Shirin Ghaffary
Shirin Ghaffary
Shirin Ghaffary is a reporter for Recode. Prior to that, she worked for BuzzFeed News and Elementum, an enterprise software startup, and interned for the Wall Street Journal and TechCrunch. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Shirin was raised in Silicon Valley next door to Apple headquarters, and attended UC Berkeley where she was executive news editor of the Daily Californian, the university paper.Source
Silicon Valley, CA
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Here’s how Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and 8chan handle white supremacist content

Here’s how Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and 8chan handle white supremacist content

In light of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, over the weekend, Recode reviewed how these platforms handle content that promotes violence and spreads hateful ideologies.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.In less than 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday, two mass shootings in , and , have . The back-to-back massacres are raising questions about the role of social media platforms in spreading content that promotes violence and white supremacist ideologies.Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have been slow to take action against white...

August 4, 2019
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Why Facebook failed its civil rights audit

Why Facebook failed its civil rights audit

The new, deeply critical report highlights the tension between free expression and hate speech on the social network.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Facebook has failed on civil rights.On Wednesday, after two years of work, the social media giant finally released the results of its , a wide-ranging report on the state of civil rights on Facebook, from hate speech to advertising to algorithmic bias. The auditors found that the company simply hasn’t done enough to combat hate and abuse on its platform.Following up on two previous updates in and ,...

July 9, 2020
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The controversy behind a star Google AI researcher’s departure

The controversy behind a star Google AI researcher’s departure

Timnit Gebru says she was pushed out of the company; now some are worried it will have a chilling effect on academics in tech.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Google’s workplace culture is yet again embroiled in controversy.AI ethics researcher Timnit Gebru — a well-respected pioneer in her field and one of the few Black women leaders in the industry — said earlier this week that after blocking the publication of her research around bias in AI systems. Days before Gebru’s departure, she sent a scathing internal memo to her colleagues detailing...

December 4, 2020
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The long-term consequences of Trump’s conspiracy theory campaign

The long-term consequences of Trump’s conspiracy theory campaign

Trump’s normalization of conspiracy theories could pose a lasting threat to our democracy.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Over the past few months, President Trump has by pushing a conspiracy theory that mail-in voting will lead to mass voter fraud.Never mind that mail-in ballot voter fraud rates have historically been , and Americans have voted by mail with very few problems . Trump has still baselessly called the election “rigged,” accused Democrats of trying to “steal” the election, and urged his followers to join an “army” of poll watchers...

November 2, 2020
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5 fact-checks from the Senate’s hearing on social media

5 fact-checks from the Senate’s hearing on social media

We took a closer look at the unproven claims lawmakers made about Facebook, Google, and Twitter.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Six days ahead of a historic presidential election whose outcome is expected to shape the and as to aid millions of unemployed Americans affected by the ongoing , the Senate talking about something else: how social media companies handle controversial speech on the internet.Wednesday’s hearing was supposed to focus on nuanced reforms to a — which shields tech companies from being sued for content users post on their...

October 28, 2020
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Leaked: Confidential Amazon memo reveals new software to track unions

Leaked: Confidential Amazon memo reveals new software to track unions

The new tool would also track other non-union threats to the company, like crime and weather.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Amazon has long , though much of its anti-union strategies have stayed under wraps. But a confidential Amazon internal memo viewed by Recode reveals how the company is making significant investments in technology to track and counter the threat of unionization.The 11-page document, dated February 2020, describes Amazon’s plans to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to better analyze and visualize data on unions around...

October 6, 2020
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Facebook took down a Trump post for the first time

Facebook took down a Trump post for the first time

Trump’s false claims about Covid-19 and children are harmful misinformation, according to Facebook’s policies.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Facebook has taken down a post by President Trump containing false statements about children’s susceptibility to . It’s the first time the company has enforced its rules that ban harmful speech on one of Trump’s posts.The post that Facebook removed is a Fox video clip in which Trump makes an incorrect statement, saying that children are “almost immune” to Covid-19. That isn’t true; children are not immune...

August 6, 2020
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Why Facebook and Twitter won’t fact-check Trump’s latest false claims about voting

Why Facebook and Twitter won’t fact-check Trump’s latest false claims about voting

Trump’s claims may be dangerous to US election integrity, but the companies say they don’t violate platform policies.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Twitter and Facebook are not fact-checking factually unsupported claims about mail-in voting in the 2020 election posted by President Trump on both platforms Wednesday. The inaction has angered some critics, who say these companies allow the spread of dangerous misinformation to go unchecked online, harming the integrity of the election as a whole.made the completely unsubstantiated assertion that...

July 30, 2020
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Civil rights leaders are still fed up with Facebook over hate speech

Civil rights leaders are still fed up with Facebook over hate speech

They say despite repeated promises over the years, Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t stopped “vitriolic hate” from spreading on the platform.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.Civil rights leaders are fed up with Facebook. They say the company still allows too much racist, hateful, and violent content to spread on its social media network — and that company executives gave PR “spin” rather than meaningful solutions in a meeting on Tuesday about these issues.In light of recent protests against racial injustice in the US, Facebook is facing a renewed reckoning...

July 7, 2020
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Facebook still won’t take down politicians’ misleading posts, but it’s trying to register 4 million new voters

Facebook still won’t take down politicians’ misleading posts, but it’s trying to register 4 million new voters

“We should trust voters to make judgments for themselves,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in response to critics.Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us.After deflecting criticism that it is not doing enough to stop the spread of political misinformation, Facebook says it’s expanding its efforts to get people to vote in the 2020 US presidential election.Starting in July and running through November, the company will begin reminding US users to register to vote with a message at the top of their Facebook and Instagram feeds. It will also point users to a new...

June 17, 2020
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