Wendy Ruderman
Wendy Ruderman
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A PPE fee at the dentist? New requirements could raise prices for patients.

A PPE fee at the dentist? New requirements could raise prices for patients.

Dentists will need stricter infection control to reopen for business. Will patients end up footing the bill?When the dentist’s office called to cancel Laura Lizcano’s appointment for a crown and cavity filling in March because of the coronavirus, she wasn’t terribly worried.The 25-year-old freelance musician didn’t know at the time that the pandemic would , keeping her from getting her teeth taken care of before she lost her health — and dental — insurance.Lizcano, who lives in Queen Village, will be dropped from her mother’s insurance plan at the end of May after she turns 26, the .Now, at...

May 26, 2020
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Penn student who aged out of foster care wins prestigious Rhodes Scholarship

Penn student who aged out of foster care wins prestigious Rhodes Scholarship

Though overjoyed by the prestigious academic achievement, Mackenzie Fierceton said: “I would trade all of this to have been adopted and have a family."Mackenzie Fierceton grew up poor, cycling through the rocky child welfare system. She bounced from one foster home to the next. One home, during her junior year of high school, was so “toxic” and crammed with other foster kids that she left for weeks at a time, sleeping each night on a carousel of couches at the homes of various friends, she said.“It was a very challenging and isolating experience,” Fierceton said. “At my school, everyone...

November 22, 2020
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Philly judge who wouldn’t wear a mask in his small, windowless courtroom has COVID-19

Philly judge who wouldn’t wear a mask in his small, windowless courtroom has COVID-19

Common Pleas Court Judge James Murray Lynn, 73, presides over one of the city's busiest courtrooms.Common Pleas Court Judge James Murray Lynn, who refused to wear a mask while conducting in-person hearings in Family Court, has come down with coronavirus, The Inquirer learned Thursday.The judge’s positive COVID-19 test set off a wave of health and safety concerns for the scores of people who appeared before the judge in recent days. Philadelphia’s coronavirus infection rate is skyrocketing with no signs of slowing, city health officials said Thursday.Jane Roh, spokesperson for the District...

November 13, 2020
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‘Why aren’t you arresting them?’ DA investigates potential wrongdoing of police captain and officers in Fishtown.

‘Why aren’t you arresting them?’ DA investigates potential wrongdoing of police captain and officers in Fishtown.

There were 36 reports of a “person with a weapon” on June 1 between 4 and 10 p.m. near the 26th district police station. Officers arrested no one on any charge within a half-mile of the station.The two Black Lives Matter protesters stood on Girard Avenue directly across the street from the 26th District police station in Fishtown just before 7 p.m., almost an hour after the city’s curfew. An agitated mob of white men, some with bats and metal pipes, paced around as Capt. William Fisher and other officers watched.It was the shouting that initially caught Fisher’s attention on that June 1...

June 25, 2020
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Italian Market and Manayunk business owners hired armed security agents to scare off looters

Italian Market and Manayunk business owners hired armed security agents to scare off looters

Leaders of the Manayunk Development Corp. and the United Merchants of the South 9th Street Business Association said they want “a physical security presence” each night.As darkness fell Tuesday, security agents — with shotguns and rifles, tactical knives and stun guns — posted up in the Italian Market for the third consecutive night.Dressed in all black and wearing military-style body armor, they patrolled South Ninth Street. They scanned the crevices between empty food stands and checked the alley-like residential streets that surround the iconic South Philadelphia shopping district.If...

June 3, 2020
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