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Introduction to Disability & Inclusion: Building an Inclusive Volunteer Program | Mass Mentoring Partnership

Introduction to Disability & Inclusion: Building an Inclusive Volunteer Program | Mass Mentoring Partnership

Did you know that one in four people in the U.S. has a disability at any point in time? Statistically speaking, if you serve more than four youth and/or work with more than four volunteers, you are working with people with disabilities in your program. Join Partners for Youth with Disabilities to learn about disability inclusion best practices, promising models, and available resources. Increase your confidence, knowledge and skills and be prepared to take the next step in your organization’s disability inclusion journey.   Kristin Humphrey, National Disability Mentoring Programs...

May 9
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Technical Assistance and Consultation Services | Mass Mentoring Partnership

Technical Assistance and Consultation Services | Mass Mentoring Partnership

Technical Assistance is one of the most effective methods for building the capacity of an organization because it taps into a wealth of knowledge and experience and is tailored to your needs. At Mass Mentoring Partnerships, we take into account everything that is unique about your program allowing us to provide the best solutions to help you grow confidently so you can best serve the youth in need in your community. Request technical assistance today! To access MMP’s Consultation and TA services, please complete this short application to share more about your program’s needs. A member of...

May 9
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How to Preserve Lean Muscle for Women Over 40

How to Preserve Lean Muscle for Women Over 40

I’ll share two specific resistance training methods to help you build and retain lean muscle mass. These techniques are research-based for women in the over 40 age group. Before I get into the methods, let’s do a quick run-through of estrogen and how it affects muscle. Estrogen plays a critical role in the function, appearance, and strength of muscle. As estrogen declines, our muscles are severely limited in their ability to regenerate (hang tight, I’ve got good news coming). The hormonal changes women experience lead to a gradual loss of muscle mass. Losing muscle mass means loss of...

April 22, 2022
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Eat the Cookie and Keep Fit too – 5 Tips to Manage your Weight during Summer Vacation

Eat the Cookie and Keep Fit too – 5 Tips to Manage your Weight during Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is a great time to destress, spend quality time with loved ones, and exchange more stringent routines with fun ones, like weddings, festivals, and road trips! It’s also a typical time to gain weight due to interruptions in our daily routines and an indulgent summer mindset. So many of the healthy habits we’ve established get thrown out the window! There’s no need for your vacation to totally derail your fitness gains. You can have your cookie and stay fit too! Keep one thing at the forefront – your health. Keep the feeling of ‘fit’ Alive! You know, that strength, energy, and...

July 5, 2022
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Keeping Mentally and Physically Fit as a Parent Working From Home

Keeping Mentally and Physically Fit as a Parent Working From Home

If this title resonates with you, I guess you’re in the same boat as I am. Parents, I see you. I hear you. I am you. And, we’re handling it all. Maybe you’re running your own home business or working remotely while balancing the school and work events, scheduling the doctor’s appointments for the kids, partner, and, let’s not forget the dog. And, between all these moving parts, still get in a healthy home-cooked dinner (at least that’s the intention right? some days you reach for the ready-made nuggets). It’s a delicate balance. Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. As an Amazon...

October 2, 2022
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Beat Sugar Cravings During the Holidays and Beyond

Beat Sugar Cravings During the Holidays and Beyond

We are in the thick of the holiday season, and sugar is rampant everywhere, leaving our sweet tooth at its mercy. This week alone, I’ve prepared several batches of cookies and have received an array of treat baskets. I’ve had to rely heavily on good habits I’ve instilled throughout the year. I want to share some of these strategies with you. You can survive the holiday sugar rush while enjoying yourself and making healthy choices for you and your family. First, let’s take a look at sugar in our modern-day lives. You might be addicted to sugar and not even realize it because it’s a daily...

December 24, 2022
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Revive Your Fitness Routine and Make it Last

Revive Your Fitness Routine and Make it Last

Has “non-springy” weather deflated your motivation? I can totally relate and I’m a fitness pro (#disciplineovermotivation). Time to shake off the grog of hibernation! For this post, I will share 5 simple strategies for a sustainable fitness routine – you know, one you’ll actually be excited about. Get started small and keep it simple so you won’t be easily discouraged or rack on injuries. Set realistic goals that align with your busy schedule. I know sometimes that initial excitement gets the best of us and we’re quick to overcommit. Commit, that’s all. Whether it’s a quick morning stretch...

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