The Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor
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‘My dear friend’: Why Trump-Erdoğan ties endure

‘My dear friend’: Why Trump-Erdoğan ties endure

.Loading...President Donald Trump’s affinity for strongmen is well documented, from Vladimir Putin of Russia to Kim Jong Un of North Korea. But the president’s relationship with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – whom he hosted in a controversial White House visit Wednesday – may be the most complicated. As a member of NATO, Turkey is an ally. And yet it is cozying up to Russia in ways that have antagonized the U.S. Congress. Top concerns include Turkey’s recent invasion of Syria targeting U.S.-allied Syrian Kurds and its purchase of Russian weapons systems.A...

November 15, 2019
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After Hutchinson testimony, will Trump officials remain silent?

After Hutchinson testimony, will Trump officials remain silent?

.Loading...If Cassidy Hutchinson’s blockbuster assertions Tuesday prove to be a breakthrough in the Jan. 6 investigation, it would not be the first time a high-profile congressional hearing hinged on the testimony of a little-known aide. In the Watergate hearings, presidential scheduler Alexander Butterfield first confirmed the Nixon tapes. Lt. Col. Oliver North’s secretary, Fawn Hall, testified that she helped her boss shred documents in the Iran-contra affair. And Linda Tripp, a disgruntled former executive assistant, proved crucial in Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Watergate,...

June 29, 2022
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Seeking safety: Muslims move to Delhi ‘ghettos’ amid demolition drives

Seeking safety: Muslims move to Delhi ‘ghettos’ amid demolition drives

.Loading...Last year, Imaad Hassan moved out of the posh, Hindu-dominated Sarita Vihar neighborhood in New Delhi to Abul Fazal Enclave – a Muslim-majority area that’s long struggled with poor water and electricity access.“I moved from a gated society to a ghetto for my own safety,” he says.For Indian Muslims, what makes a space safe? Amid escalating violence and recent demolition drives, many are seeking security in Delhi’s majority-Muslim enclaves. But ghettoization comes with risks.Reports of hate crimes against religious minorities have spiked since the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party...

June 30, 2022
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Heat waves: How to cope with new extremes

Heat waves: How to cope with new extremes

.Loading...Temperatures broke June records around the globe, from the leafy streets of the American South to the domes of the Vatican. Japan recently had its first-ever 104-degree June day. A port city in Iran has sweltered for days under 122-degree heat. It was even hot above the Arctic Circle, where thermometers in the Russian city of Norilsk pushed to record highs grazing 90 degrees. Generally, a heat wave is when abnormally high heat lingers for two or more days. It’s not just a matter of how hot it is, but also of how unusual that temperature is. Even in a...

June 30, 2022
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EBay Instant Sale shut down. Three alternatives.

EBay Instant Sale shut down. Three alternatives.

Skip to main contentSkip to footerGet unlimited storiesWe want to bridge divides to reach everyone.SubscribeLog in to hide ads.EBay Instant Sale's end means one less outlet for consumers to trade in their old electronics. But there are still a few viable options. Bostonians cashed in their tech at the eBay Instant Sale Truck, shown last year in Cambridge, Mass. EBay shut down the program earlier this month.Loading...If you want to trade in, say, an old cell phone, you can weigh its estimated resale value from a host of electronics recycling programs. But the number of these services...

March 17, 2013
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Black master falconer helps birds and at-risk youth take flight

Black master falconer helps birds and at-risk youth take flight

.Loading...With a mother who struggled with heavy substance use, Rodney Stotts grew up in southeast Washington during the crack epidemic. By early adulthood, he reflected his circumstances – dealing drugs and on course to cross up with law enforcement, he says.Then, by accident, he found work with raptors, rehabilitating injured birds of prey and using them for environmental education at Earth Conservation Corps, a nonprofit then focused on cleaning the notoriously polluted Anacostia River.A master falconer shows how healing through nature offers second chances for injured birds of prey,...

April 7, 2021
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India trashes 100 million tires a year. She turns them into playgrounds.

India trashes 100 million tires a year. She turns them into playgrounds.

.Loading...Pooja Rai was a young architecture student when she accompanied a friend to drop off donations at an orphanage. She was taken aback by what she saw.“Kids were playing with anything they could get their hands on,” she remembers. One group was rolling around a broken metallic pipe and brandishing it like a sword. Two boys were attempting to play badminton, using their flip-flops as rackets. It doesn’t take much to spark play. But it does take space – and some creativity. For this playground-building nonprofit, play is more than a child’s instinct. It’s a right.Despite the...

March 29, 2021
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Beehive deliveries keep New Yorkers buzzing on rooftops, backyards

Beehive deliveries keep New Yorkers buzzing on rooftops, backyards

.Loading...Bees are thriving in New York hives. The city offers them a welcome variety of flowers and fewer pesticides than on rural farms.Bustling New York City may not seem a bee-friendly place, but its high-rise rooftops and tiny gardens are buzzing with honey-makers threatened by pesticides in rural areas.About 2.4 million Italian honeybees waited in a white van to be taken to their new homes early Friday. It was parked near the Dakota Apartments by Central Park, where John Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono has lived since 1973.“This is the first year that we’ve done this outside The Dakota,”...

April 10, 2021
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The battle for democracy goes on in Haiti as Moïse gains power

The battle for democracy goes on in Haiti as Moïse gains power

.Loading...Haitian President Jovenel Moïse has passed dozens of decrees since he came into power in 2017 – some welcomed, and others  controversial. For critics, his growing power is bringing back memories of the Duvalier dictatorship. Haiti emerged from the brutal and dynastic Duvalier dictatorship to democracy 35 years ago. Now, many Haitians fear a return to autocracy as President Jovenel Moïse has been steadily amassing power.The banana exporter-turned-politician has been governing by decree for more than a year since the Caribbean nation failed to hold elections in late 2019...

March 30, 2021
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What Thomas Jefferson's hidden lab teaches about US science education

What Thomas Jefferson's hidden lab teaches about US science education

History and science collided at the University of Virginia on Friday, when the school announced the discovery of a hidden chemistry lab amid ongoing renovations of its historic Rotunda building.The room offers a glimpse into the way science was taught in the mid-19th century, as well as to the role of Thomas Jefferson – who founded the university in 1819 – in facilitating the shift from religion to science as a central principle of higher education in the United States.“It really is the beginning of the teaching of science” as fundamental, said Jody Lahendro, a supervisory historic...

October 19, 2015
