Barbara Laker
Barbara Laker
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‘Why aren’t you arresting them?’ DA investigates potential wrongdoing of police captain and officers in Fishtown.

‘Why aren’t you arresting them?’ DA investigates potential wrongdoing of police captain and officers in Fishtown.

There were 36 reports of a “person with a weapon” on June 1 between 4 and 10 p.m. near the 26th district police station. Officers arrested no one on any charge within a half-mile of the station.The two Black Lives Matter protesters stood on Girard Avenue directly across the street from the 26th District police station in Fishtown just before 7 p.m., almost an hour after the city’s curfew. An agitated mob of white men, some with bats and metal pipes, paced around as Capt. William Fisher and other officers watched.It was the shouting that initially caught Fisher’s attention on that June 1...

June 25, 2020
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Trump’s last-minute pardons included a Philly radio host

Trump’s last-minute pardons included a Philly radio host

The list includes Salomon Melgen, who stood trial alongside Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) in a corruption and bribery case and Gary Hendler, a Philly radio host now on Gov. Wolf's drug council.It was 5:30 a.m. Wednesday when Gary Hendler shot up in bed in his Ardmore home to scroll through the list of the 73 people President Donald Trump had just pardoned.He’d given up hope of seeing his name.Six years ago he filled out a 90-page application to get pardoned for a drug-related crime he’d committed in the early 1980s. “I didn’t think I would get it from Trump. I’m not famous. I’m not...

January 20, 2021
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He picks up bodies ‘all day, every day’ during the pandemic: ‘I would send him to pick up my own mother’

He picks up bodies ‘all day, every day’ during the pandemic: ‘I would send him to pick up my own mother’

Preston Griffin picks up the deceased at nursing homes, hospitals, and people’s homes. He represents funeral homes in life’s darkest hour. And because the pandemic has robbed families of funerals, he is the face of the final goodbye.Preston Griffin never sleeps. Not really. Even when he sneaks a nap, his iPhone, set at maximum volume, is angled on the pillow, brushing his earlobe. He can’t miss the customized ringtone. The first note blares, and Griffin hops up. A funeral home director is on the line.He listens to the scant details. Someone just died in a nursing home. A hospital. A home....

May 13, 2020
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As S. Philly gun store owner kills potential looter, customers line up for firearms at other dealers

As S. Philly gun store owner kills potential looter, customers line up for firearms at other dealers

The owner of a gun store in South Philadelphia shot and killed a potential looter who broke in early Tuesday morning.Like many gun store owners these days, Gregory Isabella spent the night in his South Philly shop on guard after previous break-in attempts.He was ready when, about 4:15 a.m. Tuesday, a group of four men cut the lock and kicked in the door at Firing Line Inc. on the 1500 block of South Front Street. Isabella, 67, told police he was on the second floor when he heard them approach. He then shot and killed one of the alleged looters.By day, hundreds of residents wait in long...

June 2, 2020
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