Franco Ordoñez
Franco Ordoñez
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Social Distancing Is Evident As Pence Travels To Colorado

Social Distancing Is Evident As Pence Travels To Colorado

Social Distancing Is Evident As Pence Travels To Colorado We travel with Vice President Mike Pence to Colorado to see how social distancing changed a military college graduation. He gave Saturday's commencement address at the Air Force Academy.Heard onToggle more optionsWe travel with Vice President Mike Pence to Colorado to see how social distancing changed a military college graduation. He gave Saturday's commencement address at the Air Force Academy.NOEL KING, HOST:The White House has been adamant that things need to get back to normal. And so this weekend, Vice President Mike Pence went...

April 20, 2020
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Exclusive: CDC Won't Release School Guidance This Week As Anticipated

Exclusive: CDC Won't Release School Guidance This Week As Anticipated

CDC School Guidance Won't Be Released This Week, NPR Has Learned : Coronavirus Updates Instead, a full set of documents will be published before the end of the month, a CDC spokesperson says.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will not release a set of documents this week aimed at giving schools advice on how to reopen to students after coronavirus shutdowns, NPR has learned. Instead, the full set will be published before the end of the month, a CDC spokesperson says. "These science and evidence-based resources and tools will provide additional information for administrators,...

July 16, 2020
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White House Rejected 'Overly Prescriptive' CDC Guidance For Reopening Communities

White House Rejected 'Overly Prescriptive' CDC Guidance For Reopening Communities

Trump Task Force Said CDC Rules For Reopening Were Too Rigid The CDC developed detailed rules for child care centers, schools, camps, restaurants, churches and mass transit. The White House coronavirus task force said the draft guidance went too far.The White House coronavirus task force rejected detailed guidance drafted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on how workplaces ranging from schools to bars to churches should resume operations to prevent the spread of the virus because it was viewed as "overly prescriptive." President Trump has said he wants to see the country...

May 7, 2020
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Ex-Officials Call For $46 Billion For Tracing, Isolating In Next Coronavirus Package

Ex-Officials Call For $46 Billion For Tracing, Isolating In Next Coronavirus Package

Slavitt, Gottlieb Seek Money For Contact Tracing, Self-Isolation Leading former federal health officials Andy Slavitt and Scott Gottlieb are leading a call for $46 billion for specific measures in a next coronavirus aid package to safely reopen the economy.Two leading former federal health officials who served in recent Republican and Democratic administrations are spearheading a call for a $46 billion public health investment in a future coronavirus aid package in order to safely reopen the economy. Andy Slavitt, former director of Medicare and Medicaid in the Obama administration, and...

April 27, 2020
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Trump Says He'll Suspend Immigration For 60 Days Over Coronavirus Fears

Trump Says He'll Suspend Immigration For 60 Days Over Coronavirus Fears

Trump To 'Temporarily Suspend Immigration' Over COVID-19 Fears President Trump said he plans to "temporarily suspend immigration into the United States," in an attempt to protect American workers from the coronavirus' economic toll.Updated at 6:47 p.m. ET President Trump said he plans to "temporarily suspend immigration into the United States," in an attempt to protect American workers from the coronavirus' economic toll. Trump first announced his proposal in a late-night tweet Monday, then added details at the White House coronavirus on Tuesday.He said he plans to suspend immigration for...

April 21, 2020
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White House Seeks To Lower Farmworker Pay To Help Agriculture Industry

White House Seeks To Lower Farmworker Pay To Help Agriculture Industry

White House Seeks To Lower Farmworker Pay To Help Agriculture Industry White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is working with Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to see how wage rates for immigrant farmworkers can be reduced. Critics say doing so will hurt all workers.New White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is working with Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to see how to reduce wage rates for foreign guest workers on American farms, in order to help U.S. farmers struggling during the coronavirus, according to U.S. officials and sources familiar with the plans. Opponents of the plan...

April 10, 2020
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Pence Heads To Washington State As Coronavirus Death Toll Rises

Pence Heads To Washington State As Coronavirus Death Toll Rises

Pence To Visit Washington State As Coronavirus Death Toll Rises Vice President Pence will travel to the state hit hardest by coronavirus. "I want to assure the people ... that we're with them," Pence said.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated at 7 p.m. ET Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Olympia, Wash., on Thursday to meet with the governor and health officials and express support for the region that has been hit hardest by coronavirus. "By being there on the ground, I want to assure the people of Washington State, people of California, people that are in the communities that are being...

March 7, 2020
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Trump And His Campaign Amplify Untrue 'Birther' Conspiracy Against Kamala Harris

Trump And His Campaign Amplify Untrue 'Birther' Conspiracy Against Kamala Harris

Trump Amplifies Untrue Kamala Harris 'Birther' Conspiracy President Trump stokes an untrue conspiracy theory being promoted by supporters that Sen. Kamala Harris is not eligible for the vice presidency.Updated at 8:15 p.m. ET President Trump stoked an untrue conspiracy theory being promoted by supporters — and his campaign — that Sen. Kamala Harris of California is not eligible for the vice presidency. The Democrat was born in California and therefore qualifies for the job. Trump, who led a "birther" conspiracy movement against former President Barack Obama, told reporters Thursday that he...

August 13, 2020
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Trump Redirects Foreign Aid Agency To Work On Pandemic. Congress Has Questions

Trump Redirects Foreign Aid Agency To Work On Pandemic. Congress Has Questions

Congress Wants Review Of Foreign Aid Agency's Work On Pandemic President Trump gave a foreign investment agency an unusual task: Give loans to domestic companies to help refill the depleted U.S. medical stockpile. House appropriators want an independent review.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated at 10:30 a.m. ET The renewed surge in coronavirus cases has left some states once again scrambling to find supplies of masks, gowns, gloves and other medical supplies. The shortages have drawn attention to President Trump's plan to help rebuild the national stockpile of these supplies — a plan that...

July 17, 2020
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Bolton: Trump And China's Xi Talked 'Frequently' About Trump's Reelection

Bolton: Trump And China's Xi Talked 'Frequently' About Trump's Reelection

John Bolton On Donald Trump, China And Whom He's Voting For Former national security adviser John Bolton is promoting a new book in which he accuses President Trump of being uninformed and almost solely focused on his own reelection.Heard onToggle more optionsPresident Trump and his Chinese counterpart spoke about Trump's reelection prospects "frequently," former national security adviser John Bolton told NPR. According to Bolton, Chinese President Xi Jinping lamented that Trump couldn't run for a potential third term, to which Trump "said yes," Bolton recounted. "I just thought this kind...

June 22, 2020
