Nina Totenberg
Nina Totenberg
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Supreme Court Sides With Trump Administration In Asylum Cases

Supreme Court Sides With Trump Administration In Asylum Cases

Supreme Court Sides With Trump Administration In Deportation Case The 7-2 decision could have major consequences for thousands of people seeking protection from violence and persecution in other countries.Heard onToggle more optionsThe U.S. Supreme Court handed the Trump administration a major victory on a signature issue Thursday, ruling that asylum-seekers whose claims are initially denied by immigration officials have no right to a hearing before a judge. The decision authorizes the Trump administration to fast-track deportations for thousands of asylum-seekers after bare-bones screening...

June 25, 2020
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Supreme Court Will Not Reexamine Doctrine That Shields Police In Misconduct Suits

Supreme Court Will Not Reexamine Doctrine That Shields Police In Misconduct Suits

Supreme Court Will Not Reexamine Qualified Immunity For Police Justice Clarence Thomas dissents, saying the "qualified immunity doctrine appears to stray from the statutory text."Amid the tumult over police brutality allegations across the country, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to reexamine the much-criticized, modern-day legal doctrine created by judges that has shielded police and other government officials from lawsuits over their conduct. In an unsigned order, the court declined to hear cases seeking reexamination of the doctrine of "qualified immunity." Justice Clarence...

June 15, 2020
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As Concerns About Voting Build, The Supreme Court Refuses To Step In

As Concerns About Voting Build, The Supreme Court Refuses To Step In

Voting Rights Advocates Are 0-4 At The Supreme Court This Year The court expressed a frosty attitude toward election lawsuits in four cases this year — from Wisconsin, Texas, Alabama and Florida.Emmett Witkovsky-EldredVoting rights advocates are batting 0-4 at the U.S. Supreme Court so far this year. A record number of election-related lawsuits are piling up in courts around the country as concerns mount about the safety of voting in person because of the coronavirus and the availability and reliability of voting by mail. With a pandemic raging and uncertainty brewing, some fear the Supreme...

July 25, 2020
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Supreme Court Undercuts Access To Birth Control Under Obamacare

Supreme Court Undercuts Access To Birth Control Under Obamacare

Supreme Court Undercuts Birth Control Access Under Obamacare The opinion upheld a Trump administration rule that significantly cut back on the Affordable Care Act requirement that insurers provide free birth control coverage under almost all health care plans.Updated at 12:32 p.m. ET The U.S. Supreme Court has made it more difficult for women to get access to birth control as part of their health plans if their employer has religious or moral objections to contraceptives. The opinion upheld a Trump administration rule that significantly cut back on the Affordable Care Act requirement that...

July 8, 2020
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Justices Rule Teachers At Religious Schools Aren't Protected By Fair Employment Laws

Justices Rule Teachers At Religious Schools Aren't Protected By Fair Employment Laws

Supreme Court Carves Out Religious Exception To Employment Laws The 7-2 decision carving out a religious exemption could potentially affect other employees of religious hospitals, universities and charities.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated at 6:44 p.m. ET The U.S. Supreme Court has carved out a major exception to the nation's fair employment laws. In a 7-2 vote, the court ruled on Wednesday that the country's civil rights laws barring discrimination on the job do not apply to most lay teachers at religious elementary schools. The case was brought by two fifth-grade teachers at California...

July 8, 2020
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Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks House Request For Mueller Grand Jury Evidence

Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks House Request For Mueller Grand Jury Evidence

Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks House Request For Mueller Grand Jury Evidence The House says secret grand jury evidence is relevant to an "ongoing investigation" and could lead to new impeachment charges.The U.S. Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a lower court order requiring the Trump Justice Department to turn over to the House Judiciary Committee secret evidence compiled by the grand jury during the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller last year. The withheld evidence was first requested more than a year ago, prior to the beginning of formal impeachment proceedings...

May 20, 2020
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Supreme Court To Government: Pay Obamacare Insurers

Supreme Court To Government: Pay Obamacare Insurers

Supreme Court Says U.S. Must Pay Obamacare Insurers $12B Under the law, the money was promised to companies as part of the start-up costs of Obamacare. But a GOP-led Congress reneged on the promise.The U.S. Supreme Court has told the federal government that it has to pay $12 billion to insurance companies, money that was promised in the Affordable Care Act as part of the start-up costs of Obamacare in the first three years of its existence. The law, as enacted, promised to limit profits and losses for insurance companies in the first three years of the Obamacare program. Some companies made...

April 27, 2020
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Supreme Court Allows States To Virtually Eliminate The Insanity Defense

Supreme Court Allows States To Virtually Eliminate The Insanity Defense

Supreme Court Allows States To Virtually Eliminate The Insanity Defense By a 6-to-3 vote, the court essentially allows consideration of mental status only at sentencing. Dissenters accuse the majority of abandoning centuries of Anglo-American law.The U.S. Supreme court Monday that states are free to abandon the insanity defense for accused criminals who contend they did not know right from wrong. The decision upholds a Kansas law that essentially allows consideration of mental status only at the sentencing phase of a trial.Kansas is one of just five states that have, for all practical...

March 23, 2020
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Supreme Court To Take Up 1st Major Gun Rights Case In More Than A Decade

Supreme Court To Take Up 1st Major Gun Rights Case In More Than A Decade

Supreme Court To Take Up 1st Major Gun Rights Case In More Than A Decade At issue is how much the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to carry concealed weapons outside their home for self-defense. The case will likely be argued in the fall.In a major foray into gun rights, the Supreme Court on Monday agreed to review a case testing how far states may go in regulating whether an individual may carry a gun outside the home. More than a decade ago, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment right to bear arms guarantees the right to own a gun in one's home for...

April 26, 2021
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Supreme Court: Montana Can't Exclude Religious Schools From Scholarship Program

Supreme Court: Montana Can't Exclude Religious Schools From Scholarship Program

Supreme Court: Montana Can't Exclude Religious Schools From Scholarship Program The 5-4 decision, in which Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's other conservatives, is a win for parents who wanted to use the state tax credit to help send children to religious schools.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated at 5:53 p.m. ET In a major victory for what advocates call the school choice movement, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively killed state constitutional provisions in as many as 38 states that bar taxpayer aid to parochial schools. The vote was 5-4, with Chief Justice John Roberts...

June 30, 2020
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