Susan Davis
Susan Davis
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Progressives Surge In Congressional Democratic Primaries

Progressives Surge In Congressional Democratic Primaries

Progressives Surge In Congressional Primaries After Faltering At National Level Activists say the pandemic and racial justice protests have contributed to a climate that is more favorable to progressive candidates and ideas.Toggle more optionsThe progressive wing of the Democratic Party couldn't break through in the presidential race, but in congressional races, younger, more diverse, progressive candidates are enjoying a recent surge in support. "The logic of COVID-19 as well as the logic and the righteousness of the movement for Black lives, I think, is forcing all of us to re-imagine...

July 4, 2020
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Senate Republicans Set Summer Of Investigations Involving Biden

Senate Republicans Set Summer Of Investigations Involving Biden

Senate Republicans Launch Investigations Involving Joe Biden Two Senate committees will spend the summer investigating allegations against the Biden family and the Obama administration's role in the FBI's 2016 Russia investigation.Heard onToggle more optionsSenate Republicans have launched politically loaded investigations into the Obama administration and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden that are expected to carry on into the fall. On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee begins the first of a planned series of hearings on the origins of the FBI's 2016 Russia...

June 2, 2020
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House Passes $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill That Has Dim Future

House Passes $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill That Has Dim Future

House Approves $3 Trillion Proposal For New Coronavirus Aid The House approved the massive package with aid to states, local governments, individuals. Senate Republicans already dismissed the proposal and it's unclear when parties will reach bipartisan deal.House lawmakers on Friday approved a Democratic proposal to provide $3 trillion in coronavirus relief that would include a new wave of help for state and local governments, workers and families. The House voted 208 to 199 — largely along party lines — to pass the measure. The size of the bill represents the biggest ever proposed and it...

May 15, 2020
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Bloomberg Aims To Use Coronavirus Confusion To Appear Presidential

Bloomberg Aims To Use Coronavirus Confusion To Appear Presidential

Bloomberg Aims To Use Coronavirus Confusion To Appear Presidential Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg sees a chance to seize the moment in the Democratic primary as a trusted leader in times of crisis as fears rise over the coronavirus outbreak.Heard onToggle more optionsFormer New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg sees a chance to seize the moment in the Democratic primary as a trusted leader in times of crisis as fears rise over the coronavirus outbreak.DAVID GREENE, HOST:The issue of coronavirus and how to handle the outbreak is becoming a pretty big talking point on the presidential...

March 2, 2020
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Trump Signs Latest Coronavirus Economic Relief Package, Aimed At Small Businesses

Trump Signs Latest Coronavirus Economic Relief Package, Aimed At Small Businesses

Trump Signs $484 Billion Coronavirus Bill For Small Businesses It is the fourth measure approved by Congress in less than two months to combat the pandemic. This one, totaling $484 billion, will supply fresh funding to a new small business lending program.Updated at on Friday at 1:30 p.m. ET President Trump on Friday signed Congress' latest coronavirus economic relief package, which includes additional aid to small businesses and hospitals. The measure passed overwhelmingly in the House on Thursday — 388-5, with one lawmaker voting present. The five lawmakers who voted against the package...

April 23, 2020
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Democrats Reviewing Whether To Overturn A Certified Iowa U.S. House Election

Democrats Reviewing Whether To Overturn A Certified Iowa U.S. House Election

Defeated Iowa Democrat Asking House To Overturn Election The Democratic-led House Administration Committee is considering a challenge brought by defeated Democrat Rita Hart, who lost a race for an Iowa congressional district by six votes.The House Administration Committee is reviewing a challenge brought by defeated Iowa Democrat Rita Hart against freshman Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who won the race by just six votes. Attorneys for the two candidates submitted initial legal briefs to the panel on Monday. In a , Miller-Meeks' counsel broadly denied Hart's claims and said the...

March 22, 2021
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The Jan. 6 Riot Could Have Brought Lawmakers Together. It Did The Opposite

The Jan. 6 Riot Could Have Brought Lawmakers Together. It Did The Opposite

The Jan. 6 Riot Could Have Brought Lawmakers Together. It Did The Opposite Democrats and Republicans can agree to very little about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, including how to investigate it. The fallout is impacting the ability to work across party lines.Heard onToggle more optionsWhen Congress reconvened the night of the Jan. 6 riot to finish certifying the Electoral College results, Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., huddled with top Democrats on the House floor. "I was on the dais with [Speaker Nancy Pelosi], and the speaker and I, and also [House Administration Chair Zoe Lofgren,...

March 3, 2021
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Sen. Portman Warns Biden Against Going It Alone On COVID-19 Relief

Sen. Portman Warns Biden Against Going It Alone On COVID-19 Relief

Ohio's Rob Portman Predicts Donald Trump Won't Run Again The Ohio Republican said acting without GOP support would be "really problematic for the country" and could set a bad tone for Biden's term. He also predicted Donald Trump would not run in 2024.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated 5 p.m. ET Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, a Republican who announced he won't seek reelection in 2022, warned the Biden administration and congressional Democrats not to move forward on a large new round of coronavirus relief legislation without GOP support, saying such a move "poisons the well." Portman, who is...

January 28, 2021
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Sen. Patrick Leahy To Preside Over Trump's Senate Impeachment Trial

Sen. Patrick Leahy To Preside Over Trump's Senate Impeachment Trial

Patrick Leahy To Preside Over Trump's Senate Trial, Not John Roberts Chief Justice John Roberts will not take on the role for the trial that begins the week of Feb. 8, a source says. A chief justice presides only when a sitting president is on trial.Updated at 4:58 p.m. ET Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., will preside over former President Donald Trump's trial in the Senate, a Senate source told NPR. Leahy, 80, is the president pro tempore of the Senate, a constitutional role given to the longest-serving lawmaker in the majority party. The president pro tempore is third in the line of...

January 25, 2021
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A Tale Of Bipartisanship In Congress — No, Seriously

A Tale Of Bipartisanship In Congress — No, Seriously

Bipartisan Committee Suggests 97 Ways To Fix Congress A bipartisan committee made 97 recommendations on how to modernize the way Congress works and improve relationships between Democrats and Republicans.Last year, when House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy asked Rep. Tom Graves, R-Ga., to help lead a new committee charged with investigating how to modernize the U.S. House, Graves cynically turned him down. "I had declined it with the — I guess it's a sad acceptance that this was just going to be another failed attempt by Congress to say they're going to do something that they ultimately...

December 26, 2020
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