Ted Barrett
Ted Barrett
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Latest health care bill collapses following Moran, Lee defections | CNN Politics

Latest health care bill collapses following Moran, Lee defections | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad FeedbackMitch McConnell could only afford to lose two senators and still advance the legislationOn Monday night, Sens. Mike Lee and Jerry Moran became no votes three and four — The Republican Party’s efforts to gut former President Barack Obama’s legacy health care law came to an abrupt – if temporary – halt Monday night.Just hours after the Senate was gaveled back into session, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was handed two more public defections on his health care bill to overhaul Obamacare. The dramatic and simultaneous announcement from...

July 18, 2017
Senate overwhelmingly rebukes Trump with tariff vote | CNN Politics

Senate overwhelmingly rebukes Trump with tariff vote | CNN Politics

By , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — For , the Senate pushed back on President Donald Trump, showing stiff resistance to his key policy decisions on tariffs and NATO even as the President is at a summit in Europe wrestling with allies over those same issues.Senators voted overwhelmingly Wednesday calling on Trump to get congressional approval before using national security as a reason for imposing tariffs on other nations, as he did recently .The bipartisan 88-to-11 tally on the non-binding resolution sends a message to the White House about how frustrated senators are over Trump’s...

July 11, 2018
Republicans flirt with rebellion if Trump moves ahead on Mexico tariffs

Republicans flirt with rebellion if Trump moves ahead on Mexico tariffs

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Lauren Fox, Ted Barrett, Haley Byrd and Jim Acosta, CNN(CNN) Republican senators railed against threatenedin a private lunch on Tuesday with White House and Justice Department officials, who struggled to explain their legal process for iRoughly a half dozen stood to speak about why the was ill-advised, a person who attended the lunch told CNN.The members insisted Trump hold off on any declarations until he can brief members personally on the plan, according to this person. But with and members scheduled to leave for D-Day commemorations, that...

June 5, 2019
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Cruz joins Paul in ditching mask despite CDC recommendations | CNN Politics

Cruz joins Paul in ditching mask despite CDC recommendations | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Sen. Ted Cruz is no longer wearing a as he walks the halls of the Capitol complex or goes to the Senate floor for debates and votes.“At this point I’ve been vaccinated. Everybody working in the Senate has been vaccinated,” the Texas Republican told CNN, even though many staff members and reporters in the Capitol have not been vaccinated.Cruz defended his decision to drop using the mask even after being told that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who have been vaccinated wear masks in public.“CDC has said in small groups,...

April 15, 2021
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Biden reaches out to some Republicans on Capitol Hill -- but not party leaders | CNN Politics

Biden reaches out to some Republicans on Capitol Hill -- but not party leaders | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell says he’s spoken with President Joe Biden just once since he took office.“We just talked about Burma – an issue that I’ve had a long-time interest in,” McConnell told CNN of their February conversation, though he previously said they also spoke about the budget process and Covid relief during that call.But the White House has a different account.“He speaks with him regularly,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday, declining to elaborate other than to mention a “long friendship” between the two...

March 11, 2021
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How Democrats miscalculated Manchin and later won him back | CNN Politics

How Democrats miscalculated Manchin and later won him back | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — It was Friday afternoon, and was on the phone with Sen. Joe Manchin, the conservative West Virginia Democrat who felt blindsided by his party leaders and now was at risk of defecting and effectively torpedoing a central pillar of the White House’s domestic agenda.Just a couple hours earlier as he walked onto the floor ahead of , Manchin was stunned about the last-minute dealings of his party’s leaders with the backing of the White House. For the first time, he learned that Democrats were seeking to advance a new plan on jobless benefits...

March 7, 2021
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Manchin warns Biden's infrastructure bill is in trouble over corporate tax hikes

Manchin warns Biden's infrastructure bill is in trouble over corporate tax hikes

Washington (CNN)Sen. Joe Manchin, an influential centrist Democrat, warned Monday that the Biden administration's can't pass in its current form because he and a handful of other Senate Democrats believe the corporate tax hikes proposed in the bill -- designed to offset its costs -- are too steep."As the bill exists today, it needs to be changed," he told West Virginia Metro News host Hoppy Kercheval in a radio interview when asked if he supported or opposed President Joe Biden's $2.25 trillion proposal.Manchin said he is against raising the current 21% corporate tax rate -- which was put...

April 5, 2021
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GOP senators facing reelection in 2022 keep mum on McConnell amid divisive fight with Trump | CNN Politics

GOP senators facing reelection in 2022 keep mum on McConnell amid divisive fight with Trump | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Republican senators are trying to stay out of the fray between former President Donald Trump and their leader, .With Trump warning he will push primary candidates who fit his mold in 2022 Senate races, many Republican senators facing voters next year are not eager to pick sides following the former President’s on the GOP leader after his impeachment trial.CNN contacted the 16 Senate Republicans up for reelection in 2022 on Thursday about whether they still back McConnell – and just three responded.Their lack of response doesn’t mean that...

February 16, 2021
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Trump acquitted for second time following historic Senate impeachment trial

Trump acquitted for second time following historic Senate impeachment trial

(CNN)The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial Saturday, voting that Trump was not guilty of inciting the deadly January 6 riot at the US Capitol -- but the verdict amounted to a bipartisan rebuke of the former President with ., short of the 67 guilty votes needed to convict.Held exactly one month , the number of Republican senators who voted against Trump ended up higher than even what Trump's legal team had anticipated, marking a stark departure from the first impeachment trial last year when only one Republican senator, Mitt Romney of Utah, found...

February 14, 2021
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Senate passes Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid relief plan after all-night votes | CNN Politics

Senate passes Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid relief plan after all-night votes | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The Senate passed on Saturday, after an all-night “vote-a-rama” and a 12-hour struggle to get one Democrat to support the party’s plan on a critical issue.The vote was 50 to 49 on a party-line vote. The House will vote Tuesday on the bill to approve changes made in the Senate, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced, and then it will go to Biden to be signed into law.Biden hailed the Senate passage in remarks from the White House Saturday afternoon, touting his plan’s widespread public support even if it didn’t earn any Republican...

March 4, 2021



