Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, aka sjvn, has been writing about technology and the business of technology since CP/M-80 was the cutting edge, PC operating system; 300bps was a fast Internet connection; WordStar was the state of the art word processor; and we liked it.His work has been published in everything from highly technical publications (IEEE Computer, ACM NetWorker, Byte) to business publications (eWEEK, InformationWeek, ZDNet) to popular technology (Computer Shopper, PC Magazine, PC World) to the mainstream press (Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, BusinessWeek).Source
Asheville, NC
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Amazon is attempting to depose President Donald Trump and others over the US government's award the $10-billion dollar JEDI cloud to Microsoft Azure over AWS.When the US Department of Defense awarded contract, it wasn't if would sue to overturn the massive government contract, it was when. A few weeks later, AWS sued to overturn the award. Now, AWS has upped the ante. The company is deposing President Donald Trump, Defense Secretary Mark Esperm, former Defense Secretary James Mattis, and four others.  There's nothing surprising about AWS appealing the decision. and . So far, so...

February 11, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>In what may prove to be the biggest migration from Windows to the Linux desktop, the South Korean government is looking into shifting from Windows 7 to a trio of Linux desktops.With , some institutions are finally giving up on Windows entirely. The biggest of these may be the South Korean government. In May 2019, South Korea's Interior Ministry announced plans to look into . It must have liked what it saw. According to the Korean news site , the South Korean Ministry of Strategy and Planning has announced the government is exploring moving most of its approximately .  The...

February 11, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Passwords are a notorious security mess. The FIDO Alliance wants to replace them with better, more secure technology and now Apple is it them in this effort.We all use passwords. We also all suck at using them. 81% of all hacking-based . So, it is that the has been seeking to replace password-only logins with secure and fast login experiences across websites and apps using the emerging standard Their efforts have been supported by nearly all major technology and e-commerce companies with one major exception: Apple. Now, Apple has joined FIDO. " and companies have been trying to kill...

February 13, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>2038 is for Linux what Y2K was for mainframe and PC computing in 2000, but the fixes are underway to make sure all goes well when that fatal time rolls around.On 03:14:08 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, aka Coordinated Universal Time) January 19, 2038 (that's a Tuesday), the world ends. Well, not in the biblical Book of Revelations sense. But, what will happen is the value for time in 32-bit based Unix-based operating systems, like Linux and older versions of macOS, runs out of numbers and starts counting time with negative numbers. That's not good.  We can expect 32-bit computers...

February 17, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>I'll give you a hint, it's not Microsoft's Internet Explorer. And Firefox is declining into irrelevance.For ages, it was almost impossible to get hard data on which were the most popular web browsers. Sure, many companies claimed to have good information, such as and , but their numbers were massaged. The US federal government's , however, gives us a . While it doesn't tell us about global web browser use, it's the best information we have about American web browser users. And so, in early March 2020, we know that the top web browser for the last three months -- with 4.02 billion...

March 3, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Is coronavirus really that much worse than the flu? Yes, it is, and if the past is any guide, staying at home will help keep it from spreading.You can't get the news anywhere now without hearing about how left and right and companies, like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and many others are telling employees in the Seattle area to work from home. Is the coronavirus really that bad? Do all the shut-downs and community quarantines, when we don't use these for flu outbreaks, really make sense? Is this all hype and panic? The answers are: Yes, it really is that bad. Yes, staying away...

March 10, 2020
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Come on, Microsoft! Is it really that hard to update Windows 10 right?

Come on, Microsoft! Is it really that hard to update Windows 10 right?

Welcome! Here are the latest Insider stories.×CloseYesterday, on Patch Tuesday, as I was finishing up the column that follows lamenting the sorry state of Windows 10 patches and providing copious examples of things gone very wrong, a big, fat example landed in my lap (but happily not in my laptop). Word emerged that Microsoft had accidentally leaked news about a new , a.k.a. . The leak also said that this bug wasn’t patched in that day’s releases.I’ll get back to this latest outrage, but first, let’s review the past several months.I’ve written a lot about Microsoft’s Windows 10 patch...

March 11, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Many open-source projects are taking on the challenge of conquering COVID-19.In Linux and open-source circles, we're fond of saying we've changed the world. And, well, we have changed the world. But, now, we, along with everyone else, face a new challenge: Here are some of the open-source projects taking on the coronavirus. One of the biggest problems we face is how to plan and deal with the sheer number of patients that our hospitals will shortly have coming their way. This project, from the team at , is a tool that leverages , an epidemiological model, which computes the theoretical...

March 17, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>In the latest Red Hat Product Security Risk Report, Red Hat reveals how it addresses security concerns both for Linux and open-source software.historically has had the best record of all the Linux companies in finding and fixing Linux and open-source security bugs. Here's how the Raleigh, NC-based company does it. First, is in charge of both finding and fixing security holes. It doesn't do this alone. The team works with other Linux and open-source companies and developers. Security in the Linux world isn't done in secret, but with the full cooperation of all involved...

March 16, 2020
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Abby Kearns, the Cloud Foundry's executive director, is stepping down leaving the most popular Platform-as-a-Service clouds in the capable hands of its CTO Chip Childers.For over a decade, Abby Kearns has been the face of the popular open-source, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud, . First as the project manager for and then as the 's executive director. Now, Kearns' moving on to another executive position, and CTO Chip Childers has assumed her role as executive director. Childers brings vast experience with Cloud Foundry to the head chair. With five-years under his belt at Cloud...

April 8, 2020
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