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Trump Allies Fear That He’s Ditched the Working Class for ‘Boaters’ and Housewives

Trump Allies Fear That He’s Ditched the Working Class for ‘Boaters’ and Housewives

President Donald Trump has to outline what his second-term policy agenda might look like. But last week he finally offered one specific policy he hopes to put in place if he’s re-elected: a cut to the capital gains tax rate.It was the only specific second-term policy goal the president mentioned during an with Fox’s Maria Bartiromo. And though cutting tax rates on wealthy investors is a longtime mainstay of Republican tax policy, for even some of Trump’s own defenders the proposal was yet another illustration of a key shortcoming of his re-election bid. The billionaire who branded...

August 19, 2020
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Trump Cheers on Kanye’s Bid but His Pollster Says It Could Backfire

Trump Cheers on Kanye’s Bid but His Pollster Says It Could Backfire

As it’s become clear that rapper ’s 2020 campaign is getting boosted by longtime GOP operatives, figures close to Donald Trump’s campaign and even the president himself have seemingly been delighted at the potential to “ratfuck” and spoil the election for . But it’s not all champagne-popping in Trumpworld. Some Trump advisers have privately conceded that there is scant data to suggest that getting West on enough ballots would drain significant support from the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee, and that doing so amounts to taking advantage of a man suffering from . And even the...

August 7, 2020
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Trump Says You Can Vote by Mail in Florida After Insisting You Shouldn’t Do That in Any State Ever

Trump Says You Can Vote by Mail in Florida After Insisting You Shouldn’t Do That in Any State Ever

Donald Trump has relished making mail-in voting a boogeyman during the coronavirus pandemic, denouncing the method routinely as part of his longstanding and evidence-free crusade over alleged voter fraud. But that was before he realized how much Republican voters had started to listen to him. Now, with his re-election chances on line, the president is embracing the practice in the crucial swing state of Florida. Within the senior ranks of Team Trump’s political and field operations, there have been significant concerns for weeks that the president and GOP’s voting by mail could...

August 5, 2020
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‘It’s Bleak’: Trump’s Great American Comeback Is a Dumpster Fire

‘It’s Bleak’: Trump’s Great American Comeback Is a Dumpster Fire

Shortly before the summer kicked off, Donald Trump was . The president, his campaign, and the top lieutenants in his administration were busy branding Trump the face of an upcoming American rebirth. He and his White House staff made a big push to position him as the frontman for , as summertime employment upticks seemed on the horizon, and as experts and politicians kept their fingers crossed that the season’s heat would provide some respite from the global pandemic.Trump and his 2020 team kept promising that they were doing everything they could to get him back on the campaign trail as...

July 25, 2020
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Top Trump Ally Preps a New Assault on Fauci

Top Trump Ally Preps a New Assault on Fauci

As Donald Trump and his press secretary sought to downplay the to scapegoat Dr. Anthony Fauci, top allies to the president spent Monday working on ways to discredit the nation’s leading infectious-diseases expert even more.Stephen Moore, a conservative economist who informally economic matters, said on Monday evening that he is working on a new policy memo that would “go after Fauci,” not just for the doctor’s proclamations on the still-raging pandemic, but for his decades of work for the U.S. government prior to the current crisis.“We are working on a memo that shows how many times Dr....

July 14, 2020
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Trump Banks on School Reopening to Help Him in November

Trump Banks on School Reopening to Help Him in November

Donald Trump’s aggressive push to fully is being driven by a belief inside the president’s orbit that the policy will be a political winner for him this November. Their confidence, they say, is backed up by the campaign’s private polling data.According to two sources familiar with the surveys, the Trump re-election team has conducted polling in recent days on the topic of reopening schools by September, and saw data that they found broadly favorable to the president’s position. Senior White House officials, as well as Trump himself, have been briefed on the numbers, which they are hoping...

July 10, 2020
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Trump’s Top Trade Adviser Peter Navarro Has a Side Project: Secretly Hunting for ‘Anonymous’

Trump’s Top Trade Adviser Peter Navarro Has a Side Project: Secretly Hunting for ‘Anonymous’

As President Donald Trump moves to purge his administration of perceived disloyalty, one of his top deputies is also doggedly working to expose perhaps the most famous dissident in its ranks.Officially, assistant to the president Peter Navarro is Trump's point-man on trade policy. But Navarro has also taken it upon himself in recent weeks to uncover the identity of the person known simply as “Anonymous,” the senior Trump administration official who has railed against the president in the New York Times opinion pages and, most recently, in a bestselling book titled A Warning, and whose...

February 17, 2020
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Trump’s Coronavirus Speech Sparks ‘Total Chaos’ in His Own Administration

Trump’s Coronavirus Speech Sparks ‘Total Chaos’ in His Own Administration

President Donald Trump’s Wednesday evening was supposed to calm concerns about the spread of the . Instead, it sparked panic and confusion. Not just among the markets, U.S. travelers, and international leaders but within his own administration as well.Two officials in the told The Daily Beast that foreign service officers and diplomats were unprepared for the president’s announcement and spent the early hours of Thursday scrambling to figure out how their work and travel would be affected in the short term. “It is just total chaos,” said one official currently abroad, adding that they...

March 12, 2020
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Trump Fires Inspectors General as He Grows Insular and Paranoid in His Coronavirus Response

Trump Fires Inspectors General as He Grows Insular and Paranoid in His Coronavirus Response

As the coronavirus has engulfed his presidency, Donald Trump has grown insular and paranoid, retreating to the comfort zones he’s enjoyed at other scandal points in office and lashing out against perceived foes with a mix of defiance and impetuousness.In recent days, Trump has ousted and denigrated inspectors general at various government agencies tasked with holding his administration accountable as it oversees a massive economic and public health response to the pandemic. It’s a move that has alarmed congressional critics who see the president as increasingly unmoored from a system of...

April 8, 2020
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Trump Spends Easter Asking Confidants: ‘What Do You Think of Fauci?’

Trump Spends Easter Asking Confidants: ‘What Do You Think of Fauci?’

spent much of this Easter weekend, his first Easter sequestered at the White House in the midst of a global pandemic and crashing economy, in a rather predictable fashion: working the phones and rage-tweeting at The New York Times and Mike Wallace’s son.At one point, the president even promoted a Twitter post calling for the his top infectious-disease expert in the middle of a —because he’d said something construed as rude to Trump.Over the weekend, the president picked up the phone and began dialing various close advisers and associates to ask them their opinion on how soon he should...

April 13, 2020
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