Vanessa Bates Ramirez
Vanessa Bates Ramirez
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These Bioengineered Corneas Gave 14 Blind People Their Sight Back

These Bioengineered Corneas Gave 14 Blind People Their Sight Back

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailIn recent years, technology has worked wonders helping blind or visually impaired people regain their sight, perhaps most notably via the use of gene editing to . Now a different technology has been used to cure a different cause of blindness. A paper published last week in describes a bioengineered cornea that restored sight to 20 people, 14 of them previously blind, in an initial clinical trial.The cornea is the outermost layer of the eye. It’s a transparent film-like tissue that covers the iris and pupil, and it both protects the eye...

August 15, 2022
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A New Vertical Farm Will Grow 3 Million Pounds of Mycelium a Year for Fungi-Based Bacon

A New Vertical Farm Will Grow 3 Million Pounds of Mycelium a Year for Fungi-Based Bacon

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailAsk meat eaters and most would likely agree that one of the carnivorous delights non-meat-eaters are most missing out on is bacon. Salty, smoky, chewy, delectable on sandwiches, crumbled up in recipes, or eaten by hand—there’s really nothing like it.Except now there is, according to startup and its customers in New York and Massachusetts. The clincher? The vegetarian-friendly bacon substitute is made from mushroom roots.Mushroom roots are technically called mycelium, which isn’t the sort of root you’d see attached to most plants or...

August 17, 2022
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Scientist George Church Is Auctioning Off His Genome as an NFT

Scientist George Church Is Auctioning Off His Genome as an NFT

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailYou’ve probably heard the acronym over the last couple months. Non-fungible tokens have been all over the news, seeming to become a sensation—one worth a ton of money—almost overnight. Soon a new NFT will hit the market, and it’s a little different than any that came before it, because it contains the entire genetic sequence of a famous scientist—one who’s famous for genomics, specifically.In case you’re not familiar with , here’s a list of some of his credentials and contributions to the field. He teaches genetics at Harvard Medical...

April 22, 2021
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A Huge New Kroger Warehouse Is Staffed by 1,000 Grocery-Picking Robots

A Huge New Kroger Warehouse Is Staffed by 1,000 Grocery-Picking Robots

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailWith the pandemic at long last starting to wind down, many of us are beyond eager to get back to “the way things used to be,” that is, being able to interact with other humans, spending time in public places, and getting some measure of joy out of life. But some of our habits may be , like doing meetings over Zoom, working from home, and shopping online. One grocery store chain in particular is betting big on that last one—with no guarantee of a return on its investment.has over 2,700 stores in 35 US states, and its annual sales total...

April 16, 2021
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Epic Games Raised $1 Billion to Fund Its Vision for Building the Metaverse

Epic Games Raised $1 Billion to Fund Its Vision for Building the Metaverse

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailIf you saw the 2018 movie Ready Player One, you may remember the Oasis: a glitzy, fast-paced metaverse with gleaming cities, beautiful people (or, avatars, to be precise), and excitement of many varieties; in short, the perfect escape from the drudgery of real life.We may be on track to our own version of the Oasis after an yesterday from Epic Games that it has raised $1 billion to put towards building “the metaverse.”Epic Games created the hit video game Fortnite, and its Unreal engine has been used to create many other popular games....

April 14, 2021
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'Deep Nostalgia' Uses AI to Make Old Photos of Your Relatives Wink, Nod, Dance, and More

'Deep Nostalgia' Uses AI to Make Old Photos of Your Relatives Wink, Nod, Dance, and More

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailGenealogy services have grown in popularity in recent years. and 23andMe let users analyze their DNA to show their ethnic makeup, connect with relatives they didn’t know they had, create online family trees, and search databases for information about ancestors. Now a third service, called MyHeritage, has added a particularly unique feature to this list: bringing photos of your deceased relatives “alive” by adding animations like blinking, nodding, head-bopping, and a number of other gestures.Enjoy even more with 10 special...

April 8, 2021
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There's a New Nirvana Song Out, and It Was Written by Google's AI

There's a New Nirvana Song Out, and It Was Written by Google's AI

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailOne of the primary capabilities separating human intelligence from artificial intelligence is our ability to be creative—to use nothing but the world around us, our experiences, and our brains to create art. At present, AI needs to be extensively trained on human-made works of art in order to produce new work, so we’ve still got a leg up. That said, neural networks like OpenAI’s and Russian designer have been able to create content indistinguishable from human-made work.Now there’s another example of AI artistry that’s hard to tell...

April 7, 2021
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This Huge Hologram-Like 3D Display Is Made of Thousands of Tiny LED Lights

This Huge Hologram-Like 3D Display Is Made of Thousands of Tiny LED Lights

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailThough we don’t quite have the technology to make three-dimensional holograms a reality yet, companies like and are working on it. But a third company decided to forego the traditional approach and came up with a whole new way to create 3D shapes made of light.uses thousands of strings of LED lights to make volumetric displays that, while not technically holograms, look a lot like them. The latest iteration of their technology is called Dragon O, and it can be as big as a room and display any sort of content its creators can dream...

April 5, 2021
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Former SpaceX Engineers Are Launching a Startup Where Robots Make Pizzas in 45 Seconds

Former SpaceX Engineers Are Launching a Startup Where Robots Make Pizzas in 45 Seconds

Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailWho doesn’t love hot, gooey, fresh-out-of-the-oven pizza? If there’s a better food in existence, I for one don’t know about it (though ice cream is a pretty close contender). Americans have loved pizza for decades, but the Covid-19 pandemic brought our consumption of this glorious delicacy to new heights; according to Pizza Magazine’s , (yes, there’s actually a publication called Pizza Magazine! Who knew!), American consumers accounted for about a third of global spending on pizza, shelling out $45 billion for cheese-covered pies in...

August 10, 2022

