through for the former vice president, and it was the first time he won either a primary or a caucus in his life-spanning quest for the Oval Office. Biden’s victory handed frontrunner Bernie Sanders the first real setback of his 2020 campaign, but with Super Tuesday on the horizon, the effect may prove short-lived.Polls...

March 2, 2020
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Pro-Trump Protesters Are Deliberately Defying Social Distancing and It’s Killing Them. Trump Is to Blame.

Pro-Trump Protesters Are Deliberately Defying Social Distancing and It’s Killing Them. Trump Is to Blame.

SharePolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWar & PeacePart of the SeriesIn the finest traditions of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt — two of the U.S.’s most noteworthy wartime presidents — Donald Trump, the coronavirus “war” “president,” yesterday accused the state of New York of padding its coronavirus death toll, after New York revised its numbers to reflect thousands who died of COVID-19 before it had a name.We’ve gone from “Fourscore and seven years ago” to “Nothing to fear but fear itself” to “Everything...

April 16, 2020
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When Oil Zeroed Out, It Broke the Rules of Reality. Let's Keep Them Broken.

When Oil Zeroed Out, It Broke the Rules of Reality. Let's Keep Them Broken.

SharePolitics & ElectionsRacial JusticePolitics & ElectionsEnvironment & HealthPolitics & ElectionsWar & PeacePart of the SeriesApril 20, 2020, may not be remembered as the day when marijuana briefly became a more valuable commodity than petroleum. It happened, though, right smack dab in the middle of the country’s unofficial 4/20 weed holiday. Some ironies require no enhancement, and a Hollywood script with this plot twist would get laughed out of the room, but it happened all the same.On Monday afternoon, as the COVID pandemic ran roughshod over governments and...

April 21, 2020
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