Scott Detrow
Scott Detrow
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Biden Formally Clinches Democratic Nomination, While Gaining Steam Against Trump

Biden Formally Clinches Democratic Nomination, While Gaining Steam Against Trump

Biden Wins Delegates Needed To Secure Democratic Nomination The candidate has started to reemerge on the campaign trail. His response to and the administration's handling of the coronavirus and protests over racial injustice seem to help him in the polls.Former Vice President Joe Biden has to win the Democratic Party's presidential nomination on the first ballot at the August convention, crossing the threshold of 1,991 delegates according to The Associated Press. The delegate count formalizes what has been clear since Biden took a commanding delegate lead in mid-March and Vermont Sen....

June 6, 2020
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Make America Great Again? No, Biden Says He'll "Build Back Better." : The NPR Politics Podcast

Make America Great Again? No, Biden Says He'll "Build Back Better." : The NPR Politics Podcast

Biden Economic Plan : The NPR Politics Podcast Joe Biden has received detailed policy proposals from the joint committees he formed with Bernie Sanders, part of an effort to bring progressives into his campaign's fold. But, with Biden up by double-digits over President Trump, progressive votes seem less essential to his path to victory. And, he's released a new economic policy plan he calls "Build Back Better," an explicit counter to President Trump's economical nationalism.This episode: White House correspondent Tamara Keith, and campaign correspondents Scott Detrow and Asma...

July 10, 2020
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Democratic Task Forces Deliver Biden A Blueprint For A Progressive Presidency

Democratic Task Forces Deliver Biden A Blueprint For A Progressive Presidency

Biden And Sanders Release Their Joint Policy Recommendations A joint effort by former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to unify Democrats around Biden's candidacy has produced its policy recommendations.Heard onToggle more optionsA joint effort by former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to unify Democrats around Biden's candidacy has produced a 110-page policy wish list to recommend to the party's presumptive presidential nominee. Throughout the Democratic primary, Biden stuck to a more moderate platform, while Sanders, Massachusetts Sen....

July 8, 2020
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President Trump Pushes To Open Paused Sports Leagues

President Trump Pushes To Open Paused Sports Leagues

President Trump Pushes To Open Paused Sports Leagues Trump has gone beyond the typical sports fan's laments. He's circled back, again and again, to the idea of resuming play.Toggle more optionsLast month, President Trump said something a lot of sports fans can relate to. "You get tired of looking at nine-year-old baseball games, and playoff games that took place 12 years ago," he said. With the NBA and NHL seasons suspended, and Major League Baseball hitting pause mid-spring training, fans initially flocked to the classic games that ESPN and other sports networks resorted to re-airing to...

May 16, 2020
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Bernie Sanders To Stay In The Race Despite Key Losses

Bernie Sanders To Stay In The Race Despite Key Losses

Bernie Sanders To Stay In The Race Despite Losses In a press conference, the Vermont senator acknowledged calls for him to drop his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination but said he plans to debate former Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday.Updated at 1:43 p.m. ET Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is planning to stay in the 2020 Democratic presidential race despite another disappointing primary night. Two weeks ago, Sanders was the unlikely front-runner for the nomination. Now former Vice President Joe Biden has consolidated support so rapidly, and won so many states, that Sanders is...

March 11, 2020
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Public Health Experts Worry About Trump's Shifts In Messaging

Public Health Experts Worry About Trump's Shifts In Messaging

Public Health Experts Worry About Trump's Shifts In Messaging A week ago, President Trump extended federal social distancing guidelines. But days later, he seemed more focused on the economic downside. The mixed messaging has public health experts concerned.Heard onToggle more optionsA week ago, President Trump extended federal social distancing guidelines. But days later, he seemed more focused on the economic downside. The mixed messaging has public health experts concerned.NOEL KING, HOST:A week ago, President Trump extended federal social distancing guidelines. Here's what he...

April 7, 2020
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Biden Tries To Show — Not Just Tell — The World It Can Trust The U.S. Again

Biden Tries To Show — Not Just Tell — The World It Can Trust The U.S. Again

Biden Tries To Show — Not Just Tell — The World It Can Trust The U.S. Again President Biden's virtual climate summit this week reflected a key theme of his first hundred days in the White House: reassuring American allies they can once again count on the U.S.Heard onToggle more optionsFor all of the statecraft that went into it, President Biden's virtual climate summit this week ultimately boiled down to one thing: the diplomatic version of a grand romantic gesture. Biden needed to prove that the United States was committed to its relationship with the global coalition fighting climate...

April 24, 2021
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Biden Makes New Pledge For U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A 50% Cut

Biden Makes New Pledge For U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A 50% Cut

Climate Summit: U.S. Aims For 50% Cut In Greenhouse Gas Emissions The president opened a climate summit by announcing that the United States will aim to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half, based on 2005 levels, by the end of the decade.President Biden opened a on climate change Thursday morning by announcing that the United States will aim to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half, based on 2005 levels, by the end of the decade. That aggressive 2030 goal, which the White House is framing as a "50-52 percent reduction," will be formalized in a document called a "nationally determined...

April 22, 2021
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White House Convenes Summit To Address Supply Shortage Crippling Auto Plants

White House Convenes Summit To Address Supply Shortage Crippling Auto Plants

Semiconductor Summit Held At White House Amid Shortages A lack of computer parts known as semiconductors threatens many industries, hitting automakers especially hard. The White House brought together executives from 19 companies to confront the issue.Heard onToggle more optionsPresident Biden, joined by top foreign and domestic policy advisers, met virtually with 19 CEOs Monday, as his administration tries to deal with a critical supply crunch that is slowing U.S. automobile manufacturing and threatens other sectors, including national security, according to experts. Biden, national...

April 12, 2021
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'He Thinks Division Helps Him': Biden Condemns Trump's Protest Response

'He Thinks Division Helps Him': Biden Condemns Trump's Protest Response

Joe Biden Condemns President Trump's Response To George Floyd Demonstrations Speaking in Philadelphia, the presumptive Democratic nominee says President Trump's actions show he "is more interested in power than in principle."Updated at 11:46 a.m. ET Former Vice President Joe Biden condemned both police violence and President Trump's increasingly confrontational response to widespread unrest in a Tuesday morning speech delivered at Philadelphia City Hall. "When peaceful protesters are dispersed by the order of the president from the doorstep of the people's house, the White House — using...

June 2, 2020
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