Lachlan Markay
Lachlan Markay
@thedailybeast reporter. @VikingBooks author. Trying not to be part of the problem. / #LGD👹Source
Washington, DC
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Ex-Congressmen Took Your Cash. They Used It to Help the Saudis and the Qataris.

Ex-Congressmen Took Your Cash. They Used It to Help the Saudis and the Qataris.

In the summer of 2018, congressman-turned-lobbyist Jim Moran was trying to recruit his former colleagues to put pressure on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moran was doing so on behalf of one of his clients, the government of Qatar. And he had a pot of money, left over from years of donations to his reelection campaigns, that he could steer to his lobbying targets.Throughout June and July, Moran, a “senior legislative advisor” at the firm McDermott Will & Emery, reached out to at least a dozen House and Senate members of both parties as part of the effort. He for the letter, which he hoped...

July 26, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard’s Campaign Is Being Boosted by Putin Apologists

Tulsi Gabbard’s Campaign Is Being Boosted by Putin Apologists

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is being underwritten by some of the nation’s leading Russophiles. Donors to her campaign in the first quarter of the year included: Stephen F. Cohen, a Russian studies professor at New York University and prominent Kremlin sympathizer; Sharon Tennison, a vocal Putin supporter who nonetheless found herself detained by Russian authorities in 2016; and an employee of the Kremlin-backed broadcaster RT, who appears to have donated under the alias “Goofy Grapes.”Gabbard is one of her party’s more Russia-friendly...

May 21, 2019
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DOJ Drops Insider Trading Investigation Into Kelly Loeffler: Report

DOJ Drops Insider Trading Investigation Into Kelly Loeffler: Report

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWThe Justice Department will not file insider trading charges against Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), the on Tuesday. DOJ informed lawyers for Loeffler and two other senators scrutinized for their coronavirus-era stock trades that they are closing their investigations into the matters. A DOJ investigation into Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) remains ongoing, the Journal reported. Loeffler and her husband, New York Stock Exchange chairman Jeffrey Sprecher, have vehemently denied that their sales of millions of dollars in stock this year were prompted...

May 26, 2020
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Kelly Loeffler’s Husband Pours $1 Million Into Pro-Trump Super PAC

Kelly Loeffler’s Husband Pours $1 Million Into Pro-Trump Super PAC

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWEmbattled Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s (R-GA) husband made his largest-ever federal political contribution last month with a seven-figure donation to a super PAC supporting President Donald Trump's re-election, according to released on Wednesday. A filing from the pro-Trump group America First Action shows that Jeff Sprecher, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, donated $1 million to the group in late April, as Loeffler sought to beat back allegations of insider trading after she and Sprecher unloaded millions of dollars in stock in the...

May 21, 2020
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Billionaire MAGA Fan Peter Thiel Has Had It With Trump’s COVID-19 Response

Billionaire MAGA Fan Peter Thiel Has Had It With Trump’s COVID-19 Response

During the last presidential campaign, board member and billionaire was among Donald Trump’s most important backers, for the future president as a “proud,” openly gay supporter of the Republican nominee and even speaking at the Republican Party’s 2016 convention. Four years later, Thiel has taken on a dramatically reduced—if not altogether nonexistent—role in pushing for .Though Thiel declared a year and a half ago that he supports Trump’s re-election, he so far hasn't donated large sums to any of the major Trump campaign committees, and it is unclear to various Trump lieutenants if those...

May 17, 2020
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Trump Calls For Reopening America’s Gyms Day After Call With SoulCycle’s Owner

Trump Calls For Reopening America’s Gyms Day After Call With SoulCycle’s Owner

President Donald Trump unveiled a proposal this week to reopen America’s gyms in spite of the coronavirus outbreak after a phone call that included the head of the company that owns luxury fitness brands Equinox and SoulCycle, who also happens to be a high-profile Trump supporter.In a memo issued on Thursday titled “Guidelines for Opening Up America Again,” the White House included gyms among the businesses that would reopen to the general public during “phase one” of its , which has cratered amid nationwide stay-at-home orders and business closures. Though the document said gyms could...

April 17, 2020
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Trump Put 200 People On Recovery Panel—Just 20 Are Women And Seven Are Black

Trump Put 200 People On Recovery Panel—Just 20 Are Women And Seven Are Black

Confronted with a cratering economy that threatens his re-election chances, President Donald Trump is discovering a hard truth: The powers he possesses are limited. Over the past week, Trump has pushed the idea that the coronavirus pandemic is fading enough to allow Americans to begin resuming normal economic functions. And he’s proclaimed that he has “total” authority over states to compel them to dispense with their public health restrictions in pursuit of that grand “re-opening.” But over the past 24 hours, Trump’s boasts have largely been revealed to be hollow. Governors have...

April 15, 2020
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GOP Group Tells Donors They Can Help Anonymously Bring Down Kelly Loeffler

GOP Group Tells Donors They Can Help Anonymously Bring Down Kelly Loeffler

Some GOP donors have been loath to publicly back attacks on (R-GA) for fear that doing so will land them on the wrong side of powerful Republicans in Atlanta and Washington. But now, those donors have a way to go after the senator who finds herself at the heart of an without drawing the ire of party leaders: They can do it anonymously.Loeffler is the party establishment’s pick to stay in the Senate seat in 2020, even as she faces a primary challenge from , a Trump loyalist with significant grassroots appeal. Loeffler enjoys the full-throated backing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...

April 16, 2020
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Mistress’ Brother Michael Sanchez Leaked Bezos’ Racy Texts to Enquirer, Sources Say

Mistress’ Brother Michael Sanchez Leaked Bezos’ Racy Texts to Enquirer, Sources Say

The brother of Jeff Bezos’ mistress, Lauren Sanchez, supplied the couple’s racy texts to the National Enquirer, multiple sources inside AMI, the tabloid’s parent company, told The Daily Beast.Another source who has been in extensive communication with senior leaders at AMI confirmed that first supplied Bezos’ texts to the Enquirer.The , published last month, included notes from Bezos like, “I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.” AMI has previously refused to identify the source of the texts, but a lawyer for the company strongly hinted at Sanchez’s role...

February 11, 2019
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GOP Senate Candidate Chastises Trump and Then Fundraises With Don Jr.

GOP Senate Candidate Chastises Trump and Then Fundraises With Don Jr.

Days after he sought to distance himself from some of President Donald Trump’s more outlandish statements, Michigan Republican Senate candidate John James is raising money with the help of the president’s eldest son.Donald Trump Jr. will co-host a virtual fundraiser on Monday for James, a top Republican Senate recruit who hopes to flip a competitive seat in a state Trump narrowly carried in 2016. The fundraiser, which will take place over the teleconferencing platform Zoom, offers donors who give $1,000 the chance to pose questions to James and the younger Trump.The event comes just days...

May 18, 2020

