Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Today, the fastest internet you can get at your home or small business is a gigabit per second (Gbps). Tomorrow, thanks to Comcast and Broadcom, you'll be able to get 10Gbps.I just upgraded my internet to 1Gbps this week using a cable modem. Believe it or not, I could use more. I do a lot with , and I run virtual machines (VM) off clouds and . I'm not alone. With so many of us working from home now, even a 1Gbps feels confining. Now, thanks to and , we're seeing the first tests of system-on-chip (SoC) devices.  Comcast's tests, done between Philadelphia and Denver, show that FDX...

April 24, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Some researchers tried to slip bad patches into the Linux kernel as a "test." When they kept trying, Greg Kroah-Hartman, the Linux kernel maintainer for the stable branch, put an end to their efforts.Thanks to the , have become an important issue. Naturally enough, there's a lot of research being done into these attacks. Two graduate students at the University of Minnesota working on a paper entitled, "" tried to put the vulnerability into the Linux kernel. This kind of is commonplace… when the project includes people who know what's going on beforehand. That wasn't the case here. When...

April 22, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>For the first time in history, we've flown an aircraft, the mini-helicopter Ingenuity, on another planet. Open-source software backed up its engineering.A small miracle happened at 3:31am ET on Monday morning. . This engineering feat was done with Linux, open-source software, and a NASA-built program based on the open-source (pronounced F prime) framework.At 11-light minutes from Earth, there was nothing easy about this. True, Mars has only a third of Earth's gravity, but Mars' atmosphere has only one-hundredth of the density of Earth's air.  Indeed, Ingenuity is purely a...

April 20, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Take a wild guess.I literally wrote the . Since then I've been keeping a close eye on web browsers, as our only choice was the WEB shell program. We've come a long way, but web browsers are still the primary way we connect with the endless fields of data, stories, and video that makes up the modern web. And, today, Google's Chrome is the way most of us work and play on the web.It's been really hard to get hard data on which were really the most popular web browsers. True, many companies claimed to have good information, such as and , but their . The US federal government's , however,...

April 15, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

Byfor| April 13, 2021 -- 15:44 GMT (08:44 PDT)| Topic:The Open Invention Network (OIN) defends the intellectual property (IP) rights of Linux and open-source software developers from patent trolls and the like. This is a global fight and now the OIN has a new, powerful allied member in China: . Inspur is a leading worldwide provider and China's leading data center infrastructure, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) server providers. While not a household name like Lenovo, Inspur ranks among the world's top-three server manufacturers.  As a leading server company,...

April 14, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Rare diseases kill millions, but because they don't make the headlines that coronavirus does, they're often ignored. Now, the Linux Foundation and the OpenTreatments Foundation are joining forces to create open-source gene therapies for rare genetic diseases.About a decade ago, I lost my lovely, barely teenage niece Sarah to a rare childhood brain cancer. When I first found out, I'd assumed there was surely some treatment that would give her a chance. There wasn't then, and there isn't now. It's still a death sentence.  She's far from alone. Many with no map or plan on how to even...

April 1, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Starting with Chrome 90, you'll automatically be directed to the secure version of any website. That's good, but it's not as good as you might believe.First, the good news. Starting with the mid-April release of Google's Chrome 90 web browser, with a Transport Layer Security (TLS). These are the sites that show a closed lock in the Chrome Omnibox, what most of us know as the Chrome address (URL) bar. The bad news is that just because a site is secured by HTTPS doesn't mean it's trustworthy.  A few years ago, WordFence, a well-regarded WordPress security company, found that...

March 27, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>Many open-source and free software people and organizations are upset that The Free Software Foundation has brought its founder, Richard M. Stallman, back to its board of directors.Richard M. Stallman (RMS) has always been a polarizing figure. There are people who love him and those that hate him. For example, RMS often clashed with Linus Torvalds. RMS has claimed that the . He also clashed with Eric S. Raymond, one of , and others over the . And, for many years, . The last finally caught up with him when RMS defended the behavior of the late Marvin Minsky, AI pioneer and associate of...

March 26, 2021
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News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

News and Advice on the World's Latest Innovations | ZDNET

/>The open-source licensing organization is investigating the hack and will then re-do the election.The 's recent board election was hacked. The organization will re-run the election once the voting process's vulnerability has been analyzed and fixed. Deb Nicholson, the OSI's interim general manager, wrote that a and had an impact on the outcome of the recent Board Election. That vulnerability has now been closed. OSI will engage an independent expert to do a forensic investigation to help us understand how this happened and put measures in place to keep it from ever happening again."...

March 25, 2021
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Come on, Microsoft! Is it really that hard to update Windows 10 right?

Come on, Microsoft! Is it really that hard to update Windows 10 right?

Welcome! Here are the latest Insider stories.×CloseYesterday, on Patch Tuesday, as I was finishing up the column that follows lamenting the sorry state of Windows 10 patches and providing copious examples of things gone very wrong, a big, fat example landed in my lap (but happily not in my laptop). Word emerged that Microsoft had accidentally leaked news about a new , a.k.a. . The leak also said that this bug wasn’t patched in that day’s releases.I’ll get back to this latest outrage, but first, let’s review the past several months.I’ve written a lot about Microsoft’s Windows 10 patch...

March 11, 2020

